Creating email accounts without the registrar-Theory - http

I own a small domain on GoDaddy and I currently use their email service and pay a monthly fee for it. But I was thinking on how would it work to one be the owner of the email account itself, and create email address without involving the registrar. I dont know if I'm explaining myself but my question is more or less how do the protocol works to be able to create/manage email accounts. i.e Obviously gmail, and every single other webmail provider creates the accounts programatically without involving any registrar. Hows does it works?

What you'll need to do is set up a 'MX record' for your domain. This tells other email servers where to send email for some given domain; then you also need an email server to actually receive this email. On a Linux system, this would be something like postfix or exim, or even sendmail (not really recommended these days though). Or you could use a third-party free hosting service, and point MX records to them - eg, google apps.


Woocommerce + GSuite - Transactional emails best practices? Anyone?

I've lost my brain the last couple of days trying to find the best solution for handling my transactional woocommerce emails, so that customers and store managers (on G Suite at the same domain as my site) get notified of new orders, etc.
TL;DR: I have a Woocommerce and want the next e-mail behavior and I wonder what's the best way to achieve this:
Have woocommerce emails don't go to my customer spam folders and get
notified to and
G-Suite email accounts.
Use the and "MyDomain" as the "from email and name" in WooCommerce. Whether the is an e-mail
alias of my G-Suite email or a server side e-mail I don't care. What
I don't want is to configure a new G-Suite email just to serve
transactional e-mails.
So I'll describe my original situation, problem and the solutions I've read about:
When I setup the Woocommerce e-mails in settings, using a email account two things happened:
Customers would receive the e-mails on their spam folder.
Store managers did not receive any e-mails whatsoever.
We also have this context info that might be of help:
We are just starting as an e-commerce, so no big load of emails...
We use the cheapest G-Suite plan (with up to 5 accounts) with our domain in Google Domain, so I don't want to use one of those account just to handle the transactional e-mails.
So I found the alias option and setup different aliases to both send and receive e-mails. E.g: "".
I read the official Woocommerce email-FAQ, and a bunch of other links in the Wordpress Forums and Stack Overflow, I came to find this three courses of action:
Setup split delivery and let my transactional e-mail address run from C-Panel.
Use an SMTP Plugin and set it up to use the Gmail API.
Create a subdomain and set WooCommerce/PHPServer to send the emails and just use my G-Suite emails as recipients.
I've read tons, and find myself in a loop where I don't know what's the best, future proof option, but this is what I've tried for every option:
I desisted on the idea of split delivery as soon as I found the e-mail aliases option in GSuite.
I did activated it and it solved one of my two problems, customers were no longer getting my emails to spam, but the Gmail API won't let me change the "from address" nor even the "from name", unless I select the alias as the default e-mail address on Gmail, which is not something I want; and if the alias (set up as mailer) and recipient is the same, then GSuite won't show the email in the inbox, but in the sent folder (and marked as read). So If the store manager email ( has an alias used to send Woocommerce emails ( he won't be notified for new orders.
I configured a domain alias on my Google Admin settings as a subdomain ( (which generates a new email alias with that subdomain) then I created a subdomain on my hosting provider (pointed at nothing for the moment) and had my hosting setup the Google MX records for my subdomain. Without the SMTP Plugin it does nothing, regardless of which e-mail I put in the from and recipient fields on the WooCommerce settings. With the SMTP Plugin things kind of work, using the as the recipient, as emails do arrive to inbox (instead of the sent folder) but doubled the regular mail and a huge postmaster notice, about how the domain alias "" doesn't exist.
As a related note: Google per default generates a test domain alias which is when I use the alias e-mail with this alias domain recipient in woocommerce and the regular G-Suite in the from field on Woocommerce things pretty much work, except that my customers still get the emails to their spam folders.
How would I setup mailgun or sendgrid to use as the sender e-mail address? Would that work better?
I'm not new to wordpress, but definitely I'm a noob at WooCommerce and email protocol, setup in general.
Do you think you might exceed the G Suite sending limits? That'd push you towards the SendGrid/Mailgun/etc. solution for outgoing mail, with G-Suite accepting the incoming mail however you'd like. Though if it's important to avoid "reply-to" type addresses, make sure to choose a provider/plan that supports running off your domain (SendGrid calls it "domain authentication", Mailgun calls it "domain verification", etc.).
That will likely also solve that initial problem you described in your point #2 (assuming it was due to mail being treated as local-to-the-web-server).
If you take that approach, make sure to triple-check your SPF/DKIM/DMARC setup. And depending on which provider you go with, some of their WordPress/WooCommerce integration plugins are...not great. I've been working on summarizing the providers and their plugins if it's of any help.
And I had a little trouble following who needs to get copies of what, but there's the woocommerce_email_headers filter if it would be helpful to BCC the store managers. You could even do it selectively.

