Putting a Border Around Floating Elements - css

Say I have something like the following code, where I want to display some text between two images that I am floating left and right.
<img src="testImage1.png" alt="Test Image 1" style="float:right;" />
<img src="testImage2.png" alt="Test Image 2" style="float:left;" />
<p>Test Text</p>
I want to add a border around the two images and the text. I tried putting a <div> around all 3 of the above tags and using style="border:2px black solid;". While this adds a border, it seems to not take the images into account. That is, we get something like the following (using StackOverflow and Google logos).
I am guessing this is happening because the floating elements are not being considered as part of the <div>. I am a software developer, not a web developer, so I am no expert in CSS. But I do think I recall that floating elements are kind of "ignored" in a way. Can anyone give a detailed description of what is going on and how to fix it?

Adding an overflow in this case with a value of hidden or auto remedies the issue.
Check the fiddle below:
Clearing floats the overflow way

In CSS, floated elements do not add height to a parent by default.
The solution is simply to set overflow: hidden.
<div style="border: 2px solid black; overflow: hidden;"
<img src="testImage1.png" alt="Test Image 1" style="float:right;" />
<img src="testImage2.png" alt="Test Image 2" style="float:left;" />
<p>Test Text</p>
fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/JNets/

Add this line to your CSS properties:
overflow: hidden


align img, span, and div with bottom border

I have an image, single character in a span (equal sign), and then a div where child elements are added/replaced via js.
However, I can't for the life of me figure out how to get it all aligned properly (fear I'm over thinking and complicating it.)
I'm using bootstrap's grid (row/col) system as well.
Something akin to...
<div class="container">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-lg-2 col-offset-lg-1">
<div class="response-part">
<img src="foo" />
<span class="opensans">=</span>
<div id="rp1" class="opensans inline" style="width: 50px;">
<div class="col-lg-2">
<div class="response-part">
<img src="foo" />
<span class="opensans">=</span>
<div id="rp2" class="opensans inline" style="width: 50px;">
<span class="opensans">X</span>
See jsfiddle
Wanting image centered middle along equal sign (vertical-align) as well as span within neighboring div (and the text in that span appearing just a few pixels off the bottom line.)
I saw this but none of the solutions are addressing the problem for me (I can only guess it is because of the third element and font, etc.)
UPDATE1: Edited sample html to correctly reflect the scenario in which the response-part.div is empty (initial state, possible transition state as user interacts with the page.) Updated fiddle
UPDATE2: I "fixed" the issue occurring with no child elements by adding an initial element in the initial html for the response-part, and then adding one back in when the user removes all other elements. A bit hackish, would appreciate a fix that didn't involve this workaround if possible. Updated fiddle
PS: I initially considered using bootstrap v4 (with flexbox support) but it is still alpha. Alternatively, I also looked into using FlexboxGrid, however I still need bootstrap for other features and FlexboxGrid uses similar classes ("row", etc) as bootstrap, which I assumed would cause name conflicts (if I included both in my project, eg: which "row" class would be used!)
Try using display: flex; on your response-part class. Something like this:
.response-part {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
I edited your fiddle. Take a look on it: https://jsfiddle.net/gusLnyyh/6/

How to use inline css styling (style="vertical-alignment:middle;") in html5 <img> or <iframe> tags

