Accurately measuring relative distance between a set of fiducials (Augmented reality application) - math

Let's say I have a set of 5 markers. I am trying to find the relative distances between each marker using an augmented reality framework such as ARToolkit. In my camera feed thee first 20 frames show me the first 2 markers only so I can work out the transformation between the 2 markers. The second 20 frames show me the 2nd and 3rd markers only and so on. The last 20 frames show me the 5th and 1st markers. I want to build up a 3D map of the marker positions of all 5 markers.
My question is, knowing that there will be inaccuracies with the distances due to low quality of the video feed, how do I minimise the inaccuracies given all the information I have gathered?
My naive approach would be to use the first marker as a base point, from the first 20 frames take the mean of the transformations and place the 2nd marker and so forth for the 3rd and 4th. For the 5th marker place it inbetween the 4th and 1st by placing it in the middle of the mean of the transformations between the 5th and 1st and the 4th and 5th. This approach I feel has a bias towards the first marker placement though and doesn't take into account the camera seeing more than 2 markers per frame.
Ultimately I want my system to be able to work out the map of x number of markers. In any given frame up to x markers can appear and there are non-systemic errors due to the image quality.
Any help regarding the correct approach to this problem would be greatly appreciated.
More information regarding the problem:
Lets say the realworld map is as follows:
Lets say I get 100 readings for each of the transformations between the points as represented by the arrows in the image. The real values are written above the arrows.
The values I obtain have some error (assumed to follow a gaussian distribution about the actual value). For instance one of the readings obtained for marker 1 to 2 could be x:9.8 y:0.09. Given I have all these readings how do I estimate the map. The result should ideally be as close to the real values as possible.
My naive approach has the following problem. If the average of the transforms from 1 to 2 is slightly off the placement of 3 can be off even though the reading of 2 to 3 is very accurate. This problem is shown below:
The greens are the actual values, the blacks are the calculated values. The average transform of 1 to 2 is x:10 y:2.

You can use a least-squares method, to find the transformation that gives the best fit to all your data. If all you want is the distance between the markers, this is just the average of the distances measured.
Assuming that your marker positions are fixed (e.g., to a fixed rigid body), and you want their relative position, then you can simply record their positions and average them. If there is a potential for confusing one marker with another, you can track them from frame to frame, and use the continuity of each marker location between its two periods to confirm its identity.
If you expect your rigid body to be moving (or if the body is not rigid, and so forth), then your problem is significantly harder. Two markers at a time is not sufficient to fix the position of a rigid body (which requires three). However, note that, at each transition, you have the location of the old marker, the new marker, and the continuous marker, at almost the same time. If you already have an expected location on the body for each of your markers, this should provide a good estimate of a rigid pose every 20 frames.
In general, if your body is moving, best performance will require some kind of model for its dynamics, which should be used to track its pose over time. Given a dynamic model, you can use a Kalman filter to do the tracking; Kalman filters are well-adapted to integrating the kind of data you describe.
By including the locations of your markers as part of the Kalman state vector, you may be able to be able to deduce their relative locations from purely sensor data (which appears to be your goal), rather than requiring this information a priori. If you want to be able to handle an arbitrary number of markers efficiently, you may need to come up with some clever mutation of the usual methods; your problem seems designed to avoid solution by conventional decomposition methods such as sequential Kalman filtering.
Edit, as per the comments below:
If your markers yield a full 3D pose (instead of just a 3D position), the additional data will make it easier to maintain accurate information about the object you are tracking. However, the recommendations above still apply:
If the labeled body is fixed, use a least-squares fit of all relevant frame data.
If the labeled body is moving, model its dynamics and use a Kalman filter.
New points that come to mind:
Trying to manage a chain of relative transformations may not be the best way to approach the problem; as you note, it is prone to accumulated error. However, it is not necessarily a bad way, either, as long as you can implement the necessary math in that framework.
In particular, a least-squares fit should work perfectly well with a chain or ring of relative poses.
In any case, for either a least-squares fit or for Kalman filter tracking, a good estimate of the uncertainty of your measurements will improve performance.


