unreset the reset css - css

I am using reset css for my application which includes ck editor, i dont want the reset css should be applied for the output of CK editor inside my html page. How to unset the reset css for the particular portion of a page?

Give the CK output a class. Write your own CSS code after the reset.css code. Refer to the class and give it the properties that you prefer. For example:
<p>Normal text formatted by reset.css</p>
<span class="my-format"><p>Output of CK editor to be formatted by my CSS</p></span>
#import url("reset.css");
/* My code goes down here: */
.my-format { font: normal 14px georgia,times,serif; }

You havent quite understood the point of a reset.css, have you?
You cannot apply some CSS to make all browsers read the css differently (like the do before, like padding, margin, lineheight, zoom and other things)


How to get another woocommerce css theme to put in my main theme?

Sorry for being a newbie but i really need your help.
Heres the problem: i have my main wordpress theme with woocommerce, everything works fine. The thing is: i have a secondary theme with another woocommerce style and i need to get this woocommerce css to my main theme.
How could i do this? Because even if i copy paste the .css file, i will still need the html class's from the other theme.
I dont know what to do anymore, i really apprecite any help.
Thanks and sorry, english is not my native language.
i forgot to say: i dont need all the woocommerce css, i just this the product view. Like this: https://image.ibb.co/kkPtEc/Sem_t_tulo.png
You can use:
Use appropiate selectors to target the elements that you want and reach them with more precision to take priority over other css.
For example:
.elementor-745 .elementor-element.elementor-element-lueowvi .elementor-image-box-content .elementor-image-box-title {
color: #0351d8;
font-size: 27px;
font-weight: 500;
this is a css selector with it's properties and values (copied from a wordpress that i did some time ago)
if i want this text for being red instead of this kinda blue and change the font size, for example, i'll have to:
div.elementor-image-box-wrapper > div.elementor-image-box-content > h3.elementor-image-box-title {
color: red;
font-size: 30px;
Why i did this selector?
i know that this element is inside a div with elementor-image-box-content class, which is inside a div with elementor-image-box-wrapper.
Note that i also specified the html tag in css selector.
Why should it work?
the selector i set is more specific compared to the main theme one. So it will take priority when the css is rendered.
If you deal with id-based classes you'll need javascript (i recommend you to use jQuery as it's loaded by the theme or by some plugin almost always and will let you work faster an cleaner.
when i say id-based classes i mean those like:
<div class="product-id-25">
<!-- other code -->
<div class="product-id-26">
<!-- other code -->
You'll need to select product-id-* and make a for each loop to add the css through jQuery (for example)

How to edit font size in code section on Ghost

I'm using Ghost as blogging platform.
I put my code between ``` just like it's one on stackoverlfow.
This works well but the text size of my code is to big.
I know some css but I don't know how or where I can change this size somewhere?
Those code blocks are wrapped in an element (most-likely code or pre wrapped in <>) but you can check what element to apply the CSS to by right clicking on it in your browser and selecting 'inspect'. Inspect will let you look at the code and see what kind of html element it is wrapped in.
This is inside code element
This is inside pre element
Once you know what element you need to alter you can target it with CSS and add it to your css style files.
<pre>Sample code using pre</pre>
<code>Sample Code using code</code>

RST: how to decrease font size in code blocks?

I would like to include a code block in a presentation I am preparing with Restructured Text. But the font used in the code block is huge and it can not fit inside resulting code box:
How can I reduce the font size used in code blocks?
Set the fontSize property of the code style in your style file.
parent: literal
fontSize: 10
Some of the builtin themes (alabaster) accept usage of custom.css.
Create _static/custom.css and add the following to adjust the code-block font-size:
.highlight { background: #f8f8f8; font-size: x-small;}
You need a layout.html in a dir mysources/_templates and in your mysources/conf.py you need a declaration templates_path = ['_templates'].
In layout.html add a declaration
div.highlight {
font-size : 0.8em; /* or another value you prefer */
This works for me because I use the html_theme sphinxdoc. Maybe in other themes the declarations differ. If so you must find out the declaration by a html debugger like Inspektor in Firefox or Developer Tools in Chrome or DOM Explorer in IE.

