ASP.NET equivalent to JSF Session Bean -

I'm fairly new to both JSF and ASP.NET, and as far as I can understand (correct me if I'm wrong), while using session scoped beans in JSF, data is stored on the server side temporarily, for the components. But in ASP.NET it seems that such temporary data is stored in a hidden field in the page itself, called Viewstate.
Am I right in assuming this? Is there anything in ASP.NET that'll automatically manage the data and store it server side in objects (like JSF does) ?

ASP.NET has support for both a Viewstate and a Session state. Here is a link to some info regarding session state.
I'd recommend that you try to avoid using the viewstate at all, and use the session state sparingly. You should strive to keep your ASP.NET applications as "stateless" as possible. Do not over-use the session state or you could experience scalability issues down the road. Consider the following alternatives.

You can use ASP.NET Session State.
Session["FirstName"] = FirstNameTextBox.Text;
Session["LastName"] = LastNameTextBox.Text;
Where the data is actually stored (in memory, in a database) can be configured. Depending on your situation, it may be better to store state in the view. Using the view state would be better in any situation where a single user might have two browser windows open at the same time, and expect them to keep separate state, such as the current stage in a wizard workflow.


How can I slowly migrate to using Redis as a Session State Provider from in process?

Is it a bad idea to implement my own session state provider that conditionally switches based on key between the redis session provider and the inproc session provider?
I am working in a very large legacy application that currently uses the inproc session provider. We are migrating to Redis as a session state provider so that it persists deploys, however the application is chock full of session abuses (e.g. way too large objects, non-serializable object, I saw a thread in there for some reason?).
We plan to slowly correct these abuses but until they are all corrected we cannot really move to redis. I am hoping we can slowly start migrate serializable-safe keys into redis while the abuses remain in memory until we address them.
Does anyone have any advice on this? Or perhaps alternative suggestions for migrating to out of process from in process?
In ASP.NET Web Form and MVC, using Redis for Session State is just a couple of line of modification in Web.config. Then add SerializableAttribute to classes. There is no side effects of applying it to a class.
Based on my experience when migrating to Azure few years ago, Session State is not worth migrating slowly.
Caching is different story. It requires code changes, so we end up implementing two classes - MemoryCacheManager and RedisCacheManager, and register at run-time in IoC container. Then inject ICacheManager to dependent classes.
Source for the session state:
I'd start by checking out the reference source so you can search the codebase. One interface jumps out as potentially interesting.. IPartialSessionState (When implemented in a type, returns a list of zero or more session keys that indicate to a session-state provider which session-state items have to be retrieved.) Source is here
I stumbled on
via ASPNET : Switch between Session State Providers ?‏.
This technique could theoretically be used with the Redis provider as well. You'd have to either maintain a list of keys suitable for storing in Redis or do some kind of try to serialize/catch/cache result of which types can be serialized and adaptively fall back to the InProc behavior. You should be able to use HttpContext.Current.Items to flow information between events in the request processing pipeline.
The SessionStateModule (the module responsible for retrieving session, locking, saving, unlocking, etc.) seems to treat InProc as special in a few places. Search its code for InProc. Essentially you're trying to plug in a magical provider that is Custom and yet still has all of the InProc semantics applied by the one and only SessionStateModule. You won't be able to/probably won't want to modify that module, but you may be able to hook up another one adjacent to it that hooks into related events in the request pipeline and does whatever needs to be done that is either In-Proc or Custom-specific. You'll probably run into internal/private methods for which you'd need to use reflection. Not sure how the licensing works on the reference source (MS-PL I think), but another option would be to copy & paste the code from SessionStateModule into your own, make adjustments as needed, unregister the original and register your replacement.
I think you're going to be stuck dealing with a lot of reflection code to get this to work.

