How to test the performance of an http JSON server? - http

How to test the performance of an http server that serves and accepts only JSON requests (post and get)? I'm new to web testing, so tell me if I'm trying to do it in incorrect way.
I want to test if:
server is capable of handling hundreds of simultaneous connections.
server is capable to serve thousands requests per second.
server does not crash or get stuck when the number of requests exceeds server capabilities, and continues to run normally when the number of requests drops below average.
One way is to write some logic that repeats certain actions per run, and run multiple of them.
PS: Ideally, the tool/method should support compression like gzip as an option.

You can try JMeter and it's HTTPSampler.
About gzip. I've never used it in JMeter, but it seems it can:
How to get JMeter to request gzipped content?

Apache Bench (ab) is a command line tool that's great for these kinds of things.
ab -n 100 -c 10

If you are new to web testing then there are a lot of factors that you need to take into account. At the most basic level you want to do the things you have outlined.
Beyond this you need to think about how poorly performing clients might impact your service eg. keeping connections alive, sending malformed requests etc. These may translate into exceptions on the server which might in turn have additional impact (due to logging or slower execution). This means that you have to think of ways to break the service and monitor events that have an impact at higher scales.
Microsoft have a fairly good introduction to performance testing for web applications.


HTTP response times GUI

I'm looking for an application available on CentOS, that allows me to check periodic connectivity response times between that server and a specific port of a remote server (in this case servers a SOAP API).
Something that preferentially allows me to send periodic API calls, but if not possible, just telnet's that remote port, but shows results in a graphic.
Does someone know about an application that allows this, without the need for me to create a script that writes results to a log file that is less readable in terms of time perspective?
After digging and testing a bit more, ended up using netdata:
Awesome tool, extremely simple to use and install.

How can we stimulate 10000 concurrent request?

Is there a way to stimulate 10000 concurrent HTTP request?
I try siege tool
but only have 2000 request limit for my laptop
How can I make 10000 request?
The most simple approach to generate a huge amount of concurrent requests, it probably Apache's ab tool.
For example, ab -n 100 -c 10 would request the given websites a 100 times, with a concurrency of 10 requests.
It is true that the number of simultaneous requests is limited by nature. Keep in mind that TCP only has 65536 available ports, some of which are already occupied and the first 1024 are usually reserved, this leaves you with a theoretical maximum of around 64500 ports per machine for outgoing request.
Then there are the operating system limits. For example, in Linux there are the kernel parameters in the net.ipv4.* group.
Finally, you should of course configure your HTTP server to handle that amount of simultaneous requests. In Apache, those are StartServers and its friends, in nginx it's worker_processes and worker_connections. Also, if you have some stand-alone dynamic processor attached to your webserver (such as php-fpm), you must raise the number of idle processes in the connection pool, too.
After all, the purpose of massive parallel requests should be to find your bottle necks, and the above steps will give you a fair idea.
Btw. if you use ab, read its final report thoroughly. It may seem brief, but it carries a lot of useful information (e.g. "non-2xx responses" may indicate server-side errors due to overload.)
Jmeter allows distributed testing, which means that you can setup up a set of computers (one acting as a master and the rest as slaves) to run as many threads as you need. Jmeter has a very good doc explaining this here . . .
and some more info here . . .
You can set this all up on the cloud as well if you do not have access to sufficient slave machines, there are a couple of services out there for this.
Have you tried using Apache JMeter? You can create a web test plan and there are several options which you can play with. You can wrap the requests in a ThreadGroup as outlined here. You can generate extensive reports and graphs as well. If the simple thread group is not enough you could potentially try using the UltimateThreadGroup plugin for JMeter.
When creating so many threads with JMeter on a single machine you run out of memory to allocate a new stack for a thread. For that you can potentially consider reducing the stack space for the thread. How to do that is explained in the SO answer here. The post has some other alternative approaches as well.
If there isn't an OS limit of the number of simultaneous TCP connections allowed, there is a registry setting that removes or increases that limit. After you made sure that isn't the case, you could write some JavaScript that includes AJAX requests and put it in a loop.
You would probably need node.js to execute the JavaScript.

how to send response directly from worker to client

When Nginx is used as a reverse proxy so that the client connects to Nginx and Nginx load balances or otherwise redirects the request to a backend worker via CGI etc... what is it called and how is it implemented when the worker responds directly to the client bypassing Nginx?
The source of my question is from two places. a) erlangonxen uses Nginx and a "spawner" app to launch a huge volume of instant-on workers. However, the response still passes through the spawner (an expensive step); b) I recently scanned an article that described this solution but I can no longer find it.
You got your jargon mixed I believe, so I'm going to ignore the proxy bit and assume this is about CGI. In that case you should be looking for fast CGI solutions. Nginx has support for fast CGI built in.
This spawner as you call it, is meant to provide concurrency, so that multiple CGI requests can be handled in parallel, without having to spawn an interpreter for each request. Instead the workers get spawned and ideally live forever.
If the selection of an available worker really is a performance bottleneck, then the implementation of this fast CGI daemon is severely lacking and you should look for a better solution. Worker selection should be a fraction of the time of the workers job.
I'm not sure if it's a jargon thing. The good news (for me anyway) is that I had read the articles and seen the diagrams... I just could not remember where. So reverse proxy not withstanding... I was looking for a "direct server request" (DSR) and the spawner from the erlangonxen project.
I'm not certain whether ot not these two technologies are going to work together. The DSR seems to have fallen out of favor and I'll probably not use it al all although in the given architecture it would seem to make sense to try. a) limits the total number of trips and sockets; b) really allows for some functions like gzip to be distributed nicely
Anyway, "found it".

