Google Analytics Goal Funnel Issues - google-analytics

I am attempting to create goal funnels in GA for dynamic based pages. The funnel currently looks as follows:
The market_home, Category and product pages are dynamic and will contain various parameters ie:
I am using regular expression as my match setting (have tried head match as well). I still get two of my market home pages not being captured. It is only 2 out of 18.
I can't seem to figure out why it catches some, but not all of the traffic.
I also am not capturing incoming/outgoing traffic that is not at the start of the funnel. In other words, those visitors being captured in the funnel appear to complete the entire thing from start to finish. There are no visitors dropping out in the middle anywhere, which I can't believe.
The beginning of the URL will not change.
Any ideas what could be wrong?

I've got the same problem, i even asked about it couple days ago: Using regexp in Google Analytics Goal Funnel steps
I beleive the thing is that RegExp don't work properly in funnel steps. My solution for this is generating the same virtual pageview in every dynamically generated page and use it in the funnel. Goog practice is to create a separate profile for it and filter out those virtuals in the main to avoid data distortion.


Are goals the only way to track conversion rate of non-landing pages, in Google Analytics

It seems easy to look at conversion rates of landing pages in google analytics via:
behaviour > site content > landing pages
(there's an 'ecommerce conversion rate' column displaying conversion rate for each landing page).
However, if I want to look at the conversion rate for a page that a user wouldn't "land" on / enter the site on, such as a search results page, i can't work out how to do this.
Other than setting up goals. I wondered if there was an easier way?
Ideally - when i go to:
site content > all pages
If it had the ecommerce column, that would be ideal. But doesn't seem possible.
You can create Segments and analyze their Conversionrates. However pages can not have conversionrates because a page can be visited multiple times within one session, whereas landingpages and channels are 1:1 connected to one session. Within a segment you can set the condition "page contains /xyz/" this way you create a session scope for a hit condition.

Suspiciously high frequencies of certain counts with Google Analytics

I am working with Google Analytics data und during the analysis I saw that I have wierd distribution of visits. For instance, the minimum visits for a page is 89, wich also has the highes freq count in my dataset. Then I have 177 visits for a page with the second highest freq count. I find this pattern every month...
Does anyone know anything about that?
It sounds like you might have some combination of repeated trackers, heavy spam or over-impactful bot traffic.
Repeated trackers an be identified using Realtime reporting: if you click onto the Page Views tag, does each page load trigger only one page view?
Spam can often be identified using the Hostname. Run a custom report looking at Hostnames, and you can see if it's coming from or some equally scummy location.
Finally, bot traffic can be filtered out using an option in the view settings: try setting up a duplicate View with this setting on, and see how different the volumes are.

How to automatically filter spam referrals in google analytics

There are a lot of very good articles and answers out there that explain (in detail) why we get spam referrals messing up Analytics data. Example results: how to automatically stop spam traffic in google analytics
What I want is a definitive solution...
If you only manage one analytics account, it would not be unreasonable to manually filter suspect domains, but even this is not sustainable. If you, like me, manage over 30 accounts and counting, it gets ridiculous. What is the long term solution?
Analytics data is important for making business decisions.
Is there some service that, like antivirus software, keeps updating its 'definitions' and constantly filters spam traffic?
How can we fight back?
And how can/is it already automated in a one-click solution?
You can try these 2 options to decrease referral spam:
Option 1 - Filter bots
Mark "Bot Filtering" option on on your Google Analytics View Settings. You will need to do it to all of your views
And also create a filter to exclude referral sources. To do this, create a new filter with options:
Filter Type: Custom
Filter Field: Campaign Source
Filter Pattern:||||
--> Also add other spam sources that you have
You can reuse the filter to multiple views.
And its also recommended to not apply these filters in your main view. Instead, create a copy of main view and use it to analyse your data.
Its not a permanent solution (you will need to add new spam sources from time to time).
Option 2 - Segment real users
You can also create a segment to filter only users that visited at least one page (it will filter spams):
Create a new segment
Advanced > Conditions
Filter | Sessions | Include
Screen Views | per session | > | 0
Then, when you are analyzing your data, use this segment to see only real users.
Not all spammers are blocked by Google Analytics (only up to 75% of bots can be blocked by google analytics). By adopting the following steps you can automate removing referrer spam:
Go to Acquisition>all traffic >refferals and a new window will be opened which shows sources from where your website get traffic
In this step select all website who have 0 or 100 % bounce rate and copy it and make a regular expression .the method for making expression is given below
Use "\." (escaped dot) between every part of the domain and use "|" (pipe) symbol to separate every link. E.g. consider your blog hits by two spammy URLs "ads123.abc59055xxb896.comtom" and "dd54.xy789z.usjpa" then we made following resultant expression:
if you have any trouble in making regular expression then click here to see the complete process
Select the add filter option in admin tab and select include and paste the whole expression in the expression field and click on save

Google Analytics funnel - Virtual Pageview 100% backfill - what am I doing wrong?

My first post. I'm having big problems with a Goal Funnel in Google Analytics.
We've set up a funnel to track registration from our main company site to user registration which is handled on a third-party site (using a virtual pageview to track the user's 'click' to continue to the registration).
We're clearly doing something wrong however as the funnel seems to have a conversion rate of 100% for several steps. From the many tutorials and posts I've read it looks like there could be something wrong in our syntax and GA is seeing at least two pages as the same then backfilling the funnel to give this incorrect 100%.
Problem is - after many tweaks - we still can't seem to find quite what this error is. I'm also not entirely sure if we should be using 'begins with' or 'regular expression' for the funnel and if that the correct application of one of those would nip this data issue in the bud instantly.
Underneath is the configuration and then the data it's showing us in GA.
Thanks for any help on this!
p.s. Since we're using tag manager, I also wasn't sure if this could this be something in our firing rules but since the first conversion step in the funnel looks ok I guess that rules this out and points straight to the funnel??
p.p.s. Sorry, since I normally just read, I don't have permission to embed images.
[The goal flow]
[The funnel setup]
The virtual pageview you have in the second image in step 2, is: virtual/registration. The virtual pageview that is firing off when I click on Register for online account is: /virtual/cas-registration# So you'll want to update step 2 to: /virtual/cas-registration(.*) - I believe you can use regular expressions in goal funnel steps.

URL-based Goal doesn't get reached in Google Analytics despite the same URL-based PageView being registered correctly.

I've got a multi-stage online questionnaire form, and I use a _gaq.push(['_trackPageview', '/Form_Stage_XX']) code to register form's stages destinations (the "XX"s stand for actual stage numbers).
I also set up the URL-destination Goals based on pages /Form_Stage_XX (same as in _gaq.push).
Now in the Site content -> Pages report I can see the visits of /Form_Stage_XX registered as expected, but the related Goals won't get reached.
Any ideas why is this?
Many thanks.
Please do check your goals configuration in the Profile Settings - > Goals Page to see if the URL is set to the same as /Form_Stage_XX and also if the Match Type is set to Exact Match. I would also recommend using the Match Type: Regular Expression with .*\Form_Stage_XX as the parameter.
You should be able to see if your goals are beign tracked as expected in the Conversions - > Goals Report.
One more thing is that form goals are usually better tracked as a Funnel Conversion, so you can track the flow from each step and thus visualize where visitors are leaving your form.
You can find more information in this great video lesson, made by Google
