Table Styling - col class should override over td class.. How? - css

See this fiddle:
I have set the first column to show up with a red background.
However, the odd/even styling is overriding it. Even with added !important;
Is there any way I can get this fixed? (without having to add classes to the
tr.row_odd td {
tr.row_even td {
.col1 { background:red !important; }
<col class="col1"></col>
<tr class="row_odd"><td>test</td><td>test</td></tr>
<tr class="row_even"><td>test</td><td>test</td></tr>

Firstly, lets deal with the markup. I believe that the <col> should be self-closing as it cannot contain any text or child elements and also it should be wrapped in a <colgroup>. You may even need additional <col> tags for each column (so 4 columns means 4 <col>'s).
<col class="col1" />
<col />
<tr class="row_odd"><td>test</td><td>test</td></tr>
<tr class="row_even"><td>test</td><td>test</td></tr>
Now, having had a little play about with the CSS, it seems it's down to how CSS is applied to columns and <tr>'s. If you remove the styles pertaining to the <tr>'s you will see that the style is applied correctly.
So from this i have concluded that the styles are applied in a layered approach, probably because of the columns being a kind of meta detail of tables. An easy way to imagine this is that the <tr> tags are layered on top of the column, and because you've defined a background-color for the <tr> the column styling does not show through - due to the colour being opaque. If you set the <tr>'s background-color to an RGBA value you will see that the columns colour "shines through".
See the modification of your fiddle, for demonstration:
Hope that helps, it certainly helped me because i've learnt something new here myself during my investigation.
EDIT: seems that IE9 doesn't agree with what i said, it doesn't seem to apply the RGBA value to the <tr> if the <col> has a background-color set. Works in firefox 7 though...

background:red !important;

The Class from HTML <col> does not get inherited by <td>. You need to adh´just the HTML. Give class col1 to first <td> in table row
<col class="col1" />
<col />
<tr class="row_odd">
<td class="col1">test</td>
<tr class="row_even">
<td class="col1">test</td>


How to hide this specific text from a <TR> in a TABLE HTML CODE

I am trying to hide this:
<th class="col-image all" data-name="image" data-orderable="false" data-searchable="false" data-width="200px" data-priority="4">Image</th>
And this is my attempt:
thead.col-image all {
display: none;
^ this didn't work - any idea?
You are calling the wrong element and ALSO 'all' is not a selector;
thead.col-image all {} // is calling e.g. <thead class="col-image">
It should be
thead tr th.col-image.all { display: none; }
thead.col-image all means <all> tags in <thead class='col-image'>
correct css for your code should be
thead .col-image.all {
display: none;
with <th> tag only heading will disappear.
Attach a class for <th>or <td> or <tr> depending on your requirement.
and for that class apply the property
{visibility:hidden} which will not affect alignment of your table.
where as {display:none} can affect the alignment (though it works.)
you can use class for td th or add a span to text you want to hide and add class to it
<td class="hide">hide me</td>
<td>and also <span class="hide">hide me</span></td>
TL;DR Wrap your <thead>, <th>, etc. within the <table> element. Also make sure you are calling the proper elements in your CSS.
An HTML table is defined with the <table> tag.
So in essence you have the <th>, <thead>, etc. elements operating outside of a <table>, so you are breaking your code because the <th>, <thead>, etc. require the parent <table> element to function properly.
Why you may ask? As stated above a table is defined with the <table> tag, so you do not really have a table on your page.
In conclusion "wrap your tables rows, heads, etc within the <table> element for now on.
Here is the code:
<th class="col-image all" data-name="image" data-orderable="false" data-searchable="false" data-width="200px" data-priority="4">Image</th>
display: none;
You can view the code live here:
I also added another table in there so you can see how to properly make a table.
Here is a link to Mozilla Developer Network and W3Schools so you can learn more about making tables. Good luck:
Also you were calling classes for thead when you should have been calling classes for th.

