Check if submit IMAGE was clicked via Request.Form -

How do I check if a submit IMAGE was clicked via Request.Form?
The following checks if a submit BUTTON was clicked via Request.Form by returning the value of the submit button if clicked:
<form action="Default.aspx" runat="server" method="post" id="newform">
<input type="submit" id="submit" value="Submit!" runat="server" />
if (Request.Form["submit"] != null) //TRUE
Response.Write("Submit button pushed");
Response.Write(Request.Form["submit"]); //Returns "Submit!"
The following checks if a submit IMAGE was clicked via Request.Form, but it DOESN'T return any value after the image was clicked:
<form action="Default.aspx" runat="server" method="post" id="newform">
<input type="image" id="subimg" src="solar_image.gif" alt="Can't show image" value="Submit Image!" runat="server"/>
if (Request.Form["subimg"] != null) //FALSE
Response.Write("Image Submit button clicked!");
Response.Write(Request.Form["subimg"]); //Doesn't return "Submit Image!"

The above code works for me in IE 9 and Chrome. Only way I can replicate is when using the Firefox as a browser.
This link sheds more light on the issues Firefox 4.0 beta — as well as IE and Opera — do not send name/value for input type=”image”; only .x and .y coordinates are sent.
The following check works in every browser I've tested:
//Checking both x and y co-ordinates to be doubly safe
Request.Form["subimg.x"] != null && Request.Form["subimg.y"] != null

According to the MDN documentation:
"Gecko 2.0 only sends x and y coordinates when clicked, not longer the
name/value of the element"
Try printing out Request.Form. If there's x and y in the response, you can detect that an image was clicked that way instead.


How to prevent double submission in magnolia form

I tried to add a handler to Submit button
<input type="submit" value="Submit/ Soumettre" onclick='submitform(); this.disabled = true;'>
function submitform()
let myForm = document.getElementById('MyForm');
but that kills all input field validators (in my case email field validator).
Magnolia should have something for such a common use-case.
Clarification: Model class attached to "Page after submit" perform time-consuming request to service. So the user doesn't see a new page and can click submit button several times.
Instead of attaching handler on submit button I put handler on form.onsubmit
<div id='shadow' style="display: none; position: absolute; width:100%;height:100%;opacity:0.3;z-index:100;background:#000"></div>
<form id="MyForm" method="post" action="" enctype="multipart/form-data" onsubmit="blockScreen()"> ... </form>
function blockScreen(){
let elem = document.getElementById('shadow'); = 'block';
elem.addEventListener('click', function(){}, false);
That shadow blocks the screen and activated only when all validators are completed

Form Submission on Enter Press

I have a form in my ASP .NET project that takes the users input, and appends it to a URL to search a wiki. The form works perfectly when you enter in a search term, and click the 'search' button, however when you type into the input box and hit enter, the page refreshes and the box clears.
my html
<label id="sideBarLabel"> Services
<input type="text" placeholder="Search Wiki: e.g. E911" name="queryString" id="query-string" />
Search Wiki
my js
function searchWiki(){
var siteQuery = $('#query-string').val();
window.location.href = "/dosearchsite.action?queryString=" + siteQuery;
Can anyone help ?
Your searchWiki() js method is only called when the evenement onclick is raised on your button, but not when your form is submitted.
There is several ways to achieve what you want:
Add a js method to catch the onsubmit event of your form:
$("form").on("submit", searchWiki());
Or add a tag on your form:
<form onsubmit="searchWiki()">
Or specify the action attribute on your form:
<form action="/dosearchsite.action">
Note that in ASP.NET, the ModelBinder will link your form inputs to your controller action parameters, using the name attribute of the inputs. That means that you should not specify them in the url yourself.
You should also declare your form using Html.BeginForm or Ajax.BeginForm if you want your form to be submitted by ajax.
#Html.BeginForm("ActionName", "ControllerName")
<label id="sideBarLabel">Services
<input type="text" placeholder="Search Wiki: e.g. E911" name="queryString" id="query-string" />
<input type="submit" class="button" value="Search Wiki"/>
This will call searchWiki when you press enter.
$('#query-string').keypress(function(event) {
if (event.keyCode == 13) {

