R: looping through data.frame columns - r

I got a following my_data:
geneid chr acc_no start end size strand S1 S2 A1 A2
1 gene_010010 1 AC12345.1 3662 4663 1002 - 328 336 757 874
2 gene_010020 1 AC12345.1 5750 7411 1662 - 480 589 793 765
3 gene_010030 2 AC12345.1 9003 11024 2022 - 653 673 875 920
4 gene_010040 2 AC12345.1 12006 12566 561 - 573 623 483 430
5 gene_010050 3 AC12345.1 15035 17032 1998 - 2256 2333 1866 1944
6 gene_010060 3 AC12345.1 18188 18937 750 - 526 642 650 586
I am able to calculate sums for a given column, i.e:
chr.sums <- data.frame(with (my_data, tapply(S1, INDEX=chr, FUN=sum)))
Problem is, I want to get chr.sums with four columns (S1, S2, A1 and A2) and 30 rows corresponding to unique chr numbers. I do not want to switch to Python back and forth, but looping through columns and assigning output to specific columns in data.frame baffles me.
Toy data set above.

You can use ddply from plyr. Here is some code:
plyr::ddply(my_data, .(chr), summarize, S1 = sum(S1), S2 = sum(S2),
A1 = sum(A1), A2 = sum(A2))
EDIT. A more compact solution would be:
plyr::ddply(my_data, .(chr), colwise(sum, .(S1, S2, A1, A2)))
Here is how it works. The data is first split into pieces based on chr. Then, the columns S1, S2, A1, A2 are summed up for each piece. Finally, they are assembled back into a single data frame.
Any place you have this kind of a split-apply-combine problem, think plyr as a solution.

tapply won't handle multiple columns but the formula version of aggregate will.
chr.sums <- aggregate(cbind(S1,S2,A1,A2) ~ chr, data = my_data, FUN=sum)))


Remove row with specific value

I have the following data:
sales <- data.table(Customer = c(192,964,929,345,898,477,705,804,188,231,780,611,420,816,171,212,504,526,471,979,524,410,557,152,417,359,435,820,305,268,763,194,757,475,351,933,805,687,813,880,798,327,602,710,785,840,446,891,165,662),
Producttype = c(1,2,3,2,3,3,2,1,3,3,1,1,2,2,1,3,1,3,3,1,1,1,1,3,3,3,3,2,1,1,3,3,3,3,1,1,3,3,3,2,3,2,3,3,3,2,1,2,3,1),
Price = c(469,721,856,956,554,188,429,502,507,669,427,582,574,992,418,835,652,983,149,917,370,617,876,337,663,252,599,949,915,556,313,842,892,724,415,307,900,114,439,456,541,261,881,757,199,308,958,374,409,738),
Quarter = c(2,3,3,4,4,1,4,4,3,3,1,1,1,1,1,1,4,1,2,1,3,1,2,3,3,4,4,1,1,4,1,1,3,2,1,3,3,2,2,2,1,4,3,3,1,1,1,3,1,1))
How can I remove (let's say) the row in which Customer = 891?
And then I have another question:
If I want to manipulate the data I use data [row, column]. But when I want to use only the rows in which Quarter equals (for example) 4. I use data [Quarter = 4,] Why is it not data [, Quarter = 4] since Quarter is a column and not a row?
I did not find an appropriate answer in the internet which really explains the why.
Thank you.
You have used 'data.table' function to import your data, so you could write :
sales[Customer != 891,]
The data[Quarter = 4, ], ensures that all columns should be returned for the rows where Quarter is equal to 4. The comma(,) is necessary to only select the rows, and not the column Quarter = 4.
When you use indexing, ie, data[row, column] you are telling R to look for either a specific row or column index.
Row: sales[sales$Customer %in% c(192,964),] translates to "search the specific column Customer in the data frame (or table) for any rows that have values that contain 192 or 964 and isolate them. Note that data.table will allow for sales[Customer %in% c(192, 964),] but data frames cant (use sales[sales$Customer %in% c(192,964),])
Customer Producttype Price Quarter
1: 192 1 469 2
2: 964 2 721 3
Columns sales[, "Customer"] translates to "search the data frame (or table) for columns named "Customer" and isolate all its rows
1: 192
2: 964
3: 929
4: 345
5: 898
Note this returns a data table with one column. If you use sales[,Customer] (data table) or sales$Customer (data frame), it will return a vector:
# [1] 192 964 929 345 898 477 705 804 188 231 780 611 420 816 171 212 504 526 471 979 524
# [22] 410 557 152 417 359 435 820 305 268 763 194 757 475 351 933 805 687 813 880 798 327
# [43] 602 710 785 840 446 891 165 662
You can of course combine - if you did, sales[sales$Quarter %in% 1:2, c("Customer", "Producttype")] you would isolate all values of Customer and Producttype which were in quarters 1 and 2:
Customer Producttype
1: 192 1
2: 477 3
3: 780 1
4: 611 1
5: 420 2

