SugarCRM Account Documents and Opportunity Documents - crm

Via SugarCRM i would like to have all documents listed in an opportunity show up under Documents on the related account. The idea is at the account level the user gets a "birds eye view" of all documents uploaded to all opportunities associated to that account. The user then can click on any opportunity to show only documents for that opportunity. Does anyone know how i could go about this?

Simple - Add an Account relationship in the Documents module and express it the opportunities sub panel. The Opportunity documents will be tagged with the Account and When you go to the Account, you'll have your "bird's eye view" to all the opportunities documents related to that account. You shouldn't need to code this at all, it could be done in Studio.

You only could do that by code, if you are ready to code you could use this great developer blog entry to base your customization on :


Limit work author field in reports only to current user

Currently all developers in project can create report where all work authors are listed.
Can work authors field in report be limited only to current user, so developer can only see his own spent time?
You can revoke the 'Read User Basic' and Read User Full' permissions from the role assigned to the users, then they won't see other users in the report's dropdown. You should note that in this case, these users won't see other users in other places as well, e.g., they won't be able to mention users or search issues assigned to speciifc users.
I hope I'm not too late and this question is still relevant. But under Role permissions inside the YouTrack system, you can add/remove permissions to "Create Not Own Work Item" and "Update Not Own Work Item" and this will add/remove an option for the given role to add time spent for others than themselves.

How to remove myself from a Firebase project

I decided to try Firebase. When I go to the console, I not only see my own project, but two projects that I never created or was supposed to have access to:
Those projects seem to be created by a "Rohit Travel & Tours". I can see some of the details:
When I go to Google Cloud's resource manager, sure enough, the project is also there, along with a few "My First Project" projects that seem to belong to the same people:
I'm not sure why I got access to this. It's either a dangerous bug, or a clueless admin that added one of my emails to the project.
I'd like to remove that project since it's just clutter. However, I can't find a way to remove myself from the project, and since I don't have any kind of admin access, there's nothing I can actually change there. In fact, I can't find my account listed on any of the role/member fields either, so I'm not sure what's the real story there.
So far the admin emails listed on the accounts have been unresponsive when I requested that my account be removed.
There's no way to contact Google Cloud to request that either. Apparently the only way to contact them is with a paid support account of some kind.
So my question is: is there a way for me to ever remove myself from these accounts, so I don't see them on my panels, especially the Firebase dashboard?
Or am I stuck with these app accounts forever?
When such projects show up for me, it's usually because someone added a group that I'm a member of (like as a collaborator to that project. If that is the cause, there is no way to remove me/you as an individual user. One of the owners on the project will have to remove the overly broad group, and replace it by either a better targeted group or by the individual users.
Also see:
How do I remove myself from a project in the Google Developer Console?

Dynamics CRM Copy Campaign Privilage

I'm working on a CRM project. My customers want to restrict some of campaign menu options. They particularly want to limit the copying of a campaign. I checked user roles but I can not find anything about it. So how can I take to privilege of copying campaign?
It seems there isn't no specific security privilege to allow to copy a campaign (you can check the necessary security privileges here).
If changing those privileges is not an option, you can always edit the command bar using some tool like Ribbon Workbench and hide the Copy button (bear in mind that you would be hiding that functionality to all the users) or apply some custom enable rule. You can check how to to this here.

Wordpress User Management

I need a little bit help with user management.
I have an education site (not ready yet), i need two registration:
First for students, they can register to courses with name, email, phone number etc.
Second for teachers, who can register with name, email, year of birth etc., but teachers can register for courses too.
But when a teacher wants to register for courses too, i want that she/he can use same email address, name etc. too. And i want it, after a teacher register both place, on the wp-admin/users i see just one registration.
There is any plugin which is easy to do it?
Thanks for your help!
The answer is 'no' there is no easy plugin for this. I'm DV the question though.
I'm going to go out on a limb here and suggest that you not use Wordpress for this website and you consider building everything yourself. You are already hitting the constraints of Wordpress in that it is difficult to assign multiple roles and manage them consistently. I'm going to take another guess and say that even if you launch using Wordpress, you'll quickly outgrow it and need to rewrite your entire application.
If you build the application yourself, you can design the user database however you want and allow users to have one or more roles (i.e. student and/or teacher). Then your application can use the roles a user has to determine what to display to them.
If you want to reduce your overall dev time, piece together third-party APIs and tools. If you are using Node.js, check out Keystone.js (, Hatch (, and other CMS tools. You can also look for a user database like Passport ( that give you a bunch of user management features. There are tons of free or open-source tools out there that can help you build this application quickly.

Upload documents to Buddypress activities without Groups

A PHP/js developer called Stergatu has developed an awesome Buddypress plugin that allows users to upload documents as activity attachments. I want to use it to develop a file sharing site. It's very good but it has one restriction. The user must be in a group in order to upload documents.
Here is my comment on her blog -
I was wondering if any of you would be able to help me is she cannot.
Ideally, not being in a group would be an option in the Worpress admin panel. This seems like a natural progression for the development of this plugin.
Try BuddyDrive plugin
Here is more info.
