Where is the DB_CONFIG file of Berkeley database located in Unix? - unix

i'm new to Berkeley db, i have installed the version "db-4.8.30.NC.tar.gz" but now i would like to find the configuration
information by using the configuration file.
I've read in the documentations that this file is named DB_CONFIG and it exists in the
database home directory.
In my system, i have uzipped the tar file under /usr/db-4.8.30.NC but i still haven't found
the DB_CONFIG file.
Well, i'm trying to find where the DB_CONFIG file is located in Unix, but i can't find it.
May you please help me?
Thanks, in advance

You (or a system administrator) writes the DB_CONFIG file by hand to modify any of the DB_ENV environment variables that can be over-ridden at runtime.
The DB_CONFIG file is stored in the db_home directory; the docs/programmer_reference/env_naming.html file has full details, but you can either pass an explicit db_home parameter in the DB_ENV->open() call or rely on the DB_HOME environment variable to locate the DB_CONFIG file, if any exists. The environment variable approach might be nice if the system administrator would reasonably want to move the storage around as they wish; the specific path name approach might be nice if you don't want to bother your system administrators with details of managing your storage.


Where are files stored in Alfresco 7.X?

I'm running containerized Alfresco in Docker (pom shows alfresco-core.version 7.21). According to the official documentation, the files should be stored as a .bin file in \alf_data\contentstore, but when I go into the alfresco container, alf_data is an empty directory. Even when I search the whole container for .bin files I find nothing related to my files.
Can anyone tell me how I can find my files?
Look in your Docker Compose file and see if an external volume as been defined. It is likely, as any content stored directly in the container would be ephemeral. Using a volume allows content to be written to the host file system.
Just in case you were tempted, though, you shouldn't be doing anything with those files directly. The Alfresco content store uses a hashed directory structure and renames all files using a GUID and an extension of "bin".
You should check your repository.properties/alfresco-global.properties files and look for the configured location. Note, only files - as in Word, PDF, etc - will be stored on disk and metadata goes into the database.

How to install tools for everyone to use in unix

I'm a freshman, and I created a server with my roomates in order to practice in maintaining a server.
We installed CentOS7. And I would like to ask how I can install a tool for everyone to use?
More particularly, we want to install Cromwell. But since, they don't have instructions on how to install on Unix, I downloaded Linuxbrew and installed it like this.
The downside is that it's not visible to the other users connected to the servers.
I know this is a noob question, but any response would be appreciated.
A standard unix machine has programs (tools and so on) installed in predefined directories like /bin, /usr/bin, perhaps /usr/local/bin. Which to choose is another matter, probably you want /usr/bin. Also the environ variable PATH plays a role.
Into the chosen directory there should be a file representing the "tool". You can put a copy of the executable file in that directory, and set (or check) its permissions. Execution permission can be granted to all users, or only some, it depends. In other words,
is not a good place for a "system" tool or app; you should copy that executable in /usr/bin, set ownership (perhaps to root?) with chown, and set the correct permissions with chmod.
You can make a hard link of your executable into the directory; this saves space, but also means that there is only one copy of the executable. Having two different copies (the "stable" one, and the other one you can fiddle with) can be handy.
After the executable is reachable and executable from the chosen users, maybe it needs some support files. To find them, it can rely on fixed locations, or some environment variable, or some configuration file. But all these things are outside of the scope of the question.
Try this command:
you#machine$ sudo chmod [who][op][permissions] filename
"who" refers to the users that have a particular permission: the user ("u"), the group ("g"), or other users ("o", also known as "world"). "op" determines whether to add ("+"), remove ("-") or explicitly set ("=") the particular permissions. "permissions" are whether the file should be readable ("r"), writable ("w"), or executable ("x"). As an example:
you#machine$ chmod o+x file
will add executable permission for others to file.

Unix check if a file referenced by any symlinks

How to check if a file is being referenced by any symlinks in the directory - I want to delete all the other files except the symlink and the refernced file. Is there any direct command to check or a work around to do so?
If the symbolic link is in the same directory or in a well known one, that would be easy. Just check if no other file share the same inode ls -d1Li.
Otherwise, there is no direct way to know if a symbolic link exist to any given file. Even exploring all mounted file systems wouldn't be reliable, as the link might exist on a currently unmounted filesystem, or on a remote machine accessing the file remotely (NFS, CIFS and the likes).

