Bloginfo Description not showing - wordpress

Hi I have looked everywhere for help topics on this and not had any luck, I currently run a fan based website. I'm using wordpress and designed my own theme, when I view the page source I know that my description in the < title > tag is not showing. In the dashboard settings I have the tagline filled in, so I'm not sure why it's not showing in the code. Below is what I have coded myself in the tag area:
<title><?php bloginfo('name'); ?> <?php wp_title('«', true, 'right'); ?> | <?php bloginfo('description'); ?></title>
I would appreciate any help on this, as I've been stuck on this for weeks now lol

I managed to solve the problem I had a plugin installed called "All in One SEO Pack", that seemed to be overriding the Bloginfo description. Once the plugin was deactivated, the description came back.


Wordpress - theme doesn't show newest posts

I have a website with Wordpress and free template Creative on this link:
I don't know why, but on bottom of the home page it doesn't show previews of newest added posts like in template demo
Can you help?
Thanks, Filip.
Looks like there is no loop in the index.php. You may have to write one yourself. To pull the previews if one doesn't already exist. Here's the WP Codex page about The Loop. Hope this helps.
try to add this code on the home page,
<?php the_title(); ?><br />
<?php the_content(); ?>

Slide show does not work on my custom WP theme

First I want to thank the WP team and all contributors for such amazing product.
I installed word press and started creating my own theme, however I went into a problem as I am new to Word press and Php development.
I installed a plug in which is a slide show when I put the tag into any of my posts it just done not work. I tried several slide show plug and all give the same result, which mean it is not the plugins problem. Also I tried with another themes and it worked which confirms my first conclusion .
Now I know i did not provide much information but I hope you provide me with some idea or "may be"s or if you want some code I will provided so you can help me with this one :)
Ok, I got this working what was missed is some functions in the head.php and the footer.php and those tags are <?php wp_head(); ?> and <?php wp_footer(); ?> respectively.

What is lkujhbkj0?

I activated BuddyPress on Wordpress 3.9 and on BuddyPress pages (as register) it appears this strange code.
Googling it, it appears that many BuddyPress sites show the same code.
What is it? Is there a way to hide it?
The Wordpress installation is indeed with a commercial theme named Avada.
The behaviour can be seen in a page like this one, which is the profile page of a BuddyPress profile.
I would be able to post a solution for the question, but apparently I cannot...
I found this on line 39 in the buddypress.php file in the Avada theme folder
<?php echo "lkujhbkj".$post->ID; ?>
This solved my issue
<span style="display:none"><?php echo "lkujhbkj".$post->ID; ?></span>
There are only 45 results when googling for this string. What all sites with this bug have in common is the theme Avada:
. . .
As confirmed by the OP, the theme has the following code:
<?php echo "lkujhbkj".$post->ID; ?>
It makes no sense at all (in WP, HTML, JS or CSS terms) and, I think, can be safely removed.

Basic Fishpig Wordpress Integration - Display Custom Post on Homepage

I'm trying to create a slider on the homepage of my Magento site. I am totally new to Magento and have someone else on our team coding most of that stuff after realizing how far into the deep end I jumped.
My issue: I'm trying to pull custom posts from WP (with the paid advanced custom fields extension) to display an image that will go into a slider.
I'm stuck at the most basic part - pulling in a list of Wordpress posts.
I created a new file: mytemplatedirectory/default/template/home/slider.phtml with
<?php $posts = $this->getPosts() ?>
<?php foreach ($posts as $_post) : ?>
<?php echo $post->getPostContent() ?>
<?php endforeach ?>
and I put this into the CMS page in the Magento admin:
{{block type="core/template" template="home/slider.phtml"}}
But not even the default post is showing up.
If anyone has any guidance that would be extremely helpful. The beginning steps are what are throwing me off but it would also be nice to have help pulling the custom post and the advanced custom field (although it seems that Fishpig's documentation makes this pretty simple).
Thanks in advance! Sorry for such an amateur question.
The block type you're using does not include the getPosts() method, which is the reason your call to this returns nothing. If you change the block type to 'wordpress/sidebar_widget_posts' then the call to getPosts will return a post collection object.
The following link explains a little bit more about how to include this block and what you can do with it:
Display WordPress Blog Posts on the Magento homepage
Figured this out with Ben's help (who I believe is the creator of the excellent Fishpig extension).
I created a custom post (with the Custom Post Type UI plugin for WP) and a custom field (with the Advanced Custom Fields plugin for WP).
On my Homepage in the CMS I added in the content area
{{block type="wordpress/sidebar_widget_posts" name="wordpress.widget.recent_posts" post_count="5" post_type="slider_home" template="wordpress/sidebar/widget/slider_home.phtml"}}
In that block, slider_home is my post type and slider_home.phtml is a new file I created that pulls the code from wordpress/sidebar/widget/posts.phtml but customizes it to my need.
Within the loop in slider_home.phtml I took out what was currently there and added:
<?php $image = $post->getMetaValue('image'); ?>
<?php $url = $post->getMetaValue('url'); ?>
<a href="<?php echo $url; ?>" target="_blank">
<img src="<?php echo $image; ?>" />
which is pulling in the custom fields I made in Wordpress. works perfectly and now my client will be able to update their Magento site through the Wordpress CMS.

Need Help for my Custom Page Template

I'm very new to this PHP coding.. actually I'm not a programmer, but I need this help from anyone here...
Anyway, what I need help from you:
I have written a small snippet of Custom Page template, here it is:
Template Name: MyCustomTemplate
<?php get_header(); ?>
<?php get_footer(); ?>
Now I have installed a wordpress slider plugin "Nivo Slider"..
Now I'm not understanding how do I call this plugin into my custom template...
Iam trying to achive home page with a Slider and some ads in it.. eg: I need my home page like this:
So, could anyone please provide me a code to work that?
Please try following code, make sure that slider you are trying to call is published:
//valid for Nivo Slider version < 1.8
echo do_shortcode('[nivoslider slug="my-slider"]');
Let me know if my answer was helpful.