Using icon font in css content

I'm trying to use font icons with the zurb foundation icon pack and while of course you can display them inline via of course something as simple as;
<i class="fi-alert"></i>
Except when I try to use it as css content (which is how they display them...) I don't get the same result when I do something like content: "\f101" inside of a css class. I just get those squares to display.
Is the only difference that I include them externally? via;
<link href="//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/foundicons/3.0.0/foundation-icons.css?hash=132456789blahblahblah" rel="stylesheet">
Or what? Am I just missing a src ref in my sass or something inane like that? I'm doing it just how I would expect it to work and have done with others in the past but I get no icon using them from the css, only shown inline with the html? I know it's going to be some dumb oversight so could use another pair of eyes.
Sorry, kicking the dust off my web experience, it's been awhile.
You need to set the font-family to the icon font in the same class where you set the content.
font-family: "foundation-icons";
content: "\f101";
To use them in a css selector like that you have to actually install the font-family for your page and declare that font-family in your css selector before using the code.
This is a decent tutorial https://www.elegantthemes.com/blog/resources/how-to-use-and-embed-an-icon-font-on-your-website
Please provide an example of code that works and doesn't work for you.
If you are trying to display icon by adding :content to an existing css element that is not part of icon pack, this will not work. For example this WILL NOT WORK:
HTML: <li class="icon">text </li>
CSS: .icon:before { content: "\f101"; }}
Use 'i' tag to add icons:
HTML: <li class="icon"><i class="fi-alert"></i>text </li>
Every time you see squares you need to check if font files are loaded. There are 4 fonts are used by icon set in case you want to load css on your server and link them manually:

Applying a Stylesheet Within One Div Only

I have a site I am adding some functionality to. The site is a bit outdated but I am not being paid to overhaul the entire site, just a few pages. Because of this I am using more modern code on these pages but there is still old code on these pages. Because of the old code (which will stay and not be removed) I have some CSS that conflicts.
Is it possible to make an entire stylesheet only apply to styles within a div.
<div class="style-sheet-modern">
<!-- My Stylesheet applies only within this div -->
My first thought was to just rename my css to fall within the div. Example:
.style-sheet-modern .conflicting-class{ /* styles */ }
However, this isn't desirable because there are a few hundred lines of CSS and I don't want to go through and rename all of my CSS. Also makes it difficult to update in the future.
Is there a way to apply an entire stylesheet within a certain div and not anywhere else on the page?
Sure, in most modern browsers. Put a scoped stylesheet WITHIN the div.
<div class="style-sheet-modern">
<style scoped>
.conflicting-class { ... }
You can use #import to use external styles. Note, for browsers that don't support it, it will apply the style to the entire page. So you probably just want to add an id to the div you want and style with that, for compatibility.
Why not give the <div> an ID?
Then you could use specificity to override just the classes/ids that are in that div?
<div id="style-sheet-modern">
<div class="my-class"></div>
<div class="etc"></div>
You could then target all styles inside the "modern" div like this:
#style-sheet-modern .my-class{
#style-sheet-modern .etc {}
There would be no browser support issues.
If you're using something like less or sass – you could even have it in a separate file named "style-sheet-modern.less" or whatever you want it named and #import it at the bottom of your main styles file. This include would need to come last in the file so that it will override the other styles that could be applied to those same styles.
You could use a wildcard to reset all the styles inside the #style-sheet-modern as well if necessary like this:
#style-sheet-modern * {
reset: stuff; //obviously not the actual css
That reset for those styles would be the first thing in your 'style-sheet-modern.*ss' file.
And as I mentioned before, no browser support issues.