How can I write to a SQLite database file in a SourceForge project's web space?

I have a small Perl-based CGI application, which I am running in the project web space provided for a SourceForge project. This application stores data in a SQLite (v. 3) database file.
When I run test scripts from a shell, I can read from and write to this SQLite file. However, when the CGI code is executed by Apache, it has read-only access. Write operations result in a log file error:
error.log.web-2:[Wed Oct 27 14:40:22 2010] [error] [client] DBD::SQLite::db do failed: unable to open database file
For testing purposes, I have cranked the permissions for that SQLite file all the way up to 777. No difference.
However, there are some funny caveats to SourceForge's project web space, and I wonder if I'm being tripped up by that. Generally, the main web server filesystem is read-only to Apache. If you have files that need to be writable at runtime, you're supposed to store them in a special "persistent" directory elsewhere... and create symlinks from your web space to the actual files under that directory.
I have done this, and the permissions are set to 777 for both the symlink and the actual SQLite file under the "persistence" location. I know this mechanism works in general, because I'm doing the same thing with cache and log files and it works there.
I'm wondering if there's anything funky about SQLite itself, along the lines of it not wanting to open a symlink (rather than a raw file) for writing.
I believe the answer to this question is that it can't be done. Further research into SQLite tells me that the driver must get a lock on the database file before it can do any write operations. This type of lock cannot be obtained when the actual file is on a different machine with its filesystem cross-mounted.
I believe this is the case with SourceForge project web space hosting. It looks like the (writable) "persistent" directory is actually on a totally separate machine from the read-only web server filesystem.
In short, if you stumble across this question because you're having the same issue... either look for different web space hosting, or else it may be time to re-work your app and step up to MySQL or some other DB (SourceForge gives you free MySQL hosting anyway).
Another issue is if you have permissions for the specific db file but you don't have permission to make the temporary files in the directory. (Mixed permissions, or too restrictive permissions)
If you can't write the temporary files then you can't do any writes on a sqlite database file. If you switch it to a :memory: database you could get by or maybe use the pragma mentioned by #bob.faist PRAGMA temp_store = MEMORY, but really you should diagnosis and fix the permissions problem if possible.
Use these commands to see if you have permission to write in those file locations.
ls -l app.db
getfacl app.db
ls -l -d . # check the directory to see if you can write the temp files there
getfacl .
Use chmod or setfacl -m to fix the files or folders to let you write to them.
Also check your diskspace.
df -k
If it shows that your partition where the database file is located or is trying to write its files to are full, you could also get these kinds of issues.
Hope that helps.

Unix invoke script when file is moved

I have tons of files dumped into a few different folders. I've tried organizing them several times, unfortunatly, there is no organization structure that consistently makes sense for all of them.
I finally decided to write myself an application that I can add tags to files with, then the organization can be custom to the actual organizational structure.
I want to prevent from getting orphaned data. If I move/rename a file, my tag application should be told about it so it can update the name in the database. I don't want it tagging files that no longer exist, and having to readd tags for files that used to exist.
Is there a way I can write a callback that will hook into the mv command so that if I rename or move my files, they will invoke the script, which will notify my app, which can update its database?
My app is written in Ruby, but I am willing to play with C if necessary.
If you use Linux you can use inotify (manpage) to monitor directories for file events. It seems there is a ruby interface for inotify.
From the Wikipedia:
Some of the events that can be monitored for are:
IN_ACCESS - read of the file
IN_MODIFY - last modification
IN_ATTRIB - attributes of file change
IN_OPEN and IN_CLOSE - open or close of file
IN_MOVED_FROM and IN_MOVED_TO - when the file is moved or renamed
IN_DELETE - a file/directory deleted
IN_CREATE - a file in a watched directory is created
IN_DELETE_SELF - file monitored is deleted
This does not work for Windows (and I think also not for other Unices besides Linux) as inotify does not exist there.
Can you control the path of your users? Place a script or exe and have the path point to it before the standard mv command. Have this script do what you require and then call the standard mv to perform the move.
Alternately an alias in each users profile. Have the alias call your replacement mv command.
Or rename the existing mv command and place a replacement in the same dir, call it mv and have it call your newly renamed mv command after doing what you want.
