Flex 4 Mobile Alert Issue - apache-flex

Anyone knows knows why an alert with an ip address is generated in my mobile app when I build to Android. I'm calling web services and thought that could be the issue. I don't have the alert in my code anywhere. Also, I played around with the permissions for Android to see if that was the issue. The alerts just popup randomly.

I figured it out. Your handset has to be on the same network as your development computer when running in debug mode.

Disable network monitor of flash builder and build the application again.


All applications are terminated by iOS 12 when iPhone is charging

I am facing an issue where iOS is terminating all the apps which are in background after the phone is connected for charging (this is only happening on iOS 12+). This does not happen always but happens once in a while. I have also verified that it's not just my app but all apps are killed. If anyone has faced similar issue or knows how to fix this then it would be a great help.
Also this has been reported my by group of testers so its not a device specific issue.
Note : My application is a background location application which is running always.

Web page to access bluetooth device

I have made an asp.net application designed to manage and optimize warehouse statistics info. The user had to collect and enter all the info manually so I thought it would be way better to get use of some bar code devices that uses bluetooth for communications to get that info on an automated process.
So I developed an Internet explorer extension that managed the page requests for the bluetooth device and made posts inside a control container with the data.
The fact is that this extension gives me plenty of problems, having to redo the pairing of the devices every now and then as it looses it's functionality after some unknown event. I don't know if it has to do with windows updates or accounts management and rights.
Does anyone knows an alternative, that would be more stable? Perhaps with Java?
Cross-browser would be a plus. In fact I'm headed at mobile devices using android. For the moment, only windows tablets are compatible.
if you are targeting windows tablets, why not using HTML5+Phonegap. This might help.

Testing web site with blackberry curve

I'm developing an asp.net web site to work on mobile devices. Is going ok and works fine with android and iphone. I've no got around to testing it with blackberry in my balcberry curve. When i first tried everything looked good b ut then i noticed that some od the autopost back on dropdowns etc did not work. Some research time later i turn out out that by default that blackberries do not support this and that I need a Blackberr.browser file to allow that type of functionality to work. I following this link...
After doing this my blakberry will not load the site at all, i just get connection timeouts. So i tried removing the blackberry.browser file, read loading the assembley in an attempt to get back to where is was, but still the site will not connect. I've refreshed iis, recycled app pools and even rebooted. I have a QA site on another box that the blackberry will connect to, but my development machine it does not like anymore:-(.
Any one got any ideas in what is going on?
Thanks for any help.
I have also suffered with the pain of developing (actually optimizing) websites for BlackBerry and Symbian, and I understand your suffering.
As you're using BlackBerry Curve, I suppose you're using a MDS server simulator on your development machine to let the BlackBerry Emulator connect to Internet.
Although I am not sure if you're even using a simulator.
I also have come across some simulators which just won't connect to the Internet no matter how hard you try with MDS server and all.
I hope you're not stuck with any issue related to the above said things mate.
Are you trying to connect your localhost with your BB?

Flashplayer processes not closing when testing in flex / flashbuilder

Having this new problem with flash builder where I run a debug flashplayer, close out the flash and it doesn't always kill the process. Sometimes it does sometimes it doesn't, leaving me, after a while, having 10 or more flashplayer tabs on windows still open. I try to close them using the task manager with no luck.
This hasn't always happened, anyone experience this as well or know how to fix it?
Browser projects or Adobe AIR Projects? I've never seen this in Web projects. But, in Adobe AIR projects, when this occurs I usually can't launch a new debug session until I force quit.
I browser based, does your browser close when you terminate the debug session? If not, try to shut down the browser manually before launching a new debug session.
I'm sorry I don't have specific answers. I you expand on your Operating System, browser choice, and version of Flash Player it may help others.

Web browser lock-down: How to?

I have an ASP.NET web application where a portion of it needs to run in a web browser as a public facing terminal.
Essentially it is used to capture anonymous user feedback (wizard control on a .aspx) in a commercial location such as a shop.
An administrator will login and prep the application for 'terminal' mode.
The terminal is a normal PC with keyboard and/or mouse like device.
I would like to prevent users from:
Viewing the browser menu's, pushing back button and/or entering a different URI in the URL and also disallow keyboard shortcuts from bypassing the intended looping functionality of the application that is running?
Which browser is best suited for its ability to disable functionality as mentioned? The app runs on IE/FF/Chrome/Opera/Safari.
HOW would one go about configuring the machine and/or browser so it is locked to prevent unauthorized/unintended use?
On a side note, I guess the web application session needs to have an unlimited timeout?
Thanks for your input!
EDITED: I am leaving the question as unanswered for now... I would like to see responses that highlight possible options for the other browsers as well.
You can run Internet Explorer in Kiosk mode.
Please see this MS KB article.
Simply put, start Internet Explorer with the -k argument
There seems to be some commercial products available also, like this.
Try How to use Kiosk Mode in Microsoft Internet Explorer
Also, there are many Kiosk tools to assist in locking down a machine. Example: http://www.thekioskstore.com/index.php/software/kiosk-lock-down
Firefox has at least two plugins (and possibly many more):
It is also possible to lock down KDE and GNOME (GNOME at least has a built in tool), which you can also use to lock down the rest of the system. I suggest installing Ubuntu if the web app is running on another system.
If you have to use MS Windows, check out: http://www.microsoft.com/windows/products/winfamily/sharedaccess/seeit/internetcafe.mspx.
You can use an opensource Linux distribution designed for this very purpose, http://webconverger.com/
