Flash Builder 4.5 won't run my application - apache-flex

I was running my application from Flash Builder 4.5.1 without any issues. (It is a Flex application that connects to .Net Web Services). However, something has changed recently in my configuration or project, because when I try to run the app with the play or debug button, I just get a grey screen. I can't even stop on any breakpoints.
Eventually (maybe 30 seconds), a message pops up like so: 'The Flash Builer failed to connect to the running application. Please make sure that you are running the debug version of Flash Player...'
I definitely have latest version of Flash Debug Player installed ( I have tried uninstalling it and re-installing it.
I have tried cleaning and rebuilding my project.
I have tried switching to a different workspace and back again.
I have tried restarting the PC.
I am using the latest version of IE for testing.
I'm really stumped - has anybody got any ideas on how to solve this?

Have you tried deleting the html-template folder? This has caused issues for me in the past.
After it's deleted, when you try to build you will have a compiler error/warning about the missing folder. Right click and 'rebuild'.

There are some issues with compatability between 64 bit IE9, the 64-bit flash player, and 32-bit debugger. It seems like flash builder gets confused on which to use. I haven't seen any decent resolution yet in the Adobe forums for this particular issue other than use a different browser for testing.
To switch browsers, go to Window > Preferences... > General > Web Browser in Flash Builder. Select Firefox or Chrome.
In order to use Firefox, you need the Flash Debugger for Netscape compatable browsers installed. You can get that from Adobe here.
To use Chrome, you need to replace the built in flash player that is installed with Chrome with the debug player. Instructions from Adobe are here.


Adobe Air Badge Installer not working on Firefox and Safari on OSX Lion

We use a custom Air Install badge to install / launch an Air application directly from the website simillar to
This normally handles the install of air if the user doesn't have it already installed.
However, after doing some cross broswer testing, it appears that when a user, (using OSX Lion and Safari or Firefox) tries to click yes when prompted to download the required Air they are unable to click either of the yes or no buttons.
Has anyone experienced this issue or know of any solutions or work arounds?
I initially thought that it may have had something to do with the positioning so ensured that the z-index in the css was appropriately set but to no avail.
I beleive it may have something to do with the installer itself rather than my implementation as the same thing appears to happen on TweetDeck too.
Yeah, I've run into this issue before. The workaround we found was to restructure the html/css so that no ancestor of the badge uses margin: auto.
It turns out that the issues was due to the version of FlashPlayer that the browser was using.
By upgrading FlashPlayer, the badge functions correctly on Windows, however on OSX there still seems to be a bug where, if you do not have Adobe Air installed, it will not ask if you want to install the Air runtime and it and will proceed to install the application anyway - resulting in the install failing.
As of writing the latest FlashPlayer version was 11.x

Flash player debug problem

I have installed flash player 10,1,82,76. When i tried to debug my application, it returned this alert message ..
Flex Builder cannot locate the required debugger version of Flash Player. You might need to install the debugger version of Flash Player 9 or reinstall Flex Builder.
Do you want to try to debug with the current version?
And When i tried to install flashplayer_10_ax_debug.exe, i got this message.
"The version of Adobe Flash Player that you are trying to install is not the most current
version. Please visit the Player Download Center to obtain the latest, most secure version."
What is the solution ?
What browser are you targeting? You may need to disable/remove the current version before continuing with the debug player install. I went through this process before for testing diff player versions (9, 10) in IE, Firefox and Chrome, and detailed it here
I had similar problem when I was trying to debug my application with an internal Eclipse web browser. When I changed preferences so that debug started in external web browser like Firefox or Opera, problem disappeared.
Hope that it'll be of any help to you.

How to debug in AS3 only project in Flex...?

I am trying to build a AS3 only project in Flex....I have tried debug mode, but seems like it takes so long to compile....I can't use trace or check variables...Are there anyway to do debug?? Thanks for the help..
Which version of Flash Player have you installed, you need the debugger version. Check your browser , some browsers like Chrome for instance , come with Flash Player bundled in , but this isn't the version you need. You can also check your application properties, particularly the Run/Debug Settings.
Last but not least, you could also watch this Lee Brimelow tutorial, about using MonsterDebugger

Why my flex application can not compile sometimes?

Sometimes when I compile my flex app, I got this error
Unable to create source GeneratedAsset31_dataClass. WebCe line 25 1259045578886 1546
But after I cleaned the project, this error disappeared.
It's not a big problem but very annoying and I can not find any clue by search the internet.
Any suggestion?
Your compiled and "generated" .swf file may have been opened in another application while Flex Builder was trying to re-compile or inject code changes back into the .swf.
If that is the case, you can solve the problem and avoid the error by closing the applications that have opened the .swf file before you switch back to Flex Builder and start coding again.
Please note that if you are developing an AIR application you should close the AIR app, or if you are working on a web application close the stand alone flash player if you are testing your app that way.
Web browsers like Firefox, Internet Explorer or Safari are an exception because they don't lock open files and Flex Builder is able to re-compile even though your application is running in the browser, of course you will need to hit refresh in your browser to see any further changes.

Flex 3 debugging not working with FIREFOX 3

Flex 3 debugging not working with FIREFOX 3 (under vista)
no trace() shown in console. breakpoints not working.
Do you have Flex Builder installed? If not, if you are using the free SDK, did you install the debug version of the Flash player?
Try reinstalling the debug version of the Flash player. Here's a link, in case you didn't. I had the same problem a week back -- corrupted my install. But also check out the config files as suggested in the other answer.
It worked perfect after installing the debugger from the link given above.
The exe that should be installed is listed as "Download the Windows Flash Player 10.1 ActiveX control content debugger (for IE) (EXE, 2.72 MB) " in http://www.adobe.com/support/flashplayer/downloads.html.
Do you have:
In a file called mm.cfg in your home directory? I'm using FF3 on Windows Server 2k3 and it works fine, so I can't speak to why it wouldn't work on Vista. Despite Vista's reputation for being broken, I doubt that this is a Vista-only problem you're experiencing. You're sure you've got the debugging flash player installed?