**Note all <> tags have been removed to allow code to display
i have been playing around with this for hours and am not really getting it to work without using a workaround at the design end of things (ie Corel draw)
*Before i go any further,
First, website URL is AdventistAviation.com.au
Second, can i just say...i know this can be done with style sheets...however, in this case...i am not doing it that way!!! (so please dont bother pestering me with that option unless there is absolutely no way the method below can work)
Third, a workaround to my problem below, is to create the image already centered in its own background (the same size as the logo next to it) then import it (this is a bad idea because if in the future someone changes the main header background to a different color other than white...its gonna look awful!)
First i add the image (this works no problem)
However because the Logo on the left in the avada theme is approx 250×250 square, Tagline text is no longer centered in the header (as you can imagine comparing above with logo below)
I am using the themeforest AVADA Theme. In theme options>Banner Code For Header #4…
I would like to add the following inline css styling in an iframe for example, to vertically centre the Tagline (ie bring it down level with the middle of the logo)
style="vertical-align: middle;"
<iframe src="http://image_URL.png" style=”vertical:align: middle;” width="200" height="200"></iframe>
This doesnt seem to do anything different to the method in 1.
<div style="vertical-align: middle;"><iframe src="http://image_URL.png" width="200" height="200"></iframe></div>
I was hoping that if i place the iframe inside a tag containing the styling i might achieve my goal...alas it still doesnt work.
I have got to the point where my head is so full of nonworking methods i cant progress further.
Can someone help with this one?
p.s i have tried to find some inline css styling tutorials (specifically about vertical alignment styling) for the tag in html 5 without any luck.
damn w3c for depreciating the html vertical alignment method in html5!
# adam:
A simple solution is to change this code:
<div id="header-banner">
<div style="vertical-align: middle;" height="170" width="500">
<img src="https://googledrive.com/host/...etc..." width="400" height="200">
To just this:
<div id="header-banner" style="margin-top: 70px;">
<img src="https://googledrive.com/host/...." width="400" height="200">
There's no good reason to use inline styles for this, but anyhow, I've edited a chunk of your HTML with inline styles that will get what I think you want:
<div class="avada-row" style="margin-top:0px;margin-bottom:0px; display: table; width: 100%">
<div class="logo" style="display: table-cell;margin-right:0px;margin-top:0px;margin-left:0px;margin-bottom:0px; vertical-align: middle;">
<a href="http://adventistaviation.com.au">
<img src="http://adventistaviation.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/AAA-QLD-LogoType5_outlinedSQC1-e1398740621697.jpg" alt="Adventist Aviation Association" class="normal_logo">
<div id="header-banner" style="display: table-cell; vertical-align: middle; float: none; text-align: right;">
<div style="/* vertical-align: middle; */" height="170" width="500">
<img src="https://googledrive.com/host/0B7IkcUtUKfX8SkpLS1NuTlR4cDA/AAA_Tagline.png" width="400" height="200">

CSS Position: give space

JSFiddle Example code: http://jsfiddle.net/SUMPq/8/
I have some text on a container, the code is at the top of the HTML, near the body:
<div id="container">
<div id="title_content">
<h1>Heading TAG</h1><br />
<p>SOME TEXT<br />SOME TEXT<br /></p>
<div id="spacebox"></div>
Then with CSS positioning i display the content at other part of the page:
The problem is that the content of the h1 tag is dynamic and sometimes it can be only one line and sometimes two or more, and in these cases the space box can be too large or too small. How can i handle this spacebox to be dynamic in height depending on the text contained?
CSS space box
just remove height:0; from #container
and give height:auto to #spacebox

Prevent floated image from clearing <p> in ie6

I am making a WYSIWYG webpage editor: http://brokenmyriad.com/editor2.php, however I have come across a problem when trying to add image functionality.
Note: the image is not inside a contenteditable element, but is just a normal floated image.
The problem can be recreated by clicking into either the paragraph or the heading and the clicking the insert image button on the toolar (the far right button). (on the above linked page).
In standards based browsers it works as expected, and the heading and the paragraph are both to the right of the image, however in ie6 the paragraph is under the floated image like in this picture: http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=2mfcfo8&s=3
My simplified code structure is as follows:
<img style='float:left'>
<h1>Click here to edit!</h1>
<p>Click here to edit!</p>
What I want is for the <p> element to be alongside the floated image, and under the <h1> element as it is in standards based browsers.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Why is the paragraph in a separate div? Wouldn't the following work:
<img style='float:left'>
<h1>Click here to edit!</h1>
<p>Click here to edit!</p>
If you must have the divs, then the second one needs to be nested
<div style="float: left;">
<img style='float:left'>
<h1>Click here to edit!</h1>
<div style="float: left;">
<p>Click here to edit!</p>
Your second div should be floated left:
<img style='float:left'>
<h1>Click here to edit!</h1>
<div style="float:left;">
<p>Click here to edit!</p>
It turned out that the elements had width:100% on them, which was causing the error.

