Command to get L2 Cache size of Sparc and x86 processor with Solaris - unix

what is the command to know the L2 cache size of CPU on Solaris operating system running on Sparc and x86 processors.

I don't have access to a Solaris box to test this out, but you might be able to achieve this using prtpicl.
prtpicl -v -c cpu | grep l2-cache-size
For a more portable option, check out the lstopo command from the hwloc project.

On sparc just run fpversion (/product/SUNWspro/bin/fpversion) and it will print the xcache code-generation options that show the L1 and L2 cache sizes. Then read to understand it.


badblocks: Resource busy while trying to determine device size

I am trying to run bad blocks on macOS High Sierra 10.13.6. I installed bad blocks using macports. I keep encountering errors when attempting to run it and I am not sure how to even get bad blocks running
sudo badblocks -c 4096 -s -w -o /Users/mcbeav/Desktop/blocks.txt /dev/disk0s2
This keeps returning the error
badblocks: Resource busy while trying to determine device size
If I try
sudo badblocks -c 4096 -s -w -o /Users/mcbeav/Desktop/blocks.txt /dev/disk0
I get the error
badblocks: Value too large to be stored in data type invalid end block (7813820416): must be 32-bit value
Can anyone please help me out?
My recommendation is that you:
a) Run badblocks via the Mac OS X console in Recovery Mode
High Sierra (10.13+) along with APFS (file format system) prevent certain operations on disk. You'll have to be in recovery mode or turn off disk protection to do as you propose.
Turn off your Mac (Apple > Shut Down).
Hold down Command-R and press the Power button. ...
Wait for OS X to boot into the OS X Utilities window.
Choose Utilities > Terminal.
Enter csrutil disable.
Enter reboot.
Mac OS X Workaround:
My sense from past experience is that you are hitting the MacOSX security features (Disk protection and app certification).
Booting to Ubuntu (USB Stick) and running the badblocks test that way is going to be easier. (In my opinion)
I hope this points you in the right direction.
I had the same issue. But then I opened Disk Utility and pressed Eject on the physical device (make sure it's the hard drive and not the volume). This will unmount the volumes but will keep the device still available, which you can check by running:
diskutil list
Now run the badblocks command again and it should work fine.
I was able to get badblocks working for OSX 10.15 by
1) disabling csrutil, as explained here
2) unmounting the badblock-desired drive via Disk Utility
3) running badblocks: sudo badblocks -b 4096 -w -s -v "$MOUNT_POINT" > "", where MOUNT_POINT=/dev/disk2
I installed badblocks via brew install e2fsprogs, as described here
Tangentially, I also did this in order to query the USB-connected drive via smartctl.

Unable to use all cores with mpirun

I'm testing a simple MPI program on my desktop (Ubuntu LTS 16.04/ Intel® Core™ i3-6100U CPU # 2.30GHz × 4/ gcc 4.8.5 /OpenMPI 3.0.0) and mpirun won't let me use all of the cores on my machine (4). When I run:
$ mpirun -n 4 ./test2
I get the following error:
There are not enough slots available in the system to satisfy the 4 slots
that were requested by the application:
Either request fewer slots for your application, or make more slots available
for use.
But if I run with:
$ mpirun -n 2 ./test2
everything works fine.
I've seen from other answers that I can check the number of processors with
cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep processor | wc -l
and this tells me that I have 4 processors. I'm not interested in oversubscribing, I'd just like to be able to use all my processors. Can anyone help?
Your processor has 4 hyperthreads but only 2 cores (see the specs here).
By default, Open MPI does not run more than one MPI task per core.
You can have Open MPI run up to one MPI task per hyperthread with the following option
mpirun --use-hwthread-cpus ...
The command you mentioned reports the number of hyperthreads.
A better way to figure out the topology of a machine is via the lstopo command from the hwloc package.
MPI tasks are not bound on cores nor threads on OS X, so if you are running on a Mac, the --oversubscribe -np 4 would lead to the same result.
To resolve your problem, you can use the --use-hwthread-cpus command line arguments for mpirun, as already pointed out by Gilles Gouaillardet. In this case, Open MPI will treat the thread provided by hyperthreading as the Open MPI processor. Otherwise, it will treat a CPU core as an Open MPI processor, which is the default behavior. When using --use-hwthread-cpus, it will correctly determine the total number of processors available to you, that is, all processors available on all hosts specified in the Open MPI host file. Therefore, you do not need to specify the "-n" parameter. In addition, when using the --use-hwthread-cpus command line parameter, Open MPI refers to the threads provided by hyperthreading as "hardware threads". With this technique, you will not oversubscribe, and if some Open MPI processor will run on a virtual machine, it will use the correct number of threads assigned to that virtual machine. And if your processor has more than two threads per core, as a Xeon Phi (Knights Mill, Knights Landing, etc.), it will take all four threads per core as an Open MPI processor.
Use $ lscpu the number of cores per socket * number of sockets would give you number of physical cores(the ones that you can use for mpi) where as number of cores per socket * number of sockets * threads per core will give you number of logical cores(the one that you get by using the command $ cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep processor | wc -l)

How to list avaliable resources per node in MPI?

I have an access to MPI cluster. It is a pure, clean lan cluster, no SLURM or anething except OpenMP, mpicc, mpirun installed. I have sudo rights. Accessible and configured MPI nodes are all listed in /etc/hosts. I can compile and run MPI programms, yet how to get information on MPI cluster abilities: totall cores avaliable, processors info, total memory, currently running tasks?
Generaly I search for analog of sinfo and squeue that would work in MPI environment?
total cores avaliable:
total memory:
You can try to use Portable Hardware Locality hwloc to see the hardware topology and get info about total cores and total memory.
Additionally you can get information about CPU using lscpu or cat /proc/cpuinfo
currently running tasks:
You can use the monitoring software nmon from IMB (its free)
The option -t of nmon reports the top running process (like top command). You can use nmon online or offline mode.
The following example is from IMB developerWorks
nmon -fT -s 30 -c 120
Is getting one "snapshot" every 30 seconds until it gets 120 snapshots. Then you can examine the output.
If you run it without -f you will see the results live

How do I figure out a computer's architecture from the command line?

Is there a standard program I can use to find out whether I'm on an i386 or x86, 32-bit or 64-bit machine? I'm on a Unix box.
uname -a
less /proc/cpuinfo
There should be more info there...

size of machine 64 or 32 bit

If I am working on a Unix machine, how could I know the size of the machine whether it is 64-bit or 32-bit machine?
AIX you can do this:
HP-UX you can do this:
or just:
getconf -a | grep KERN
Sun Solaris you can do this:
isainfo -v
For Linux, yes, the uname -a should do the trick
You can type
uname -m
if i686 or i386 is appearing, you are working with 32 bit
if X86_64 is appearing, you are working with 64 bit
I have to deal with a lot of Unix platforms and generally the best way I have found is to look at the output of "uname -a". For example, if you see something like "i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux" in the output you know it's a 32 bit machine. If "amd64" shows up it's a 64. Sometimes it's a matter of trying to run a 64 bit programme. Sometimes it's RTFM.
If you're just looking to check the architecture of a machine you're on,
%> uname -a
from the command line usually contains an indication in the output.
You can also try sizeof(int *). Should be 4 on 32 bit machines and 8 on 64 bit machines.
Assuming you want to do this at compile time - take a look here for architecture macros you can test. You are probably looking for __x86_64__.
