Google Analytics funnel - Virtual Pageview 100% backfill - what am I doing wrong? - google-analytics

My first post. I'm having big problems with a Goal Funnel in Google Analytics.
We've set up a funnel to track registration from our main company site to user registration which is handled on a third-party site (using a virtual pageview to track the user's 'click' to continue to the registration).
We're clearly doing something wrong however as the funnel seems to have a conversion rate of 100% for several steps. From the many tutorials and posts I've read it looks like there could be something wrong in our syntax and GA is seeing at least two pages as the same then backfilling the funnel to give this incorrect 100%.
Problem is - after many tweaks - we still can't seem to find quite what this error is. I'm also not entirely sure if we should be using 'begins with' or 'regular expression' for the funnel and if that the correct application of one of those would nip this data issue in the bud instantly.
Underneath is the configuration and then the data it's showing us in GA.
Thanks for any help on this!
p.s. Since we're using tag manager, I also wasn't sure if this could this be something in our firing rules but since the first conversion step in the funnel looks ok I guess that rules this out and points straight to the funnel??
p.p.s. Sorry, since I normally just read, I don't have permission to embed images.
[The goal flow]
[The funnel setup]

The virtual pageview you have in the second image in step 2, is: virtual/registration. The virtual pageview that is firing off when I click on Register for online account is: /virtual/cas-registration# So you'll want to update step 2 to: /virtual/cas-registration(.*) - I believe you can use regular expressions in goal funnel steps.


Metrics and dimensions are not showing up for hits of type 'event'

I have a fully functional and working code (written in C#) which purpose is to track some hits to the specified GA property. This code has been tested and still works successfully. It adds some predefined dimensions (like App Version) to each hit and a several custom metrics to a certain hit types (like event with a certain Event Action).
So far so good everything works flawlessly when taking into account the first property to which these hits are being sent. Also everything is fine when I set up a brand new GA property and track my hits to it - that is, I'm able to see events in Realtime reports, and events show up in custom reports after a while so that I can see my custom metrics.
The issue is that when I try to send absolutely the same hits to the existing property which had been created and configured ages ago - there is no both dimensions (even predefined) and custom metrics in my custom reports. I see these events in realtime and behavior reports, and I'm even able to create a custom report against events count - but that's it. I'm able to use for example Day of the month as a primary dimension, but when I try to use App Version as a dimension or my custom metrics as report metrics - it says "There is no data for this view.".
I've already tried everything I could, have read almost every post about custom definitions in Google and viewed almost each related SO question and answer - still with no luck.
We use measurement protocol
There is a correct User Agent being sent with each hit
17 days has passed since my first attempt to track these hits with existing property
There is no filters and segments at all
There is only one view
For me it looks like a property misconfiguration, but I've inspected each configuration page (I have all possible rights granted) and have not found anything related.
Will appreciate any help with this issue.
UPD: The hit itself (with the sensitive data replaced):
UPD: Here is what I'm trying to achieve (screenshot was made at the test property, where everything works like a charm):

Is it possible to selectively delete data (specifi page URLs) from Google Analytics?

