dojox.grid.EnhancedGrid how do i set a noDataMessage? - grid

I'm trying to set a noDataMessage into a dojox.grid.EnhancedGrid, the grid works fine, when the store get data it show it's row with no problem, but I need that when the store gets no data the grid would show me a personalized message. I set the noDataMessage property which is a string, but nothing happened when has no data.
How can I trigger the event when no data in the store?
I get my data through a SQL query to a database and the answer is JSON serialized data.
here's the code of my grid.
intersGrid = new dojox.grid.EnhancedGrid({
// plugins: {dnd: true},viewInterconsulta
id :"intersGrid",
store: interfiltStore,
structure: intersLayout,
noDataMessage:"<span class=\"dojoxGridNoData\">No hay Datos</span>",
loadingMessage:'Cargando datos. Por favor espere.',
//noDataMessage: 'No existen pacientes esta agenda.',
errorMessage:'No existen datos para esta busqueda.'
}, "intersDiv");

What you have to do is.
if you get an empty store then set them like these:
$filas = "{ identifier: 'ID', items[]}";
and then dojo shows the noDataMessage

In my case, I only showed 25 rows and then requested with help of offset & count another 25 when scrolling down the list. In this case, I needed "numRows" - which is the total amount of rows, leaving out offset & count. The "numRows" was set to 0 if no rows where found. But if it was given, the noDataMessage was not shown (btw: An "identifier" is not required).
Also there is a syntax error in your json, add some ":" after "items".
This is the JSON for the store, which shows the noDataMessage of a dojox datagrid:
This will not show it:
Using Dojo 1.6.1, a dojox.grid.DataGrid with a


Show table by button click

TABLES: mara, marc.
"marc is N
"mara is 1
ls_mara TYPE mara.
ls_marc TYPE marc,
Sum type P length 8 DECIMALS 2.
PARAMETERS: p_mtart TYPE mara-mtart.
SELECT-OPTIONS: so_werks FOR marc-werks.
WHERE mtart = p_mtart.
IF sy-subrc = 0.
WHERE matnr = lt_mara-matnr
AND werks IN so_werks.
LOOP AT lt_marc INTO ls_marc.
READ TABLE lt_mara INTO ls_mara
WITH KEY matnr = ls_marc-matnr.
sum = ls_mara-brgew + ls_mara-ntgew .
WRITE:/ ls_mara-mtart, ls_marc-matnr , ls_marc-werks , ls_mara-brgew, ls_mara-ntgew,sum.
How Can make this happen:I want that on click of the button to show the table.Please the code to be as simple as possible and as easy to understand as possible.if you can't make it with a button make it with a radiobutton or smth else.
Thanks in advance!
If you want to keep it simple, you can use "sy-ucomm" which stores your last triggered action. With your button, it'd look like this:
CASE sy-ucomm.
*code for displaying your table via ALV or WRITE goes here*
The most common way to display internal tables like this is with an ALV, a simple example of how to build up an ALV can be found here:
If you'd like it to do the WRITE: to screen under one circumstance, and display the ALV Grid in another, you should use Select Options and parameters.
Your code needs the addition of EVENTS, please take a look here on what they are and how to use them:

Get cell types when reading and parsing excel files

I am trying to read and parse and excel and some unclear things come into play as usual for me.
Here is what i have:
while (true)
comVariantCell1 = cells.item(row, 1).value().variantType();
comVariantCell2 = cells.item(row, 2).value().variantType();
//if an empty cell is found, processing will stop and user will get an error message in order to solve the inconsistency.
if (comVariantCell1 != COMVariantType::VT_EMPTY && comVariantCell2 != COMVariantType::VT_EMPTY)
//both cells have values, check their types.
importedLine = conNull();
progress1.setText(strfmt("Importing row %1", row));
if (cells.item(row, 1).value().variantType() == COMVariantType::VT_BSTR)
importedLine += cells.item(row, 1).value().bStr();
importedLine += cells.item(row, 1).value().double();
importedLine += cells.item(row, 2).value().double();
importedLinesCollection += [importedLine]; //conIns(importedLinesCollection, row - 1, (importedLine));
info (strFmt("Empty cell found at line %1 - import will not continue and no records were saved.", row));
Excel format:
Item number Transfer Qty
a100 50.5
a101 10
a102 25
This worked well to check if the cell type is string: COMVariantType::VT_BSTR
but what should i use to check for a real or integer value ?
I am pretty sure in this case, the quantity will be not contain real values but anyway, it could be useful in the future to make the difference between these two types.
I have to mention that, even if i have an int value and I use cells.item(row, 1).value().int() it won't work. I can't see why.
Why do i want to make the difference? Because if it's forbidden to have real values in the quantity column ( at least in my case ), i want to check that and give the user the opportunity to put a correct value in that place and maybe further investigate why that happened to be there.
Take a look on how it is done in \Classes\SysDataExcelCOM\readRow.
It is basically using switch to test the type. This is really boring!
Also take a look on ExcelIO, a class I made some years ago. It reads Excel and returns each row as a container. This is a more high-level approach.
As a last resort you could save the Excel as a tab separated file. Then use TextIO to read the content. This will be at least 10 times faster than using Excel!

