Why my flex application can not compile sometimes? - apache-flex

Sometimes when I compile my flex app, I got this error
Unable to create source GeneratedAsset31_dataClass. WebCe line 25 1259045578886 1546
But after I cleaned the project, this error disappeared.
It's not a big problem but very annoying and I can not find any clue by search the internet.
Any suggestion?

Your compiled and "generated" .swf file may have been opened in another application while Flex Builder was trying to re-compile or inject code changes back into the .swf.
If that is the case, you can solve the problem and avoid the error by closing the applications that have opened the .swf file before you switch back to Flex Builder and start coding again.
Please note that if you are developing an AIR application you should close the AIR app, or if you are working on a web application close the stand alone flash player if you are testing your app that way.
Web browsers like Firefox, Internet Explorer or Safari are an exception because they don't lock open files and Flex Builder is able to re-compile even though your application is running in the browser, of course you will need to hit refresh in your browser to see any further changes.


Xamarin Forms - prevent iOS storyboard from loading

I'm using Visual Studio for Windows to test a Xamarin Forms app on Android. Now I want to test it on an iPhone as well, which is possible by connecting the iPhone to my Windows system and using Xamarin Hot Restart.
The app is deployed on the iPhone, but when I tap on the icon it starts for a brief moment and then it closes (like it crashes). Looking at the link sent here earlier, in the Limitations section, the cause of this issue might be described there:
"Storyboard and XIB files are not supported and the app may crash if it attempts to load these at runtime. Use the HOTRESTART preprocessor symbol to prevent this code from executing."
I do have a Storyboard and I think an XIB file, but I have no idea how to prevent it from loading. The storyboard is called in info.plist only and the XIB extension is called in the .storyboard file.
The usage of the preprocessor symbol HOTRESTART is only for C# I believe. My question thus is: how can I use the processor symbol HOTRESTART to prevent the loading of storyboard and XIB files?

Unable to launch web browser flex

I AM Using Flex Builder 4 for flex Web application, In which I create one flex Web Application. Now i am trying to run my application on web browser at that time builder shows some error like (Cannot run program "C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe": CreateProcess error=5, Access is denied).
This error shows me from last one day. So will anyone can give me answer that why i got such error. In preferences Default System Web browser is selected. which is Mozilla Firefox.
Go to Window -> Preferences -> General -> Web Browser. There you can see the available browsers listed and a radio button for selecting either the internal or external browser. Do check these settings and try to launch again. It may be that the path you have shown, where "firefox.exe" resides has not been updated within the Flash Builder.
Rigth click on the flashbuilder shortcut -> run as administrator
If you can't run as an admin, try checking on the security settings to ensure all users have full access to the Firefox directory & files. This almost has to be security related, unless Firefox is actually a location different from where it's looking.
I just clean and close flash builder project. And then close flash builder and restart my system and then relaunch flash builder then it will works now.
Thanks to all.

Flash Builder 4.5 won't run my application

I was running my application from Flash Builder 4.5.1 without any issues. (It is a Flex application that connects to .Net Web Services). However, something has changed recently in my configuration or project, because when I try to run the app with the play or debug button, I just get a grey screen. I can't even stop on any breakpoints.
Eventually (maybe 30 seconds), a message pops up like so: 'The Flash Builer failed to connect to the running application. Please make sure that you are running the debug version of Flash Player...'
I definitely have latest version of Flash Debug Player installed ( I have tried uninstalling it and re-installing it.
I have tried cleaning and rebuilding my project.
I have tried switching to a different workspace and back again.
I have tried restarting the PC.
I am using the latest version of IE for testing.
I'm really stumped - has anybody got any ideas on how to solve this?
Have you tried deleting the html-template folder? This has caused issues for me in the past.
After it's deleted, when you try to build you will have a compiler error/warning about the missing folder. Right click and 'rebuild'.
There are some issues with compatability between 64 bit IE9, the 64-bit flash player, and 32-bit debugger. It seems like flash builder gets confused on which to use. I haven't seen any decent resolution yet in the Adobe forums for this particular issue other than use a different browser for testing.
To switch browsers, go to Window > Preferences... > General > Web Browser in Flash Builder. Select Firefox or Chrome.
In order to use Firefox, you need the Flash Debugger for Netscape compatable browsers installed. You can get that from Adobe here.
To use Chrome, you need to replace the built in flash player that is installed with Chrome with the debug player. Instructions from Adobe are here.

Why does Flash Builder 4 use Flash Player instead of a browser to run apps?

I've got an old flex builder 3 project that I imported into Flash Builder 4, and I want this project to run its web applications in my web browser. However, the apps persistently run in the Flash Player instead. This is causing no end of problems because of the flash player bug documented at https://bugs.adobe.com/jira/browse/FP-209.
How can I make a project's apps run in the browser instead of the player?
This issue can be caused by HTML generation being disabled. In the project property panel:
Screen Shot of the settings http://img685.imageshack.us/img685/1487/screenshot20100422at124.png
In your debug configurations, make sure that the url or path to launch points to the html file that the swf is embeded in, not the swf itself. You can reach the debug configuration menu by clicking the little arrow next to the debug bug icon... (and probably some other way, but i always use that menu).

Flex - changes to mxml not reflected in browser

I have a Flex project and am using a trial version of Adobe Flex Builder 3 to build it.
I do the following:
1. Change an mxml file in the project (for simplicity, assume I changed the text in a label).
2. Right click on the project, Export, Release Build
3. Right click on the main mxml file, Run As -> Flex Application
A browser window opens, everything runs fine, but I cannot see the change I made in step 1.
I thought the browser (tried with IE, Chrome) might be caching stuff, so I tried after deleting all temporary internet files, but I see the same behavior.
Am I being dumb and missing something or is there something going on here?
Check the timestamp on your .swf in your release folder. You might be running from a different folder.
Check the URL of the flex app in your browser to see if its running the debug version or the release version.
When you run a flex app, flex builder normally runs the debug version. Exporting the release build is done when the project is completed - release build won't have any debug information in it and hence will be compact. If you have selected Build Automatically in the Project menu, the debug version will be recompiled automatically when you save a file. You can just hit F11 to run it.
