Crystal Reports and VS2010 -

We have Crystal Reports running and it is tied into our VS2010 installation. I have not looked at the instance in a long time because we had a devoted Crystal developer on board, however he is gone now and I need to make a few changes. When I try to open up the .rpt file in VS2010 all I get is garbage, not the Crystal Report with the GUI. What do I need to configure/install to get to see this inside VS2010?
EDIT: When I go to my .rpt file to edit it with Crystal Reports, I get a white screen filled with what appears to be random HEX character sets and periods. I have downloaded the CR for Visual Studio, however it still happens, is there an extension I need to include somewhere? I have my target framework as 4.0 and I have the CrystalDecisions assemblies loaded in my web.config.

Here is the SAP link for VS 2010...

I also had this problem after installing "SAP Crystal Reports, version for Microsoft Visual Studio" recently - over two years later.
I specifically installed Support Pack 8 on 64-bit Windows 7 Pro and found that the fix for me was to:
(1) Run the install executable rather than an MSI per SAP's note that this is critical to full integration with Visual Studio (all the way back to the RTM release):
Please note: To integrate "SAP Crystal Reports, developer version for Microsoft Visual Studio" into VS 2010 or 2012, you must run the Install Executable. Running the MSI will not fully integrate Crystal Reports into VS. MSI files by definition are for runtime distribution only.
(2) Run it with Visual Studio closed.
(3) Run it as Administrator.
Even doing (1) and (2) in the list above without (3) yielded an error at the end of installation (even though the account I used was a member of the local Administrators group). Unfortunately I (uncharacteristically) did not note the error and just continued. :P
Bottom line, even though "SAP Crystal Reports, version for Microsoft Visual Studio" showed in Windows' Programs and Features control panel and I could add CR items to and reference CR assemblies in Visual Studio projects afterward, hex-like garbage rather than the expected report designer greeted me when I opened CR .rpt files in Visual Studio - just like the OP described.
So I closed Visual Studio and uninstalled "SAP Crystal Reports, version for Microsoft Visual Studio" through Windows' Programs and Features control panel.
Further doing (3) in the list above when I ran the installer executable again (i.e. running it as Administrator), I encountered no errors; and afterward the expected report designer rather than hex-like garbage greeted me when I opened CR .rpt files in Visual Studio: problem solved.


Visual Studio 2019--Exception from HRESULT 0x80041fe4

Every time I try to create a new "ASP.NET Web Application (.NET Framework)" project, as soon as I get to the page where I select from Empty, Web Forms, MVC etc and select Web Forms, I get a popup saying
Exception from HRESULT: 0x80041fe4
I'm able to continually try creating these with no luck. I've deleted the folder and retried, I've uninstalled Visual Studio and reinstalled it, all to no avail.
Cora - I encountered the same issue and your steps worked. After VS2019 created the solution folder, I closed it and relaunched it. The second time through, creating the solution and project using exactly the same name it successfully created the solution and project.
I encountered the same error when trying to create a C# console app project. I used the steps in JJ Lay's answer to work around the issue. To be clear, these are the steps that I used:
Attempt to create a C# console app project (for example, named "TestProj" in Visual Studio 2019
Encounter 'Exception from HRESULT 0x80041fe4'
Close Visual Studio 2019
Open Visual Studio 2019
Use the same exact steps and name as in step 1 (for example, "TestProj") and try to create the project again
Project is created successfully this time
I fixed it by closing closing open window and creating a new project in fresh visual studio
I encountered the same error message 'Exception from HRESULT 0x80041fe4' when creating a C# NUint Project.
I tried the Steps mentioned by #Lars Passic without any success
I'm using Visual Studio Community 2022 .Net 7 Windows 10 OS with intel i9 Processor
Close all Visual Studio Processes
Opened the Visual Studio Installer
Click on More
Click on Repair
Restart the Computer after it Complete
Create the new Project
Project Successfully Created.
This issue occurs after my computer shut down (unstable Power supply issue) when I was working on the project
Tried to restore the files once reopened Visual Studio

Unable to Edit crystal report on client machine.

I have deployed my project through IIS on client machine. I have installed crystal report runtime to execute my project successfully. But I can't edit any report. When I tried to install crystal report developer version it's asking for visual studio.
What edition I need to edit crystal report on client machine ? Please help.
I am using visual studio 2010
Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 no longer includes Crystal Reports in the bundle.
In Visual Studio 2010, to create a Crystal Reports project or Web site or to import existing projects or Web sites that were created by using older versions of Visual Studio or Crystal Reports, you must first install a version of Crystal Reports that is compatible with Visual Studio 2010.
As per my experience,
Visual Studio 2010 should be installed first.
You would need CRforVS_13_0.exe (and not msi) version for Visual Studio 2010.
(Also check prior 32/64 bit version too)
And then you can edit the report from your project.
It provides links and instructions for downloading what you need.