Rendering highly granular and "zoomed out" data

There was a gif on the internet where someone used some sort of CAD and drew multiple vector pictures in it. On the first frame they zoom-in on a tiny dot, revealing there a whole new different vector picture just on a different scale, and then they proceed to zoom-in further on another tiny dot, revealing another detailed picture, repeating several times. here is the link to the gif
Or another similar example: imagine you have a time-series with a granularity of a millisecond per sample and you zoom out to reveal years-worth of data.
My questions are: how such a fine-detailed data, in the end, gets rendered, when a huge amount of data ends up getting aliased into a single pixel.
Do you have to go through the whole dataset to render that pixel (i.e. in case of time-series: go through million records to just average them out into 1 line or in case of CAD render whole vector picture and blur it into tiny dot), or there are certain level-of-detail optimizations that can be applied so that you don't have to do this?
If so, how do they work and where one can learn about it?
This is a very well known problem in games development. In the following I am assuming you are using a scene graph, a node-based tree of objects.
Typical solutions involve a mix of these techniques:
Level Of Detail (LOD): multiple resolutions of the same model, which are shown or hidden so that only one is "visible" at any time. When to hide and show is usually determined by the distance between camera and object, but you could also include the scale of the object as a factor. Modern 3d/CAD software will sometimes offer you automatic "simplification" of models, which can be used as the low res LOD models.
At the lowest level, you could even just use the object's bounding
box. Checking whether a bounding box is in view is only around 1-7 point checks depending on how you check. And you can utilise object parenting for transitive bounding boxes.
Clipping: if a polygon is not rendered in the view port at all, no need to render it. In the GIF you posted, when the camera zooms in on a new scene, what is left from the larger model is a single polygon in the background.
Re-scaling of world coordinates: as you zoom in, the coordinates for vertices become sub-zero floating point numbers. Given you want all coordinates as precise as possible and given modern CPUs can only handle floats with 64 bits precision (and often use only 32 for better performance), it's a good idea to reset the scaling of the visible objects. What I mean by that is that as your camera zooms in to say 1/1000 of the previous view, you can scale up the bigger objects by a factor of 1000, and at the same time adjust the camera position and focal length. Any newly attached small model would use its original scale, thus preserving its precision.
This transition would be invisible to the viewer, but allows you to stay within well-defined 3d coordinates while being able to zoom in infinitely.
On a higher level: As you zoom into something and the camera gets closer to an object, it appears as if the world grows bigger relative to the view. While normally the camera space is moving and the world gets multiplied by the camera's matrix, the same effect can be achieved by changing the world coordinates instead of the camera.
First, you can use caching. With tiles, like it's done in cartography. You'll still need to go over all the points, but after that you'll be able zoom-in/zoom-out quite rapidly.
But if you don't have extra memory for cache (not so much actually, much less than the data itself), or don't have time to go over all the points you can use probabilistic approach.
It can be as simple as peeking only every other point (or every 10th point or whatever suits you). It yields decent results for some data. Again in cartography it works quite well for shorelines, but not so well for houses or administrative boarders - anything with a lot of straight lines.
Or you can take a more hardcore probabilistic approach: randomly peek some points, and if, for example, there're 100 data points that hit pixel one and only 50 hit pixel two, then you can more or less safely assume that if you'll continue to peek points still pixel one will be twice as likely to be hit that pixel two. So you can just give up and draw pixel one with a twice more heavy color.
Also consider how much data you can and want to put in a pixel. If you'll draw a pixel in black and white, then there're only 256 variants of color. And you don't need to be more precise. Or if you're going to draw a pixel in full color then you still need to ask yourself: will anyone notice the difference between something like rgb(123,12,54) and rgb(123,11,54)?

Finding a quantity of anything between two points in space

I'm currently working towards a 3D model of this, but I thought I would start with 2D. Basically, I have a grid of longitude and latitude with NO2 concentrations across it. What I want to produce, at least for now, is a total amount of Nitrogen Dioxide between two points. Like so:
Basically, These two points are at different lats and lons and as I stated I want to find the amount of something between them. The tricky thing to me is that the model data I'm working with is gridded so I need to be able to account for the amount of something along a line at the lat and lons at which that line cuts through said grid.
Another approach, and maybe a better one for my purposes, could be visualized like this:3DGrid
Ultimately, I'd like to be able to create a program (within any language honestly) that could find the amount of "something" between two points in a 3D grid. If you would like specfics, the bottom altitude is the surface, the top grid is the top of the atmosphere. The bottom point is a measurement device looking at the sun during a certain time of day (and therefore having a certain zenith and azimuth angle). I want to find the NO2 between that measurement device and the "top of the atmosphere" which in my grid is just the top altitude level (of which there are 25).
I'm rather new to coding, stack exchange, and even the subject matter I'm working with so the sparse code I've made might end up creating more clutter than purely asking the question and seeing what methods/code you might suggest?
Hopefully my question is beneficial!
To traverse all touched cells, you can use Amanatides-Woo algorithm. It is suitable both for 2D and for 3D case.
Implementation clues
To account for quantity used from every cell, you can apply some model. For example, calculate path length inside cell (as difference of enter and exit coordinates) and divide by normalizing factor to get cell weight (for example, byCellSize*Sqrt(3) for 3D case as diagonal length).