What is the difference between Float:left vs Display:inline? While every element in browser goes to left by default

What is the differences between Float vs Display:inline? by default everything goes to left side in every browser. then 2 display inlined elements should be worked same like float:left.
display:inline means a element is will "stack" next to other items, like images, spans or the bold tag. This is opposed by block level elements (display:block) which take up horizontal space, imply a line break, and will not sit next to one another, like divs, paragraphs, or tables.
Think of it this way...
<img /><img /><img />
<div />
<div />
<div />
float is a different notion altogether, moving content either left or right. By default, a floated element is inline, and floated elements will stack up next to one another.
All of these types of elements are part of the normal document flow, meaning they take up "space" in the design that cannot be shared.
There are two types of formatting: block level and inline. The block level formatting is done with a box model that uses a set of rules for layout.
Inline formatting is what text normally gets. It means, informally, that things are filled into lines.
At times, you want to change the default formatting an item will get. Something that normally might be block level formatted you might want to have treated as inline. A div containing content such as graphic of a key, for example, might need to be displayed within a sentence. One might then override its formatting with display:inline. Images are already displayed "Inline"
The CSS specification has a surprisingly simple definition for floats:
A float is a box that is shifted to
the left or right on the current line.
The most interesting characteristic of
a float (or "floated" or "floating"
box) is that content may flow along
its side
So a float is a sort of third category of formatting model. It relates to inline as being, informally put, a layout model.
Although it's too late to answer, but one of the major differences that I can mentioned here is about: Clear
In float elements you should Clear your floats but in inline elements no clearing is required.
You can see a live example here: http://jsfiddle.net/K9PXF/
And this a great article about floats and clearing: http://css-tricks.com/all-about-floats/
Every browser has a "flow". The flow sort of emulates a word processor in that elements flow from left to right, top to bottom. Elements that do not fit at the end of a "line", wrap to the next "line", so to speak.
Block elements take up the full line. Inline elements only take up as much space as they need, so other elements can sit next to them on the same line. Unless there is a width declared, that doesn't happen with block elements.
Floating an element takes the elements out of the normal flow and shifts it to the left/right. The space that the object occupied before it was floated is empty, and collapses.
If I float two elements that take up more space than the line can hold, one may fall to the next "line".
#Jitendra - displaying two spans inline will put them together in the flow, yes. Floating two elements that do not take up the space of the full line will appear to do the same thing. They definitely have different uses, though.
If I wanted to have text flow around an image in a paragraph, I would float the image not use display:inline. If I wanted to create a horizontal menu from list item elements, I would use display:inline, not float.
I always remember what floating is by remembering the original <img align="left" /> which acts very similar to float:left. Basically float, floats the image to the left and wraps the text or other content around it. Without float it would display as a piece of text.
Float works similar to other document tools where you can have the text wrap around the image (or HTML element).
display: inline means that the element acts like a <span> instead of a <div>: i.e. it is not a block.
Elements that are floated are not in the normal flow of the document. Here is a good description.
Try this code. If you can't see the difference then I can't help you.
<style type="text/css">
p.inlinel {display:inline; width: 4em;}
p.inliner {display:inline; width: 4em; text-align: right;}
p.floatl {width: 4em; float:left;}
p.floatr {width: 4em; float: right;}
<p class='inlinel'>The is an inline paragraph with lots of words.</p>
<p class='inliner'>The is an inline paragraph with lots of words.</p>
<p class='floatl'>The is a left floated paragraph with lots of words.</p>
<p class='floatr'>The is a right floated paragraph with lots of words.</p>
The normal workflow of a browser is to display the elements from the left to the right, each near the other (if inline elements) ... when a line ends because of the size of the web page, the browser starts again to display the elements from the left to the right but on the next line.
A "float" directive, on an element, forces the browser to display the element out of the normal workflow, on the top-left or the top-right side of the webpage.
The "display inline" directive forces the block elements to be displayed inline, so the browser manage these elements as explain above!
IN RESPONSE TO YOUR QUESTION: No! As I've written: the float:left force any element (block or not block), placed on any line of a web page, to be floated on the left side of the web page ... even if the text aligning is set to "right"!
If the text align is set to left, applying a float:left seams that nothing happens ... instead even in that case the element is forced to go out of the normal workflow of the browser, in fact, usually, the margin left is reseted!