I'm pretty sure the answer to this question is "no", but I would like to get a definitive answer from an official source, and also understand what my alternative options might be.
Long story short, my app has old data in it that used to include user email addresses as a GET parameter. Those URLs are showing up as unique page view URLs in Google analytics, like this:
I don't want to be recording email addresses in my Google Analytics account (for privacy reasons), and I have fixed the code that was causing this in the first place, but I also want to delete or scrub the old data that currently exists in Google Analytics.
From everything I've read, it doesn't sound like this is possible without completely deleting the property, maybe even the account?
To be clear, I am NOT interested in creating new views that don't include URLs with email parameters in them, or otherwise change the view and not the data. The data needs to be gone and be completely inaccessible to anyone with access to this Google Analytics account.
Here are the options I've come up with:
Delete the property and start over. I'm pretty sure this will
actually delete the collected data, but it's not clear to me if I
would have to actually delete the account itself to achieve that.
Set the data retention time to the lowest possible value (looks like 14 months right now) and wait 14 months for it to go away
Perform some kind of magic to get in contact with an actual human at Google who could help me scrub or remove this data.
Does this sound right? Are there options I'm missing? If there's a way to do this through a Google API that would not be a problem.
If this is still a relevant issue. GoogleAnalytics provides a way to delete some data. Universal Analytics and GA4
You are right: changing the data, that you have collected, and Google Analytics have already processed, is not possible. You have the option to make changes during processing with various filters, e.g. Search-and-replace filters, but as it is written in this official support article:
Like all filters, search-and-replace filters only apply to hits
collected after you've applied the filter to the view (filters cannot
change historical data).
Regarding you suggested options:
Deleting a view or property will result in a permanent loss of data after a 35 days period of waiting time. (While this could be undone.) So unless the requirement of scrubbing the collected PII is more important than having your historical data, this should not be a way to go. The same applies to deleting the whole account, so it would be enough to delete affected properties or views.
From the article you have linked as well, you can see, that data retention is about removing user and event level data, and it will not affect the data in aggregated reports. My understanding is, that an already created, page level report will keep showing the page with an email address:
Keep in mind that standard aggregated Google Analytics reporting is
not affected.
I hope these references help you to evaluate your options. Sorry for not being able to come up with a solution, but the basic concept is, as highlighted in this Google article:
Once Analytics processes the data, it’s stored in a database where it can’t be changed

URL-based Goal doesn't get reached in Google Analytics despite the same URL-based PageView being registered correctly.

I've got a multi-stage online questionnaire form, and I use a _gaq.push(['_trackPageview', '/Form_Stage_XX']) code to register form's stages destinations (the "XX"s stand for actual stage numbers).
I also set up the URL-destination Goals based on pages /Form_Stage_XX (same as in _gaq.push).
Now in the Site content -> Pages report I can see the visits of /Form_Stage_XX registered as expected, but the related Goals won't get reached.
Any ideas why is this?
Many thanks.
Please do check your goals configuration in the Profile Settings - > Goals Page to see if the URL is set to the same as /Form_Stage_XX and also if the Match Type is set to Exact Match. I would also recommend using the Match Type: Regular Expression with .*\Form_Stage_XX as the parameter.
You should be able to see if your goals are beign tracked as expected in the Conversions - > Goals Report.
One more thing is that form goals are usually better tracked as a Funnel Conversion, so you can track the flow from each step and thus visualize where visitors are leaving your form.
You can find more information in this great video lesson, made by Google

Google Analytics Goal Funnel Issues

I am attempting to create goal funnels in GA for dynamic based pages. The funnel currently looks as follows:
The market_home, Category and product pages are dynamic and will contain various parameters ie:
I am using regular expression as my match setting (have tried head match as well). I still get two of my market home pages not being captured. It is only 2 out of 18.
I can't seem to figure out why it catches some, but not all of the traffic.
I also am not capturing incoming/outgoing traffic that is not at the start of the funnel. In other words, those visitors being captured in the funnel appear to complete the entire thing from start to finish. There are no visitors dropping out in the middle anywhere, which I can't believe.
The beginning of the URL will not change.
Any ideas what could be wrong?
I've got the same problem, i even asked about it couple days ago: Using regexp in Google Analytics Goal Funnel steps
I beleive the thing is that RegExp don't work properly in funnel steps. My solution for this is generating the same virtual pageview in every dynamically generated page and use it in the funnel. Goog practice is to create a separate profile for it and filter out those virtuals in the main to avoid data distortion.

Google Analytics One Page Order Form

Having looked through the questions already on SO, I can't seem to find the answer on how to track a form that has multiple steps on one page. I saw an example that Google gives but could not really understand the way they were presenting it. What we have is a one page order form and need to track the users that come from a website and end up ordering. the whole ordering process is done with one file so I don't know how to track whether or not someone has actually completed the order. Any help would be great, even directing me to better examples than what Google has shown to me.
Thank you
Just call the JS function _gaq.push([trackPageview,'/form/stepXX']); each time the process reaches a new step.
You can pass any text string you want as a parameter.
Then you can configure a Goal and a funnel in GA with all the major steps of process
You can also track Events in case of errors for example.
(this uses the GA Async syntax)