Calculate a dynamic iteration value when zooming into a Mandelbrot

I'm trying to figure out how to automatically adjust the maximum iteration value when moving around in the Mandelbrot fractal.
All examples I've found uses a constant of 1000 or less but that's not enough when zooming into the fractal set.
Is there a way to determine the number of max_iterations based on for example where you are in the Mandelbrot space (x_start,x_end,y_start,y_end)?
One method I tried was to repetitively pre-process a small area in the region of the Mset boundary with increasing iterations until the percentage change in status from one repetition to the next was small. The problem was, that would vary in different places on the current map, since the "depth" varies across it. How to find the right place to do it? By logging the "deepest" boundary area during the previous generation (that will still be within the next zoom area).
But my best strategy was to avoid iterating wherever possible:
Away from the boundary of the Mset, areas of equal depth can be "contoured" and then filled with that depth. It was not an easy algorithm. Basically I followed a raster scan but when I detected a boundary of iteration change (examining all the neighbours to ensure I wasn't close the the edge of the Mset), I would switch to a curve-stitching method to iterate around a contour back to where it started (obviously not recalculating spots I already did), and then make a second pass filling in the raster lines within the countour with the iteration level. It was fraught with leaks but eventually I cracked it.
Within the Mset, I followed the same approach, because the very last thing you want to do is to plough across vast areas and hit the iteration limit.
The difficult area is close the the boundary, where the iteration results can't be related to smooth contours with the neighbours. The contour stitching method won't work here, since there is only ever 1 pixel of a particular depth.
Using the contour method also will have faults to the lower or Mset sides of this region, but since this area looks chaotic until you zoom deeper, I lived with that.
So having said all that, I simply set the iteration depth as high as I can tolerate, but perhaps you can combine my first paragraph with the area-filling techniques.
BTW colouring the region adjacent to the Mset looks terrible when an animated smooth playback of the zoom is attempted. For that reason I coloured this area in a grey scale, by comparing with neighbours. If there was too much difference, I coloured to 0x808080 at first, then adapted that depending on the predominance of the neighbours' depth. All requiring fine tuning!

