Using GET for a non-idempotent request - http

Simply put, I have a website where you can sign up as a user and add data. Currently it only makes sense to add specific data once, so an addition should be idempotent, but theoretically you could add the same data multiple times. I won't get into that here.
According to RFC 2616, GET requests should be idempotent (really nullipotent). I want users to be able to do something like visit<username>/add/?data=1
And this would add that data. It would make sense to have a PUT request do this with REST, but I have no idea how to make a PUT request with a browser and I highly doubt most people do or would want to bother to. Even using POST would be appropriate, but this has a similar problem.
Is there some technically correct way to allow users to add data using only GET (e.g. by visiting the link manually, or allowing external websites to use the link). When they visit this page I could make my own POST/PUT request either with javascript or cURL, but this still seems to violate the spirit of idempotent GET requests.

Is there some technically correct way to allow users to add data using
only GET ... ?
No matter how you go about letting clients access it, you'll end up violating RFC2616. It's ultimately up to you how you handle requests (nothing's going to stop you from doing this), but keep in mind that if you go against the HTTP specification, you might cause unexpected side-effects to clients and proxies who do abide by it.
Also see: Why shouldn't data be modified on an HTTP GET request?
As far as not being able to PUT from the browser, there are workarounds for that [1], [2], most of which use POST but also pass some sort of _method request parameter that's intercepted by the server and routes to the appropriate server-side action.


Update database with GET requests?

I've read online that you shouldn't update your database with GET requests for the following reasons:
GET request is idempotent and safe
violates HTTP spec
should always read data from a server-database
Let's say that we have build a URL Shortener service. When someone clicks on the link or paste it at the browser's address bar it will be a GET request.
So, if I want to update, on my database, the stats of a shortened link every time it's been clicked, how can I do this if GET requests are idempotent?
The only way I can think of is by calling a PUT request inside the server's side code that handles the GET request.
Is this a good practice or is there a better way to do this?
It seems as you're mixing up a few things here.
While you shouldn't use GET requests to transfer sensitive data (as it is shown in the request URL and most likely logged somewhere in between), there is nothing wrong with using them in your use case. You are only updating a variable serverside.
Just keep in mind that the request parameter are stored in the URL when using GET requests and you should be ok.

Is it okay to set a cookie with a HTTP GET request?

This might be a bit of an ethical question, but I'm having quite a discussion in the office about the following issue:
Is it okay to set a cookie with a HTTP GET request? Because whenever a HTTP request changes something in the application, you should use a POST request. HTTP GET should only be used to retrieve data identified by the Request-URI.
In this case, the application doesn't change, but because the cookie is altered, the user might get a different experience when the page loads again, meaning that the HTTP GET request changed the application behaviour (nothing changed server-side though).
Get request reference
The discussion started because we want to use a normal anchor element to set a cookie.
The problem with GETs, especially if they are on an a tag, is when they get spidered by the likes of Google.
In your case, you'd needlessly be creating cookies that will, more than likely, never get used.
I'd also argue that the GET rule it's not really about changing the application, more about changing data. I appreciate the subtle distinction with the cookie ( i.e. you are not changing data on YOUR system ), but generally, it's a good rule to have, and irrespective of where the data is stored, GET shouldn't really be used to change it.
The user can always have different experience when he issues another GET request - you do not expect to return always the same set of data for (imagined) time service: "GET /time/current".
Also, it is not said you are not allowed to change server-side state in response for GET requests - it's perfectly 'legal' to increase a page hit counter, for example, even if you store it in the database.
Consider the section 9.1.1 Safe Methods
Naturally, it is not possible to ensure that the server does not
generate side-effects as a result of performing a GET request; in
fact, some dynamic resources consider that a feature. The important
distinction here is that the user did not request the side-effects, so
therefore cannot be held accountable for them.
Also I would say it is perfectly acceptable to change or set a cookie in response for the GET request because you just return some data.

Is PUT/DELETE idempotent with REST automatic?

I am learning about REST and PUT/DELETE, I have read that both of those (along with GET) is idempotent meaning that multiple requests put the server into the same state.
Does a duplicate PUT/DELETE request ever leave the web browser (when using XMLHttpRequest)? In other words, will the server be updating the same database record for each PUT request, or will duplicate requests be ignored automatically?
If yes, how is using PUT or DELETE different from just using POST?
I read an article which suggested that RESTful web services were the way forward. Is there any particular reason why HTML5 forms do not support PUT/DELETE methods?
REST is just a design structure for data access and manipulation. There's no set-in-stone rules for how a server must react to data requests.
That being said, typically a REST request of PUT or DELETE would be as follows:
DELETE /item/10293
PUT /item/23848
The requests given are associated with a specific ID. Because of this, telling the server to delete the same ID 15 times will end up with pretty much the same result as calling it once, unless there's some sort of re-numbering going on.
With the PUT request, telling the server to update a specific item to specific values will also lead to the same result.
A case where a command would be non-idempotent would typically involve some sort of relative value:
DELETE /item/last
Calling that 15 times would likely remove 15 items, rather than the same last item. An alternative using HTTP properly might look like:
POST /item/last?action=delete
Again, REST isn't an official spec, it's just a structure with some common qualities. There are many ways to implement a RESTful structure.
As for HTML5 forms supporting PUT & DELETE, it's really up to the browsers to start supporting different methods rather than the spec itself. If all the browsers started implementing different methods for form submission, I'm sure they'd be added to the spec.
With the web going the way it is, a good RESTful implementation is liable to also incorporate some form of AJAX anyway, so to me it seems largely unnecessary.
Does a duplicate PUT/DELETE request ever leave the web browser (when using XMLHttpRequest)?
Yeah, sure. Idempotence is only a convention and it's not enforced. If you make a request, duplicate or not, it will run through.
In other words, will the server be updating the same database record for each PUT request, or will duplicate requests be ignored automatically?
If it conforms to REST it should update the same database record twice, for example running UPDATE user SET name = 'John' twice. There is not guarantee what it will or will not do though, it depends on how it's implemented.
If yes, how is using PUT or DELETE different from just using POST?
It's just a convention. PUT and DELETE requests may or may not be handled differently from POST in the site's code.
I read an article which suggested that RESTful web services were the way forward. Is there any particular reason why HTML5 forms do not support PUT/DELETE methods?
I'm not really sure, to be honest. You can work around this by using a hidden <input> field called _method or similar and set it to DELETE or PUT, and then handle that server side.
PUT operation are idempotent but not safe operation. On success if PUT operation is repeated it will not insert duplicate records. Repeat PUT operation in case of NetworkFailure errors after verifying conditional headers like If-unmodified-since and/or if-match. Don't repeat in case of 4XX or 5XX error codes.
REST aims to establish a syntax convention regarding the HTTP method to use; each back end is free to implement anything they want, devs could break the convention but will cause unnecessary confusion if used by others not involved in the development.
For DELETE, if you delete some item with an ID, the server should responded it's deleted; if delete again, it's no more there so server responded "already removed", also good because your purpose is fulfilled. Same for PUT, because you provide the new status of your resource, the status yet-to-be; if it's already updated, mission complete and it's the same for the client.

When should one use GET instead of POST in a web application?

It seems that sticking to POST is the way to go because it results in clean looking URLs. GET seems to create long confusing URLs. POST is also better in terms of security. Good for protecting passwords in forms. In fact I hear that many developers only use POST for forms. I have also heard that many developers never really use GET at all.
So why and in what situation would one use GET if POST has these 2 advantages?
What benefit does GET have over POST?
you are correct, however it can be better to use gets for search pages and such. Places where you WANT the URL's to be obvious and discoverable. If you look at Google's (or any search page), it puts a at the end so people could link directly to the search.
You actually use GET much more than you think. Simply returning the web page is a GET request. There are also POST, PUT, DELETE, HEAD, OPTIONS and these are all used in RESTful programming interfaces.
GET vs. POST has no implications on security, they are both insecure unless you use HTTP/SSL.
Check the manual, I'm surprised that nobody has pointed out that GET and POST are semantically different and intended for quite different purposes.
While it may appear in a lot of cases that there is no functional difference between the 2 approaches, until you've tested every browser, proxy and server combination you won't be able to rely on that being a consistent in every case. e.g. mobile devices / proxies often cache aggressivley even where they are requested not to (but I've never come across one which incorrectly caches a POST response).
The protocol does not allow for anything other than simple, scalar datatypes as parameters in a GET - e.g. you can only send a file using POST or PUT.
There are also implementation constraints - last time I checked, the size of a URL was limited to around 2k in MSIE.
Finally, as you've noted, there's the issue of data visibility - you may not want to allow users to bookmark a URL containing their credit card number / password.
POST is the way to go because it results in clean looking URLs
That rather defeats the purpose of what a URL is all about. Read RFC 1630 - The Need For a Universal Syntax.
Sometimes you want your web application to be discoverable as in users can just about guess what a URL should be for a certain operation. It gives a nicer user experience and for this you would use GET and base your URLs on some sort of RESTful specification like
If by 'web application' you mean 'website', as a developer you don't really have any choice. It's not you as a developer that makes the GET or POST requests, it's your user. They make the requests via their web browser.
When you request a web page by typing its URL into the address bar of the browser (or clicking a link, etc), the browser issues a GET request.
When you submit a web page using a button, you make a POST request.
In a GET request, additional data is sent in the query string. For example, the URL sends the two bits of data 'user' and 'password'.
In a POST request, the values in the form's controls (e.g. text boxes etc) are sent. This isn't visible in the address bar, but it's completely visible to anyone viewing your web traffic.
Both GET and POST are completely insecure unless SSL is used (e.g. web addresses beginning https).

Should HTTP POST be discouraged?

Quoting from the CouchDB documentation:
It is recommended that you avoid POST when possible, because proxies and other network intermediaries will occasionally resend POST requests, which can result in duplicate document creation.
To my understanding, this should not be happening on the protocol level (a confused user armed with a doubleclick is a completely different story). What is the best course of action, then?
Should we really try to avoid POST requests and replace them by PUT? I don't like that as they convey a different meaning.
Should we anticipate this and protect the requests by unique IDs where we want to avoid accidental duplication? I don't like that either: it complicates the code and prevents situations where multiple identical posts may be desired.
Should we really try to avoid POST
requests and replace them by PUT? I
don't like that as they convey a
different meaning.
For document creation (as mentioned in the doc you cite), that is exactly the correct meaning. For document modification, occasional resent requests are not a problem.
We should avoid POST requests when the request is idempotent and does change server state (it should not change the server state each time it is performed, in document creation this means the document should only be created once).
POST is suitable when the request is non-idempotent. This means that everytime the request is sent there is a change in server state. For an update or delete this should not matter.
Of course, due to web browser support only GET and POST requests have really been adopted because POST does all that PUT does (it's just not designed for idempotent requests).
I must have been extremely lucky in my WebMaster days to never have seen duplicate POST requests.
TCP/IP sends numbered messages, I wouldn't know why any webserver wouldn't discard of the duplicates.
Is this duplicate POST thing really an issue?