Error comes while in Crystal report while running the project online

I am working on application where i have to show the crystal report. but my Project running online is showing the following error.
Could not load file or assembly 'CrystalDecisions.ReportSource, Version=13.0.2000.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=692fbea5521e1304' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified/
I have added the dll file of crystal report in bin folder. But error is still showing. Please help me someone.
It's not enough placing a dll into bin folder.
Look at this page:
Into development environment you must run Crystal Reports developer version for Visual Studio: Install Executable - Support pack 15
Into deployment environmento you must run Crystal Reports runtime: MSI 64 bit - 64bit.msi
Please note: To integrate "SAP Crystal Reports, developer version for
Microsoft Visual Studio" into VS 2010 or 2012 (SP 7 and higher) or VS
2013 (SP 9 or higher) or VS 2015 RC (SP14) - VS 2015 (fully - SP 15),
you must run the Install Executable. Running the MSI will not fully
integrate Crystal Reports into VS. MSI files by definition are for
runtime distribution only. By default Windows 10 does not install the
3.5 framework, CR for VS still needs it. Select it by "Turn Windows feature on or off" and choose both options.

System.Data.SQLite Visual Studio 2012 .NET 4.5 Won't Show in Data Source

I'm developing on a Winodws 7 x86 machine in Visual Studio 2012 using .NET 4.5. I installed the x86/x64 System.Data.SQLite official Nuget package for my project. But I still don't see it as an option in the Data Source\Data Provider selections in the "Choose data source" dialog. I saw this answer here and it looks like this is all I should have to do (SQLite (latest) in Visual Studio 2012 not showing in Designer Data Source). Am I missing something?
This package worked for me.
"This setup package is capable of installing the design-time
components for Visual Studio 2012."
"This setup package is required for installing the design-time
components for Visual Studio 2012."
I just wanted to add this as a followup because I was having issues seeing the designer in VS2012 as well and it may help others in the future.
After multiple attempts at installing the designer and not seeing it show up, I ran
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe /setup
This will force VS to rebuild its registry based on all of the installed packages. This will take a couple of minutes. Afterwards, I was able to start up VS 2012 and see the entry.
I am curious whether the installer executes this command at all or if it just triggers it but does not wait for it to finish. At which point the end user opens VS 2012 before the command has time to finish.

SQLite (latest) in Visual Studio 2012 not showing in Designer Data Source

I am using the latest version, (sqlite-netFx40-setup-bundle-x86-2010-, and am using the released version of Visual Studio 2012 with all the latest everything.
I do not see the SQLite in the Designer Data Source in Source Explorer (new Connections).
The download on SQLite states, "This setup package is capable of installing the design-time components for Visual Studio 2010". I presume the "Visual Studio 2010" part is why I do not see the designer in VS2012, which is what I have.
How can I get the designer to work with VS2012?
When will the team come out with a version that works with VS 2012?
(I did see a couple of posts back in July which talked about 1.0.66 and 1.0.73, but that was then and 1.0.82 includes the designers just for VS 2010 apparently. I see other file names with "-2008" presumably for Visual Studio 2008. That means that a Visual Studio 2012 will probably come, but in the mean time, I am curious about a manual registry hack or something like that.)
In order to get designer support for SQLite in Visual Studio, you have to download a very specific version of System.Data.SQLite. The downloads page has an astonishing 56 different possibilities, so it's easy to get the wrong one.
Look for the big bold text that says this:
This setup package is capable of installing the design-time components for Visual Studio 2012.
But it's still easy to miss among the zillions of downloads. If you need to, use Control-F to find the "Visual Studio 2012" text.
Don't download the 64-bit version, even if you're on a 64-bit machine. You need the 32-bit version with the text above to get designer support.
Goto Visual Studio, Manage Nuget, search for online packages, search "SQLite", install System.Data.SQLite, and boom, you can use designer and evrything is working again.
After some search I found my answer, 1.0.83, which will come out in November XX, 2012.
Visual Studio 2012 aside from the v10 to v11 registry hive difference also has what the team calls a "redesigned designer support".
Here is the link to the information. - November XX, 2012 (release scheduled)
•Updated to SQLite 3.7.15.
•Add Visual Studio 2012 support to all the applicable solution/project files, their associated supporting files, and the test suite.
•Add Visual Studio 2012 support to the redesigned designer support installer.
and other changes.
I could not find any interim solution on the web, sadly. The lack of a fix affects report based projects with DevExpress and projects that use the explorer.