Adding plotstick-like arrows to a scatterplot

This is my first post here, thought i have read a lot of your Q&A these last 6 months. I'm currently working on ADCP (Aquatic Doppler Current Profiler) data, handled by the "oce" package from Dan Kelley (a little bit of advertising for those who want to deal with oceanographic datas in R). I'm not very experienced in R, and i have read the question relative to abline for levelplot functions "How to add lines to a levelplot made using lattice (abline somehow not working)?".
What i currently have is a levelplot representing a time series of echo intensity (from backscattered signal, which is monitored in the same time as current is) data taken in 10m of depth, this 10m depth line is parted into 25 rows, where each measurement is done along the line. (see the code part to obtain an image of what i have)
(unfortunately, my reputation doesn't allow me to post images).
I then proceed to generate an other plot, which represents arrows of the current direction as:
The length of each arrow gives an indication of the current strength
Its orientation is represented (all of this is done by taking the two components of the current intensity (East-West / North-South) and represent the resulting current).
There is an arrow drawn for each tick of time (thus for the 1000 columns of my example data, there are always two components of the current intensity).
Those arrows are drawn at the beginning of each measurement cell, thus at each row of my data, allowing to have a representation of currents for the whole water column.
You can see the code part to have a "as i have" representation of currents
The purpose of this question is to understand how i can superimpose those two representations, drawing my current arrows at each row of the represented data, thus making a representation of both current direction, intensity and echo intensity.
Here i can't find any link to describe what i mean, but this is something i have already seen.
I tried with the panel function which seems to be the best option, but my knowledge of R and the handeling of this kind of work is small, and i hope one of you may have the time and the knowledges to help me to solve this problem way faster than i could.
I am, of course, available to answer any questions or give precisions. I may ask a lot more, after working on a large code for 6 months, my thirst for learning is now large.
Code to represent data :
Here are some data to represent what I have:
U (north/south component of velocity) and V (East/west):
U1= c(0.043,0.042,0.043,0.026,0.066,-0.017,-0.014,-0.019,0.024,-0.007,0.000,-0.048,-0.057,-0.101,-0.063,-0.114,-0.132,-0.103,-0.080,-0.098,-0.123,-0.087,-0.071,-0.050,-0.095,-0.047,-0.031,-0.028,-0.015,0.014,-0.019,0.048,0.026,0.039,0.084,0.036,0.071,0.055,0.019,0.059,0.038,0.040,0.013,0.044,0.078,0.040,0.098,0.015,-0.009,0.013,0.038,0.013,0.039,-0.008,0.024,-0.004,0.046,-0.004,-0.079,-0.032,-0.023,-0.015,-0.001,-0.028,-0.030,-0.054,-0.071,-0.046,-0.029,0.012,0.016,0.049,-0.020,0.012,0.016,-0.021,0.017,0.013,-0.008,0.057,0.028,0.056,0.114,0.073,0.078,0.133,0.056,0.057,0.096,0.061,0.096,0.081,0.100,0.092,0.057,0.028,0.055,0.025,0.082,0.087,0.070,-0.010,0.024,-0.025,0.018,0.016,0.007,0.020,-0.031,-0.045,-0.009,-0.060,-0.074,-0.072,-0.082,-0.100,-0.047,-0.089,-0.074,-0.070,-0.070,-0.070,-0.075,-0.070,-0.055,-0.078,-0.039,-0.050,-0.049,0.024,-0.026,-0.021,0.008,-0.026,-0.018,0.002,-0.009,-0.025,0.029,-0.040,-0.006,0.055,0.018,-0.035,-0.011,-0.026,-0.014,-0.006,-0.021,-0.031,-0.030,-0.056,-0.034,-0.026,-0.041,-0.107,-0.069,-0.082,-0.091,-0.096,-0.043,-0.038,-0.056,-0.068,-0.064,-0.042,-0.064,-0.058,0.016,-0.041,0.018,-0.008,0.058,0.006,0.007,0.060,0.011,0.050,-0.028,0.023,0.015,0.083,0.106,0.057,0.096,0.055,0.119,0.145,0.078,0.090,0.110,0.087,0.098,0.092,0.050,0.068,0.042,0.059,0.030,-0.005,-0.005,-0.013,-0.013,-0.016,0.008,-0.045,-0.021,-0.036,0.020,-0.018,-0.032,-0.038,0.021,-0.077,0.003,-0.010,-0.001,-0.024,-0.020,-0.022,-0.029,-0.053,-0.022,-0.007,-0.073,0.013,0.018,0.002,-0.038,0.024,0.025,0.033,0.008,0.016,-0.018,0.023,-0.001,-0.010,0.006,0.053,0.004,0.001,-0.003,0.009,0.019,0.024,0.031,0.024,0.009,-0.009,-0.035,-0.030,-0.031,-0.094,-0.006,-0.052,-0.061,-0.104,-0.098,-0.054,-0.161,-0.110,-0.078,-0.178,-0.052,-0.073,-0.051,-0.065,-0.029,-0.012,-0.053,-0.070,-0.040,-0.056,-0.004,-0.032,-0.065,-0.005,0.036,0.023,0.043,0.078,0.039,0.019,0.061,0.025,0.036,0.036,0.062,0.048,0.073,0.037,0.025,0.000,-0.007,-0.014,-0.050,-0.014,0.007,-0.035,-0.115,-0.039,-0.113,-0.102,-0.109,-0.158,-0.158,-0.133,-0.110,-0.170,-0.124,-0.115,-0.134,-0.097,-0.106,-0.155,-0.168,-0.038,-0.040,-0.074,-0.011,-0.040,-0.003,-0.019,-0.022,-0.006,-0.049,-0.048,-0.039,-0.011,-0.036,-0.001,-0.018,-0.037,-0.001,0.033,0.061,0.054,0.005,0.040,0.045,0.062,0.016,-0.007,-0.005,0.009,0.044,0.029,-0.016,-0.028,-0.021,-0.036,-0.072,-0.138,-0.060,-0.109,-0.064,-0.142,-0.081,-0.032,-0.077,-0.058,-0.035,-0.039,-0.013,0.007,0.007,-0.052,0.024,0.018,0.067,0.015,-0.002,-0.004,0.038,-0.010,0.056)
Then, as a representation of currents:
In order to simplify the representation, the three last plots are based on the same data.

How to detect a trend inside unsteady data (e.g. Trendly)?

I was wondering what kind of model / method / technique Trendly might use to achieve this model:
[It tries to find the moments where significant changes set in and ignores random movements]
Any pointers very welcome! :)
I've never seen 'Trendly', and don't know anything about it, but if I wanted to produce that red line from that blue line, in an algorithmic fashion, I would try:
Fourier the whole data set
Choose a block size longer than the period of the dominant frequency
Divide the data up into blocks of the chosen size
Compare adjacent ones with a statistical test of some sort.
Where the test says two blocks belong to the same underlying distribution, merge them.
If any were merged, go back to 4.
Red trend line is the mean of each block.
A simple "median" function could produce smoother curves over a mostly un-smooth curve.
Otherwise, a brute-force or genetic algorithm could be used; attempting to find the way to split the data into sections, so that more sections = worse solution, and less accuracy of the lines = worse solution.
Another way would be like this: Start at the beginning. As soon as the line moves outside of some radius (3 above or 3 below the first, for instance) set the new height to an average of the current line's height and the previous marker.
If you keep doing that, it would ignore small fluctuations. However, if the fluctuation was large enough, it would still effect it.