Inline styles for tables in ReactJS/JSX

Hi I'm having trouble adding inline styling to table components in React. Basically what I'm trying to do is so that the table header/cells are divided equally spacing so I'm adding width: '50%' styling to make this work. I added in the console and it works, but when I return to add it in my code, it doesn't.
I tried adding it to anything just to see if it work and it doesn't. Is there something I'm missing?
What it looks like:
What I want it to look like (after adding width styling to console):
<table className="table table-striped">
<tr styles={{width: '50%'}}>
<th styles={{width: '50%'}}>Hello</th>
<th styles={{width: '50%'}}>World</th>
{(data.length == 0)&&
As mentioned in the comments
Change 'styles' to 'style' – cidicles
Usually plural styles is the convention people use when passing a variable to another component, while singular style is the keyword that jsx-html tags will receive to inline the css.
Other answers recommend adding styles to html tags directly in the css. While adding styles on html tags directly without using classes may work it is worth it to note that it may not scale well This will require more work on us to come back and maintain/update the original code.
You can use table-layout: fixed; width: 100% on the table to force equal column widths:
table {
width: 100%;
table-layout: fixed;
table tr th {
text-align: left;
background: gray;
color: white;
<table className="table table-striped">
<tr style={{width: '50%'}}>
<th style={{width: '50%'}}>Hello</th>
<th style={{width: '50%'}}>World</th>
Your width: 50% isn't working most likely because your parent .table doesn't have a width set. You can try adding width: 100% to the table and then your 50% might work.
As other users have mentioned, change styles to style as well.

CSS col visibility:collapse does not work on Chrome

I'm trying to hide some col's in html code. Using MDN colgroup and col are added, and I'm playing with the style of the cols.
The <td> with content text 'visible' is visible in all browsers (good), the with content text 'hidden' is visible in chrome (bad) and hidden in Firefox and Edge. (good).
Shortest code I could re-create problem is here:
<!doctype html>
<title>css example</title>
<style type='text/css'>
col.visible {}
col.hidden { visibility:collapse; }
<table border='1'>
<col class='visible'>
<col class='hidden'>
You are right, chrome doesn't properly support visibility:collapse for table rows and columns -- follow the bug for updates. We are planning on tackling it in the next few months but it probably won't show up in stable until the end of 2017. Sorry about the bad news.
The visibility: collapse should not be assigned to col, but td. This will work fine:
td.hidden { visibility:collapse; }
<table border='1'>
<td class='hidden'>hidden</td>
If you want to hide all tds from a specific col, use td:nth-of-type(n) selector (replacing n with the index number of column).
As of Chrome 92, the symptoms are the same: <col style=visibility:collapse> renders the column invisible, but its width is not zero, so the table occupies the same width as if un-collapsed.
The idea of using <colgroup> + <col> is to avoid adding markup to every <td> in the column.

Table with three cells: auto-resize left and right in pure CSS

I have three entities in a row, currently I use table to display them:
<td id='td1'>some text</td>
<td id='td2' style='width:600px;'>some text</td>
<td id='td3'>some text</td>
What I need is to resize left and right cells simultaneously when browser resizes. I wonder if it is possible without JS.
I have even tried CSS resize which apparently does not work in IE, played with widths of the cells, but still without any success. I am totally a newbie in CSS.
Is it even possible? Thanks in advance.
Can't verify since I'm on a mobile but have you tried....
<col class="first" />
<col />
<col class="last" />
Then use the col.first and col.last classes to style them with css.
Oh, and, remove all the css from your html. Having css inline will make the document completely unmaintainable through css files. And remove the IDs also from td:s and always use " to quote html attribute values.
You can also try to add:
table {
table-layout: fixed;
To prevent the browser from calculating the initial width of each cell according to their contents and give them all initially an equal width. (height will still expand according to content.) Then override certain columns with css.
try this css
it works.

Responsive table alignment of columns

In responsive table design to refer I got this link
This gives me below output:
Now I want to align title to left and its value to right
means it need to look aligned properly
How to do this?
The text-align: right doesn't work for your tds because it's overridden by the Bootstrap style with higher specifity. The quickest solution is just to add !important. Also, I'd suggest to make the labels floating to left (see modified fiddle):
td {
text-align: right !important;
overflow: hidden; /* for containg floats */
td:before {
Your JSFiddle is different then the image in your post.
Refering to your image, you could make it like this, using colspan to set your colums width:
<col width="100px" />
<col width="200px" />
As for your JSFiddle, you have 5 <th>'s and 6 <td>'s. Which is possible, however, one of the <th> should cover two <td>'s, you can make that by using this:
<th colspan="2">Title</th>