The display:inline doesn't affects the inline elements ... if the text align (of the elements' container) is set to "right", a display:inline doesn't float it on the left (notice, I'm referring to inline elements)... because the "display:inline" says to the browser only to display an element in the same line of the normal workflow ... so, if an element is inline (for example a link element), this property doesn't change its behavior!
So, the "display:inline" affects only the "block" elements! But even in this case, it doesn't float left the block element, but it force the element only to be displayed in the same line of the other inline elements!
ABOUT YOUR EXAMPLE: The div(s) are block elements, the normal workflow is not inline ... so the browser, by default, shows them one below the other, like in this example:
<div class="purple" style="float:left">Link one</div>
<div class="purple">Link two</div>
<div class="purple">Link three</div>
<div class="purple">Link four</div>
even if you apply a float:left to the first div, seams that nothing happens only why it is already on the top-left corner ... where should it go otherwise!!!???
The second example ...
<div class="red" style="float:left">Link one</div>
<div class="red" style="float:left">Link two</div>
<div class="red" style="float:left">Link three</div>
<div class="red" style="float:left">Link four</div>
When you apply a float:left to adjacent div(s), force the browser to display them out of the normal workflow (As I sad, block elements appears, by default, one below each other!), floating the div(s) on the left side ... in this case one near each other. Notice that as I sad the margin are reseted ... because the div(s) are not on a ordinary line of the browser, but are only floated on the left ... again, out of the normal workflow!
In fact, the next example confirm what I sad in theory ... the display:inline force the browser to display block elements (div) on the same line respecting their default margin and padding:
<div class="brown" style="display:inline">Link one</div>
<div class="brown" style="display:inline">Link two</div>
<div class="brown" style="display:inline">Link three</div>
But the display:inline doesn't force elements to float on the left but only to be managed as inline elements, to clarify this concept look at the big difference between the two example below!
<div style="width:800px; text-align: right;">
<div class="brown" style="display:inline">Link one</div>
<div class="brown" style="display:inline">Link two</div>
<div class="brown" style="display:inline">Link three</div>
<div class="brown" style="display:inline">Link four</div>
<div style="width:800px; text-align: right;">
<div class="brown" style="float:left">Link one</div>
<div class="brown" style="float:left">Link two</div>
<div class="brown" style="float:left">Link three</div>
<div class="brown" style="float:left">Link four</div>
ABOUT THE WIDTH: the display:inline applied on a block element without a fixed width, it force the width to collapse to the minimum value (width of the content + padding), because this is the normal behavior of an inline element.
The div element, by default, has a width of 100% ... so, when you apply a float:left the width is still set to 100% but the floating on the left force the browser to manage and display its width in an unordinary way! In this case there isn't a general rule, each element has a different behavior!
Go to w3schools and try this in their editor (because the image links are entirely theirs, or you can replace the image src from your image source urls)
Then resize the windows.
What you will notice is.. That in case of display:inline, the text will split into words and some words of the text will appear in the next line. Though in the case of float:left the whole text will be displayed together as an element and will not split.
The purpose of inline is just to display everything in a LINE, though the purpose of float is to arrange ELEMENTS aligning to some dimension.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<h3>Image Gallery</h3>
<br>Below are the inline elements<br>
<img class="thumbnail" src="klematis_small.jpg" width="107" height="90">
<img class="thumbnail" src="klematis2_small.jpg" width="107" height="80">
<img class="thumbnail" src="klematis3_small.jpg" width="116" height="90">
<img class="thumbnail" src="klematis4_small.jpg" width="120" height="90">
<p class="thumbnail">Try resizing the window to see what happens when the images does not have enough room.</p>
<img class="thumbnail" src="klematis_small.jpg" width="107" height="90">
<img class="thumbnail" src="klematis2_small.jpg" width="107" height="80">
<img class="thumbnail" src="klematis3_small.jpg" width="116" height="90">
<img class="thumbnail" src="klematis4_small.jpg" width="120" height="90">
<br><br>Below is the floating elements<br><br>
<img class="thumb" src="klematis_small.jpg" width="107" height="90">
<img class="thumb" src="klematis2_small.jpg" width="107" height="80">
<img class="thumb" src="klematis3_small.jpg" width="116" height="90">
<img class="thumb" src="klematis4_small.jpg" width="120" height="90">
<p class="thumb">Try resizing the window to see what happens when the images does not have enough room.</p>
<img class="thumb" src="klematis_small.jpg" width="107" height="90">
<img class="thumb" src="klematis2_small.jpg" width="107" height="80">
<img class="thumb" src="klematis3_small.jpg" width="116" height="90">
<img class="thumb" src="klematis4_small.jpg" width="120" height="90">