Adding values of two columns on the same row to get a new value

Sorry for asking a very basic question but I am new to R and really stuck on a rather simple matter; I have the data frame below (2 rows and 7 columns):
Sub sup_b hdt sup_2 lbnp sup_3 hut sup_4
6 175 434 596 585 601 593 211
7 130 592 592 593 600 384 166
These values correspond with time duration (secs) for seven test conditions
col$names <- c(sup_b, hdt, sup_2, lbnp, sup_3, hut, sup_4)
and 17 rows (each row is for one study subject- I have only included first two rows).
I am trying to add values from row 1 col$sup_b (175) and row 1 col$hdt (434) to get the combined duration for the first two conditions i.e. 609 secs. I then add the value of the previous two cols (609) to the next col$sup_2 to get the total duration (609 + 596) and so on until the last condition col$sup_4.
I have tried the method below which is for subject 6 (row 1), which works fine, but I want to tidy this up and make it easier as I have 17 subjects (rows) and have been advised there is an easier way around this:
sup_b <- 175
hdt <- (sup_b + 434)
sup_2 <- (hdt + 596)
lbnp <- (sup_2 + 585)
sup_3 <- (hdt_lbnp + 601)
hut <- (sup_3 + 593)
sup_4 <- (hut + 211)
I want to be able to just change the number of row and have the data pulled across from the data frame rather than entering each individual time period; for instance:
line <- 1 ### the row I want which corresponds to the subject
sup_b <- df[line, 2]
hdt <-df[line, 2] + df[line, 3]
but I keep getting this warning message:
In Ops.factor(df[line, 2], df[line, 3]) : ‘+’ not meaningful for factor
I have even tried: colSums(df[,c(2:3)]), but get the following warning:
Error in colSums(df[, c(2:3)]) : 'x' must be numeric.
also tried: st$sum <- apply(df[,c(2:3)], 1, sum), which doesn't work either.
df1[-1] <- t(apply(df1[-1],1,cumsum))
# Sub sup_b hdt sup_2 lbnp sup_3 hut sup_4
# 1 6 175 609 1205 1790 2391 2984 3195
# 2 7 130 722 1314 1907 2507 2891 3057
df1 <- read.table(text="Sub sup_b hdt sup_2 lbnp sup_3 hut sup_4
6 175 434 596 585 601 593 211
7 130 592 592 593 600 384 166",h=T,strin=F)

R One sample test for set of columns for each row

I have a data set where I have the Levels and Trends for say 50 cities for 3 scenarios. Below is the sample data -
City <- paste0("City",1:50)
L1 <- sample(100:500,50,replace = T)
L2 <- sample(100:500,50,replace = T)
L3 <- sample(100:500,50,replace = T)
T1 <- runif(50,0,3)
T2 <- runif(50,0,3)
T3 <- runif(50,0,3)
df <- data.frame(City,L1,L2,L3,T1,T2,T3)
Now, across the 3 scenarios I find the minimum Level and Minimum Trend using the below code -
df$L_min <- apply(df[,2:4],1,min)
df$T_min <- apply(df[,5:7],1,min)
Now I want to check if these minimum values are significantly different between the levels and trends respectively. So check L_min with columns 2-4 and T_min with columns 5-7. This needs to be done for each city (row) and if significant then return which column it is significantly different with.
It would help if some one could guide how this can be done.
Thank you!!
I'll put my idea here, nevertheless I'm looking forward for ideas for others.
> head(df)
City L1 L2 L3 T1 T2 T3 L_min T_min
1 City1 251 176 263 1.162313 0.07196579 2.0925715 176 0.07196579
2 City2 385 406 264 0.353124 0.66089524 2.5613980 264 0.35312402
3 City3 437 333 426 2.625795 1.43547766 1.7667891 333 1.43547766
4 City4 431 405 493 2.042905 0.93041254 1.3872058 405 0.93041254
5 City5 101 429 100 1.731004 2.89794314 0.3535423 100 0.35354230
6 City6 374 394 465 1.854794 0.57909775 2.7485841 374 0.57909775
> df$FC <- rowMeans(df[,2:4])/df[,8]
> df <- df[order(-df$FC), ]
> head(df)
City L1 L2 L3 T1 T2 T3 L_min T_min FC
18 City18 461 425 117 2.7786757 2.6577894 0.75974121 117 0.75974121 2.857550
38 City38 370 117 445 0.1103141 2.6890014 2.26174542 117 0.11031411 2.655271
44 City44 101 473 222 1.2754675 0.8667007 0.04057544 101 0.04057544 2.627063
10 City10 459 361 132 0.1529519 2.4678493 2.23373484 132 0.15295194 2.404040
16 City16 232 393 110 0.8628494 1.3995549 1.01689217 110 0.86284938 2.227273
15 City15 499 475 182 0.3679611 0.2519497 2.82647041 182 0.25194969 2.117216
Now you have the most different rows based on columns 2:4 at the top. Columns 5:7 in analogous way.
And some tips for stastical tests:
Always use t.test(parametrical, based on mean) instead of wilcoxon(u-mann whitney - non-parametrical, based on median), it has more power; HOWEVER:
-Data sets should be big ex. hipotesis: Montreal has taller citizens than Quebec; t.test will work fine when you take a 100 people from each city, so we have height measurment of 200 people 100 vs 100.
-Distribution should be close to normal distribution in all samples; or both samples should have similar distribution far from normal - it may be binominal. Anyway we can't use this test when one sample has normal distribution, and second hasn't.
-Size of both samples should be eqal, so 100 vs 100 is ok, but 87 vs 234 not exactly, p-value will be below 0.05, however it may be misrepresented.
If your data doesn't meet above conditions, I prefer non-parametrical test, less power but more resistant.

Normalizing data based on Subset Mean in R

I have a table I am trying to normalize by a specific subset of means within the one column based on the variable in another column. Ideally, my code would divide all of the data in the coverage_depth column for a specific strain variable (like 2987) by the mean of a subset of the same column (coverage depth for only the SAG1 in the chr column for only the 2987 in the strain column)
I have found the long way of doing this but I'm really hoping someone has a way to make this a loop so that I don't have to input means by hand after they are calculated.
My table looks like this:
B1 1073 320 2987
B1 1074 324 2987
B1 1075 330 2987
SAG1 955 31 2987
SAG1 956 30 2987
SAG1 957 29 2987
SAG1 958 29 2987
BTub 446 57 2987
BTub 452 59 2987
B1 1707 53 GRE_MIG
B1 1708 56 GRE_MIG
18S 1099 242 GRE_MIG
18S 1100 242 GRE_MIG
SAG1 888 7 GRE_MIG
SAG1 889 7 GRE_MIG
SAG1 890 7 GRE_MIG
First I load in my table:
reads<-read.table("3133_all.CNV.txt", sep = "\t", header = F)
colnames(reads)<-c("chr", "position", "coverage_depth", "strains"
Then I call plyr to calculate the mean of coverage_depth of all the combinations of the chr and strains columns
coverage_summary<-ddply(reads, c("chr", "strains"), summarise, mean = mean(coverage_depth))
write.csv(format(coverage_summary, scientific=FALSE), file = "CNV_mean_07.27.16.csv", row.names = F)
Which gives me a longer version of this:
chr strains mean
1 18S 2987 2.052802e+03
20 18S GRE_MIG 2.674536e+01
126 B1 GRE_MIG 6.503342e+01
213 SAG1 2987 3.422057e+01
232 SAG1 GRE_MIG 5.863501e+00
I figured out how to normalize all of the coverage_depth of a strain by the mean which I get from that strain at chr SAG1 which I manually put in like so:
NormalizeSAG1<-function(coverage_depth, strains){
if (strains %in% c("2987")) {
} else if (strains %in% c("GRE_MIG")) {
} else { coverage.norm<-coverage_depth
reads$SAG1_normalized<-mapply(NormalizeSAG1, reads$coverage_depth, reads$strains)
The problem is that I have 53 different strains that I want to normalize based on the mean at their individual SAG1 in the chr column. It seems like maybe a for loop would do it but I can't figure out how to properly subset my data to normalize without a ton of ifelse statements.
Try the following:
reads <- merge(reads, coverage_summary)
reads <- mutate(reads, normalized = coverage_depth / mean)
Basically, this should join your summary column back into your raw data, after which, creating a normalized column should be trivial. This also avoids having to create a custom function that accounts for 53 different possible values.

Row wise operation on data.table

Let's say I'd like to calculate the magnitude of the range over a few columns, on a row-by-row basis.
dat <- data.frame(x=sample(1:1000,1000),
Using data.frame(), I would do something like this:
dat$diff_range <- apply(dat,1,function(x) diff(range(x)))
To put it more simply, I'm looking for this operation, over each row:
diff(range(dat[1,]) # for i 1:nrow(dat)
If I were doing this for the entire table, it would be something like:
setDT(dat)[,diff_range := apply(dat,1,function(x) diff(range(x)))]
But how would I do it for only named (or numbered) rows?
pmax and pmin find the min and max across columns in a vectorized way, which is much better than splitting and working with each row separately. It's also pretty concise:
dat[, r := do.call(pmax,.SD) - do.call(pmin,.SD)]
x y z r
1: 266 531 872 606
2: 372 685 967 595
3: 572 383 866 483
4: 906 953 437 516
5: 201 118 192 83
996: 768 945 292 653
997: 61 231 965 904
998: 771 145 18 753
999: 841 148 839 693
1000: 857 252 218 639
How about this:
# I V1
#1: 1 971
#2: 2 877
#3: 3 988
#4: 4 241
#5: 15 622
#6: 16 684
#7: 17 971
#8: 18 835
#actually this will be faster
use .I to give you an index to call with the by= parameter, then you can run the function on each row. The second call pre-filters by any list of row numbers, or you can add a key and filter on that if your real table looks different.
You can do it by subsetting before/during the function. If you only want every second row for example
dat_Diffs <- apply(dat[seq(2,1000,by=2),],1,function(x) diff(range(x)))
Or for rownames 1:10 (since their names weren't specified they are just numbers counting up)
dat_Diffs <- apply(dat[rownames(dat) %in% 1:10,],1,function(x) diff(range(x)))
But why not just calculate per row then subset later?