Connection Speed using HTTP Request

We are making an application involving a server(tomcat, apache, linux) and multiple mobile clients(Android, iPhone, Windows, Nokia J2ME).
Normally the clients and the server will communicate using http.
I would like to know the download and upload speeds of the client from the http request that it made.
Ideally I would not like to upload a file and download a file to come up with these speeds. I am assuming that there might be some thing at the HTTP protocol level that can give me this, or some lower layer of the network.
If only it were that simple.
Even where the bandwidth and latency of a network are very well defined, the actual throughput will be limited by the congestion window and where the end points are in establishing the slow start threshold. These can affect throughput by a factor of 20 or more.
There's nothing in HTTP which will provide metrics for these. Some TCP stacks will expose limited information about throughput (as used by iftop, iptraf).
However if you really want to gather useful metrics on HTTP throughput, then you need to start shoving data across the network - have a look at yahoo boomerang for an implementation.
If the http connection goes to the Apache server first, you can use Apache Bench to do all sorts of load testing. It comes with apache and can be invoked with something like the following.
Suppose we want to see how fast Yahoo can handle 100 requests, with a maximum of 10 requests running concurrently:
ab -n 100 -c 10
HTTP does not deal with connection speeds. Although I could imagine some solution that involves some HTTP (reverse) proxy that estimates speeds on a connection and sets custom headers to pass this info. You would also need to to associate stats of different connections with particular client. I have not seen yet a readily available solution for this.
Also note that
network traffic can be buffered or shaped so download speed may depend on amount of data transferred or previous load of network. So even downloading file would not be accurate.
Amount of data transferred depends on protocol level (payload wrapped in HTTP wrapped in gzip wrapped in TLS wrapped TCP). Which one do you want to measure? Or what do you want to achieve with this measured speed?
I've seen some Real User Monitoring (RUM) tools that can do this passively (they get a feed from a SPAN port or network TAP infront of the servers at the data centre)
There are probably ways of integrating the data they produce into your applications but I'm not sure it would be easy or perhaps given the way latency and bandwidth can 'dynamically' change on a mobile network that accurate.
I guess the real thing to focus on is the design of the app, how much data is travelling across the network, how you can minimise it etc.
Other thing to consider is whether you could offer a solution that allows some of the application to be hosted in the telco's POPs (some telcos route all their towers back to a central pop, others have multiple POPs)

How to tunnel multi-player game data over HTTP with IIS to minimize latency?

I would like to create a browser-based network game. To ensure it can be used by as many people as possible, I'd like to embed all the traffic in standard HTTP packages.
Assuming I use IIS as my back end, how should I code this to minimize latency?
Is it reasonable to start with an ASP application of some kind (ASP.NET MVC perhaps) using shared state in memory? Or should I plan from the outset on writing some kind of IIS plugin of my own? Or should I abandon IIS and write a custom server instead?
Is it reasonable to start with each client repeatedly querying, say ten times per second, or should I make the data more stream-like somehow (and if so how)?
This can work just fine, but you're going to have to do something less "conventional."
To make this work, don't do individual requests, keep the request open and then transmit data with the open connection.
You could try using a protocol like Bayeux, but there are no rules here.
Here's an example with ASP.NET using COMET.
Designing an app to hit a web server 10 times a second is not a good idea. Web servers are designed for less frequent client requests and probably larger processing times and reponse sizes than your game will be using. That's not to say a web server wouldn't be able to cope just that it would not be an efficient client-server match.
For any type of app that requires multiple packets per second you really should think about a lighter protocol than HTTP which is fairly verbose. For example if your game needs to send 4 bytes to register a user's battleship co-ordinates you don't really want to transmit an extra few hundred bytes of HTTP headers.
I'd recommend a browser plugin technology like Siverlight of Flash. Both of those support TCP socket connections. You would need to write your own server to sit at the other end of the TCP socket. With that approach you'd also have the advantage of being able to push data out to the clients without having to rely on client polling mechanisms which are required with HTTP, e.g. AJAX.
One problem you will face with standard HTTP messages is the size (and lack of control) over the header data.
I was involved in the design of a flash game which was played by several million people. We needed to communicate with the server every few seconds and ended up using ultra-lightweight JSON messages to save on bandwidth and keep it snappy.
Size of JSON message: 16 bytes
Size of HTTP Header: 200+ bytes
HTTP is not really a good protocol for high traffic, low latency requirements. It was designed for larger, less frequent request/response models and has status codes like 304 Not Modified for this very reason.
You'll probably want to drop down to a custom TCP/IP implementation.