Cant get ExtededDataGrid in Flex to filter with ComboBox on multiple columns

LATEST UPDATE: Issue answered here. Some one else at stackoverflow had a similar issue and it was resolved. Solution provided for convenience. This is the line of code I was missing:
comboHeaderColumn.useLabelFunctionForFilterCompare = true;
that line is followed by these:
comboHeaderColumn.filterComboBoxBuildFromGrid = true;
comboHeaderColumn.labelFunction = formatState;
where formatState is a local method that formats the data for the combobox.
UPDATE: I've now got the combobox's loading with the correct data, but when I select a value nothing happens. The combo boxes load only data that is in the column, and when you select a value in the combobox, it's supposed to filter the rows on that value. It doesn't.
Thanks for looking. I'm having trouble getting multiple filters to work in Flex in Flash Builder 4 using the ExtendedDataGrid and ComboBox's. Here is an image of part of the grid:
The User Name and City filter properly if you type text into the box's above the column header and the Request Date lets you select date ranges if you click on the Custom bar, but the Request Reason and State ComboBoxes do not list anything. I've created them using comboHeaderColumn.filterComboBoxBuildFromGrid = true; but all it does is put "[object Object]" as the only other selection under All.
I've used this article but it will only allow you to use a single filter for the entire grid.
My finished grid will have about 20 columns and from 20,000 to 450,000 rows of data so the filters are really important and I'll need more than one.
The code is very straight forward and loops through all the returned data and if the column is identified as a filter column it does this:
comboHeaderColumn.filterComboBoxDataProvider = codeValuePairs;
comboHeaderColumn.filterComboBoxLabelField = "Value";
comboHeaderColumn.filterControl = "ComboBox";
comboHeaderColumn.filterOperation = FilterExpression.FILTER_OPERATION_TYPE_EQUALS;
comboHeaderColumn.headerText = ac.Header;
comboHeaderColumn.dataField = ac.Name;
if( ac.Header == "State" || ac.Header == "Request Reason" )
comboHeaderColumn.filterComboBoxBuildFromGrid = true;
This creates 2 entries in the combo box: All and [object Object]
What am I missing??? Anyway, after half a day searching I decided to reach out.
Any suggestions or direction to an article would be very much appreciated.

How to set default sort column in extjs4 grid and change date format?

1-How do I set the column to be sorted when the grid is created? then upon reloading the grid, it automatically utilize that sort to appropriately display the records.(without me clicing on it)
Can this be done on the grid itself so it is independent of the underlying data store?
2-how do i change Date format displaying in a grid column?
my data render a date like this /Date(1316020760837+0000)/
i tried using renderer: Ext.util.Format.dateRenderer('m/d/Y'),// format: 'm d Y'
but it gives me NaN/NaN/NaN
any help would be appreciated.
thank you
i used sortOnLoad with sorters
var myStore = new{
fields: ['Item1', 'Item2', 'Item3', 'Item4']
, data: []
, sortOnLoad: true
, sorters: { property: 'Item1', direction : 'DESC' }
in my c# code i used item.DateEnd.ToString("MMM dd, yyyy").
see this or this for standard and custom format
or better
in extjs4 ,you should specify the dateFormat so Ext can parse it properly and you'll ensure it gets read ok.
{name: 'Item1' , type : 'date',dateFormat :'MS'}
u can see this for available format strings.

Obtain data from dynamically incremented IDs in JQuery

I have a quick question about JQuery. I have dynamically generated paragraphs with id's that are incremented. I would like to take information from that page and bring it to my main page. Unfortunately I am unable to read the dynamically generated paragraph IDs to get the values. I am trying this:
var Name = ((data).find("#Name" + id).text());
The ASP.NET code goes like this:
Dim intI As Integer = 0
For Each Item As cItem in alProducts1
Dim pName As New System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlGenericControl("p") = "Name" & intI.toString() pName.InnerText = Item.Name controls.Add(pName) intI += 1
Those name values are the values I want...Name1, name2, name3 and I want to get them individually to put in their own textbox... I'm taking the values from the ASP.NET webpage and putting them into an AJAX page.
Your question is not clear about your exact requirement but you can get the IDs of elements with attr method of jQuery, here is an example:
You want to select all the elements with the incrementing ids, right?
// this will select all the elements
// which id starts with 'Name'
Thanks for the help everyone. I found the solution today however:
var Name = ($(data).find('#Name' + id.toString()).text());
I forgot the .toString() part and that seems to have made the difference.