ASP - Disable a button to prevent user from clicking twice

I am working on an ASP website. I want to disable a button after the user clicks the button.
If the users click the button twice by mistake, the DetailsPage.ASP is executed twice and duplicate entries are inserted into Database.
How to disable a button in ASP code to prevent the users from clicking twice?
Page1: Mainpage.asp page
<form action="DetailsPage.asp" method="POST">
<input type="Submit" name="Submitbutton" value="Update Details">
How to prevent the users from clicking the button twice or alert them if they try to click second time?
Another other suggestions to handle this type of scenario will be helpful.
Thanks in advance.
<% dim disabled
If request.form("Submitbutton") <> "" Then
disabled = " disabled"
End If %>
Then code your button like this
<input type="Submit" name="Submitbutton" value="Update Details" <%=disabled%>>
Add a handler for the form in JavaScript;
function submitForm(form)
form["Submitbutton"].disabled = true;
return true;
Attach it:
<form action="DetailsPage.asp" method="POST" onsubmit="submitForm(this);">

classic asp multiple button click

I have 2 asp pages.
My HTML form:
<form ACTION="Feedback_Administration_Update.asp" METHOD=POST NAME="form">
<input type="button" value="Submit" onclick="javascript:Checkit();" name="btnSubmit">
<input type="reset" value="Reset" onclick="javascript:document.location=location">
<input type="button" value="Send Response to Requester" name="btnSubmit" onclick="javascript:Checkit();"/>
Code in Feedback_Administration_Update.asp file:
dim buttonPressed
select case buttonPressed
case "Submit"
'update database code
Response.Redirect "feedback_administration.asp?ID=" & regEx.Replace((request.form("ID")), "''") & "&lstPages=" & Trim(Request("lstPages")) & "&view=" & Request("view")& "&strSuccess1=" &"Success"
case "Send Response to Requester"
'mail task code
End Select
I am not sure why they are not working on clicking any button.
When I click on submit the page, it should update the code, when I click on submit Send Response to Requester, it should send email.
The value of button inputs is not sent to the server. You need to use ordinary submit buttons, and to have validation code you can cancel their onclick event:
<input type="submit" value="Submit" onclick="return Checkit();" name="btnSubmit" />
<input type="submit" value="Send Response to Requester" name="btnSubmit" onclick="return Checkit();" />
To make it work, change your JavaScript function in two ways. First, don't make it submit the form and second have it return true upon successful validation and false otherwise, e.g.:
function Checkit() {
//validate your stuff..
if ([all is good]) {
//don't submit the form here, the submit button will do that.
return true;
//indicate that something was wrong, cancel form submission:
return false;
Having this in place will cause Request.Form("btnSubmit") to hold the desired value.

how to compare radio button values with textbox values in

i have four radio buttons and one text box..i have to check the selected radio button value equals to the textbox value.. anyone plz help me
if(radioButtonList.SelectedValue == textBox1.Text.Trim())
//your code goes here
textBox does not contain a Value property.
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(RadioButtonList1.SelectedValue) &&
RadioButtonList1.SelectedValue.Equals(TextBox1.Text, StringComparison.Ordinal))
//your code goes here
Well.You didn't clarify where you want to do this comparison i.e. ClientSide or ServerSide.If you want it server side you can prefer earlier posted answers otherwise for client side try this one using Jquery.
<input type='radio' name='rd' value='A'>
<input type='radio' name='rd' value='B'>
<input type='radio' name='rd' value='C'>
<br />
<asp:TextBox ID="txtName" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
<script type="text/javascript" >
if($.trim($(this).val()) == $.trim($("#txtName").val()))
alert("Yeah!I got matched value.");
alert("Oops!Not matched.");
Click on this link:
