Is is possible to show XML attributes when using an external CSS style sheet? - css

I'd like to display some XML in the browser, but add some custom color styling, etc., to certain attributes of tags. I am able to get an essentially blank external sheet recognized:
<?xml-stylesheet href="/css/testresult.css"?>
But this seems to have the effect of making the browser display the XML as if it were HTML, i.e. it only displays tag content text and not attributes. Is there any way to get the "raw" XML display view, but with just a few tweaks to styling?
Using Firefox if that's relevant.

The thing is, when Firefox displays XML files, it uses it's own parser, so I don't see how that could be influenced by your stylesheet, as the only function of the parser is to display XML in a readable way.
Maybe you can use XSLT you do what you need, but that would require some additional work.

Have yet to see any indication it's possible.


display xml file in browser with

This may be simple, although i'm having some trouble finding a solution.
i create a sitemap for my website in an xml file.i display content of xml file in aspx file.
but i want display xmlfile not in aspx.
when i use response.redirect("sitemap.xml"),it shows tree but i want to show only all content in sequential not in tree.
like this:
content of xmlfile:
<t><t1 p="s1"></t1><t2 p="s2"></t2></t>
but i want address bar=sitemap.xml and show like this:
p=s1p=s2 .....
any idea?
Some browsers will respect XSL declarations at the top of xml files. If you have such a declaration at the top of your xml file like this:
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="YourTransform.xsl"?>
It will apply the transform specified allowing you to output the xml however you want. However, support is not universal.

Seeing html code in tooltips in

I am parsing web service xml and populating a treeview in I'm trying to display one of the xml node attributes as a tooltip, but that attribute happens to sometimes have html tags in it. I know there seem to be some custom tooltip stuff out there, but I don't have the time or the experience to play with those yet. Is there no way to easily remove such code or translate it into the textual equivalent? I know I can replace br tags with environment.newline, but I don't want to have to do this for every conceivable html tag that might be embeded in the content!
The HTML Agilty Pack is an HTML parser that can read HTML fragments - you can do that and then read the InnerText property of the top node. The effect will be a textual version of the HTML.

Increase size of Facebook Like Button

I am developing a feature where I want to increase the size(width and height) of Facebook Like button which is getting rendere on my page.
I have tried overidding the css but it is not working as my css is loading very late.
Help required.
Are you sure you're using the correct overrides in your CSS? If I'm not mistaken, it doesn't matter when the CSS is loaded, just that it is loaded.
Be sure to check your CSS includes in the header file to make sure you're using the latest version. Also double check the classes or ids you need to override.
Perhaps you could post the code containing the like button you're trying to manipulate. If you're loading it in via Javascript you can use Firebug or other Web Inspectors to find out the actual HTML that gets inserted.
First of all, the css MUST be interpreted by the browser before the html element it refers to is loaded...
Second, the reason you can't select the button through CSS directly, is because it is rendered inside an iFrame that is controlled by the Facebook framework (you can check this out with firebug or any other inspector).
I'm not sure if it's feasible, but you have two possible ways to do it:
use javascript and the DOM to access inside that iFrame, select the button and style it.
create a button yourself, and give it the same href as the one generated originally, thus losing the fan-counter capabilities and whatever else is part of their framework

CSS for specific text on Confluence

I am wondering if there is a way to use custom css for some specific text on my confluence page (not using embedded HTML).
Sorry this is an old question, but for the sake of people who search for an answer to this question: you can use span or div macros and use the custom css to apply whatever style you want to their contents.
If necessary, you could create custom div and span classes to allow for multiple styles to be applied to selections of text.
EDIT: Here is an example of the wikimarkup you could use to do this
{div:class=customCss|style=float:left; margin-right:50px}
Custom text in a div
So you can either use the div class and apply a style in the custom css for the confluence space, or you can use an inline style for the div.
You can do this ...
That's if you've stored a custom.css file as an attachement. You'd obviously need to replace 123456789 with the actual attachment number.
You can also link CSS on an external site (with an absolute URL), but if you have any automatic URL formatting, that tends to mess it up everytime you change the document.
I use a User Macro that renders the $body in HTML. Then I can put whatever HTML tags I want in the wiki page within the user macro tag.
There could be a way to reach what you want to reach, but there is some information missing (from you). What confluence allows is the following:
If you have admin rights to the confluence wiki space, you could add there a custom style sheet that applies to all wiki pages. Else you could follow the answer of Mus.
Then you should analyse the wiki page in source form. So load a wiki page you want to style, and look at the source of that wiki page in your browser. Depending on your browser, this may be CTRL-U or something similar. Here in chrome, the page menu says View page source.
Try to find the defining selector for your wiki text you want to style in some form. A reasonable hack could be:
Find a wiki style that is not used by others. I have experimented with ~subscript~.
Find the HTML tags that are built by using that style. In my example, it was <sub>subscript</sub>.
Use your custom style sheet to style text of that style.
However, this may change the text where the style is used for its original sense :-(
You can specify custom CSS in your Confluence page via the div and span macros.
In recent Confluence versions (4.0 and later), you can do this as follows:
Type {div} or {span}. On typing the closing brace }, auto-complete will convert the text to a macro.
Left-click on the frame of the macro and select the Edit button
Enter the custom CSS into the Style field and close the dialog
Enter your text into the macro frame. It will then have the style you specified.

Rendering XML attribute value in page

I am trying to render a complex XML document as webpage(FF only) using a stylesheet. In one of the tag the content itself is part of the a attribute value
I need to display the value of roleType in Firefox using css selectors. I dont want to use XLST or Javascript as modifying XML source is last option.
You might be able to use "content" and the attr css function.
To see a similar solution used to print the href of a link after the link in print media, goto and scroll down the page to the heading "Printed links"
it might look something like this in the end:
content: attr(roleType);