How to make Webmin SpamAssassin less sensitive?

It's odd that even emails from SPFBL Admin are marked as spam. Im using Webmin, with Postfix and SpamAssassin. Is my SpamAssassin too sensitive?
Since you do not know how to configure, I advise you to use zoho is a tool where you can create Your administrative email.
but in this case you will not be able to redirect for example to a Gmail box
  Be sure to send your feedback
Hello this is according to your criteria and yes your customers they will have to access Zoho. This can be a temporary measure until you set up your definitive one. But I like Zoho a lot. Even more so that it has other add-ons.
The good thing about it is that people can log in, through their Google account. So you put the Google address as a user of that email and automatically when it authenticates via the interface it connects exactly to the email

cPanel Webmail Migration -- How do I migrate multiple email accounts and their folders?

I have a client who needs to migrate his email accounts to G Suite. For Webmail, I can use Horde, but it only allows export of one email account and a single email box at a time. This client has dozens of email accounts. Is there a way I can automate the process using phpMyAdmin or other tool?
Everything I have found recommends using Horde to export each box of each email separately. This is far too time-consuming.
Web Host: site5
CMS: WordPress
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks in advance!
cPanel stores its emails in the following location:
/home/$USER/mail/$DOMAIN ## all email accounts
/home/$USER/mail/$DOMAIN/$email_account ## specific email account
Those emails are, by default, stored in maildir format.
Gmail doesn't use maildir for their emails. It will not be possible to simply copy-paste the files for the migration.
Is there a way I can automate the process using phpMyAdmin or other tool?
phpMyAdmin is a tool, written in PHP that provides a Graphic Interface for you to interact with a MySQL Database.
phpMyAdmin is not associated with the emails stored in your cPanel account and can't be used for your purpose.
Everything I have found recommends using Horde to export each box of each email separately. This is far too time-consuming.
This could work, however, as you will need to see how (if possible) your Mail Client Application can be used to import those emails back to Gmail.
I would recommend that you do the following:
Install a Mail Client that will assist with the migration. I highly recommend that you use Thunderbird as it will handle the maildir "migration" for you
You will need another domain for the migration - it will be used to "obtain" the emails from your cPanel account. You can register a free domain from Freenom
Point the second domain to your cPanel account
Freenom Nameservers -> cPanel Nameservers
Add the domain in your cPanel account. If your Package doesn't allow multiple domains - add it as an Alias. We need to be able to create email accounts for that domain.
Create the exact same email accounts. If your old domain is and your Freenom is ->
Your's emails are present in
Copy them to (after you have re-created all's emails for!)
Add each email account for to your Mail Client.
Have your client switch over his emails for to Gmail.
Add each Gmail account to your Mail Client.
Drag and Drop each email account's content to the corresponding Gmail account.
Note: This works in Thunderbird, I'm not familiar with other email clients.
This is far too time-consuming.
There's no fast way to migrate emails from a cPanel server to Gmail.
I've migrated multiple email accounts by following the above steps and didn't have any issues.
The only thing that you should be aware of is that during the time that your Client switches over to Gmail - his emails will not be transferred yet and will not be available in his/hers inbox.

How to let users create email address of my domain?

I bought a domain of the name of my valley which is (not writing the whole address because I don't want it to be shown in google search). The hosting package includes unlimited email addresses and unlimited bandwidth and unlimited storage space.
As it is one of a kind domain so is it a good idea to let the users (people from my valley) have their email accounts of my domain? For example "".
If it is not bad to do that, how can I let the users create the email address of their choice? Right now I use cpanel to create an email address of that domain. I am using wordpress on that website.
It is not as simple as it may seem.
As you are using a hosting from some company, they may and may not let you automate email creation.
Check with your hosting provider how to best approach this.

Email Application Question

I have created some webforms that will allow users to fill in their data. Afterwards, the information is processed and inserted into a database with a follow up email to me afterwards letting me know who signed up.
The problem is that I use different email addresses on all of these webforms.
What I would like is some sort of dashboard email application where I can view all the emails being sent to me from one central point.
I think that Thunderbird allows you to receive multiple emails from different accounts. Is something like this even possible?
You can configure just about any email application to receive mail from multiple accounts. Thunderbird does this as does outlook (not outlook express). Just go through the normal process you do to add an account, then go ahead and add another account under a different email address.
Here's a link to a walk through on how to do this on Thunderbird.