Confusion over Startup, Global, Application and Session

I am trying to understand the various ways of storing and instantiating Application (i.e. objects available to every user) and Session level (objects created and available to users only for their session) variables. Also, how does OWIN fit into all of this?
Global.asax.cs - This can contain a bunch of different methods. I believe that Application_Start is only called during the first request. However, there are a few candidates here for methods to populate session level variables (e.g. Session_Start and Application_BeginRequest). What is the standard way of doing this?
There is also the Startup class used by OWIN. I get that OWIN lets you store Application level variables, but why wouldn't you just use the HttpApplicationState Application variable accessible from Global.asax.cs to accomplish this? Also - can OWIN handle Session variables?
"I believe that Application_Start is only called during the first
Only for the first request after calling the web application. For instance, this is the case after deploying, ApplicationPool Recycling, restarting or coming out of sleep.
Let's assume 3 users visit your web application. Application_Start will only be called for one of them, specifically the first one that visits it. Therefore it is not suited for populating user-specific session values.
However, there are a few candidates here for methods to populate session level variables (e.g. Session_Start and Application_BeginRequest). What is the standard way of doing this?
In the past I've worked with Session_Start to initialize user-specific session values (like default values) on numerous projects and never had an issue with it.
I'm really not sure what the question is, as I said in the comments. I'm going to ignore the OWIN stuff since I don't know, frankly.
Firstly, try not to store state at all. Design to pass state back and forth between server and client in models, or the URL, even in the HTML on the client such as in the URLs in the <a> tags your rendering, or (rarely) in cookies, rather than keep things in memory. Stateless designs are way more scalable.
Storing state isn't "usually" done in the Global.asax but then what's usual? I store state as and when I need it, load it or otherwise come by that data. For me in MVC, that's usually downstream of a Controller action, maybe while logging someone in, or reading some data received in a model, like a customer clicking 'add to cart'.
Application state I rarely use, though I store long-lived and shared data within normal fields and properties in long-lived static classes. These die when the app is recycled, but I don't usually care since the apps are designed to work without it, stateless; its usually cached bits of data.
Also, Session_Start only fires when a new browser/agent hits the site. You don't know the user at that point.
The methods in the Global.asax were not specifically designed for 'bootstrapping' state-loading, they're just convenient events for doing whatever you want with. You don't have to use them at all, mine usually just contain logging so I know when sessions start etc.!
I don't know if this helps.
Once you have a plan, come back and ask a targeted question about the OWIN stuff.

Why don't ASP.Net handlers support session by default

I understand that in order for a ASP.Net handler to support session state you need to implement both IHttpHandler and IRequireSessionState, but why isn't session state provided by default? If for performance reasons, then wouldn't it be better to have an interface like IDoesNotRequireSessionState?
Its because the session is block the asynchronous operations, and the handle is usually used for long time operations, like the making and download of a file - if you keep the session on long time operation you block the rest of your pages.
Also the handle is made with the idea of the minimum required to get a response.
About the session lock:
Web app blocked while processing another web app on sharing same session
jQuery Ajax calls to web service seem to be synchronous
ASP.NET Server does not process pages asynchronously
Replacing ASP.Net's session entirely
If for performance reasons, then wouldn't it be better to have an
interface like IDoesNotRequireSessionState?
Absolutely not, because then everybody implementing a handler must know about the existence of this interface. An HTTP handler is the fastest in terms of performance you might ever get from ASP.NET. So if you want to pollute it with crap like session then you'd better do it explicitly, and taking full responsibility of doing so, by implementing some interface that you should know about.

Implement second level cache in ASP.Net

Is there any way to use caching in ASP.Net except SQL Server second level cache. As it is the first time to work with caching I want any way with an example. I have found that NHibernate implements this but we are using .netTiers as an application framework.
The Session cache seems to be the appropriate caching mechanism here. The Session cache is a fault-tolerant cache of objects.
Inserting an object
Session["Username"] = "Matt";
Reading an object
string username = (string)Session["Username"];
Removing an object
I say fault-tolerant because if the value with the key you specify doesn't exist in the Session cache, it will not through an exception, it will return null. You need to consider that when implementing your code.
One thing to note, if you are using Sql Server or State Server, the objects you can put in the cache need to be serializable.
Memcached is also a very good way to go, as it is very flexible. It is a windows service that runs on any number of machines and your app can talk to the instances to store and retrieve from the cache. Good Article Here

ASP.NET is there a way to save application state as session state on different server?

maybe the question is wrong but here is what i want to achieve maybe there is other way to do that.
I have ASP.NET application running .net 3.5, there is a client list and few others List based objects that are shared among all users of application. ie. when client logged in his userID and few other properties are saved within some List in Application state. Problem is that this application is heavy and it's application pool needs to be restarted once a day or so so all the information saved in these List objects is lost. While client personal data which is saved in Out-of-Proc mode on external server is saved.
Is there any way to workaround it ? Shared Session? Something like that.
Cheers, pros !!!!
Have you looked at caching the lists of data?
This SO article has some good detials.
You should only use Application State as a cache for data persisted elsewhere. You would then use Application_Start or some Lazy loading wrapper class to retrieve such persisted data into the application object.
If you are storing volatile data not persisted elsewhere in the application object then you are in trouble. Hopefully you would have abstracted access to the application object behind some wrapper object so that all your code is accessing the wrapper not tha application object. Now you would need to ensure the modifications are saved elsewhere so that they can be recovered on restart.
To be frank the Application state object is really an aid in porting ASP-Classic sites. Since you should really just treat the application state as a cache, there is an overlap in functionality between it and the ASP.NET Cache object.
