flex windowedApplication skin - how to add close button - apache-flex

I am skinning WondowedApplication to get the following functionality:
Close, Minimize, Maximise Buttons with custom skins of their own
Setting and back button which change states in the main application
Resizing bars on 4 sides and drag functionality
Can I achieve this by skinning WindowedApplication? If not how should I go about this?
I have resizing functionality already by default but not the drag functionality (I think it should work by default or not?).
Buttons also appear but they seem to loose their skin which is set by css (s:Button{...}), why is this? Also How could I access states of the skins host component (so I can exclude settings button from setting state for example)?
How can I access / add close,min,max buttons? I tried adding buttons but I can't use "this.nativeWindow.maximize();" as I couldi n host application.
Any help highly appreciated, I am very confused and annoyed with the lack of info on the issue...

use FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication.minimize() and maximize() for minimize & maximize window and NativeApplication.nativeApplication.exit() used for close window


Is it possible in QML to add button to the window system menu?

I want to add button to the window main panel (where there are a buttons close-resize-move window).
Please dont propose to draw all window by myself (without using window class).
Is it possible in qml somehow, maybe redefine window slass or draw menu bar over the window menu? Any ideas are wellcome!
I don't think that is possible since the window bar is a native thing and not rendered in the qml flow. There are some flags on qwindow that allow you to modify them a bit but thats as far as it goes. I would suggest digging into your OS-specific API (you didn't specify wich os) to see if it can be done.

How can you add a TouchGridPanel to a Panel in Sencha 2?

I'm currently using the Sencha Ext.ux.TouchGridPanel, and I need to know how to add it to a Panel dynamically. Currently, I set up a store, then use a function to generate the Panel. I then use
This displays the toolbar and headings of the Panel, but not any of the information within it. Making the TouchGridPanel fullscreen works, but then the animations are sloppy.
If the component is working correctly, perhaps the panel you are inserting it into is not the size you expect it to be?
Or maybe the GridPanel is not stretching to the size of the panel, in which case, you should add a fit or card layout to the panel, so it fits to the size of that panel.
If neither of these two things work, I suggest you open up web inspector and look at the dom of your panel - and see what the size of it is, and if the grid is actually being added to it or not.

Flex TitleWindow (or NativeWindow) skinned as a Fancybox?

The customer I am working for wants to display popup in an AIR application (designed in Flex 4).I will therefore use TitleWindow and PopupManager for this (or NativeWindow could be an option too).
Pretty basic, I can handle this.
Trouble is, this customer would like this popup to be looking as a Fancybox, that is, with the close button, slightly out of the popup.
Do you know how to do this ?
Easy enough. Just create a custom skin based for your TitleWindow which you can then change the appearance and location of the close button (among other things). The setup is fairly straightforward, but you should look up how to skin in Flex 4.

How to make Qt widgets do not react on mouse click

I need on my form ordinary widgets (e.g. buttons) do not react on mouse clicks but NOT to be disabled (it change look to grayed one -- not good).
I wonder is there some neat small hack for this?
You could stick in an event filter and filter out the mouse events before passing the remaining events on for processing, but I'm not sure that not giving the user a visual clue that certain elements are effectively disabled is such a good idea.
You could try using style sheets to control how the disabled mode of the buttons in your form get styled. Unfortunately I'm not sure exactly how to do that but you could have a look at the style sheet docs to get you started.

How do I create a "closed" Flex Accordian control?

I'm trying to create a navigation panel based on the Flex Accordion control. The 2 things I'm trying to figure out are how to:
modify the Accordion so that all of the of "panels" are closed by default. (normally one of the panels is open by default)
treat some of the Accordian headers as just simple buttons (ie you click and an event is triggered instead of an accordion panel opening)
Does anyone have any pointers on implementing these 2 items or know of any existing components that could yield this behavior?
Flexlib has CanvasButtonAccordionHeader, which would help implement the button functionality.
This SO question suggests starting with flexlib's WindowShade component instead, which might make the "none-selected" case easier.
