Keep element active until page reloads ignoring mouseout - css

The top menus at use CSS (and some CSS3) to provide the smooth transitions. My problem is that if you click a link and then mouseoff the link, it starts to descend again. Is there a way to keep it up (fnnnrrr!) once it's been clicked and then mouseoff?
I've looked at using :active but that only for when the mouse is down. :focus only seems to work for keyboard navigation. Am looking at using a bit of jQuery or is there a way to do it using CSS?

Can be done with CSS, using :target selector.


Does the Twitter widget inject some weird code in that affects everything in the DOM? Notably :hover in iOS

I have just come across a weird CSS quirk that goes far beyond my understanding and would appreciate some help:
I was trying to build a fancy pure css dropdown solution using the clickable event method Ryan Collins proposed:
With :active and :hover and some nested divs we may make trigger spans (or divs or whatever) that cause a sister element in the same container to appear upon mouse click. The example on Ryans page worked on my ipad so I assumed that iOS was smart enough to handle a touch event as triggering the :active state - and if the trigger contains a hyperlink this works, but there is no way to deactivate the active state of a hyperlink, safe for clicking on another hyperlink.
This sucks, because my plan to have an elegant navigation (and some other stuff) pop up and hide from view with just css is foiled, the menu never collapses - but then why does the example on Ryan's page work? I did some testing and finally narrowed the key element down to a twitter widget he has embedded on his page. Some javascript styles the embedded tweet and in doing so, it affects the very :active and : hover solution that all of a sudden works via touch on iOS, even without hyperlinks.
Can anybody tell me what causes this behavior and if I could emulate it without relying on a crazy hack like embedding a twitter widget and hiding it from view?
Found the answer myself with some more digging through the code and a little Google help:
The twitter widget among all the proprietary stuff it does also declares a touchstart event, which by itself anywhere on the page is enough to make mobile safari utilize the CSS :active pseudo style.

Chrome won't apply css hover style when left mouse button is held down

In Google Chrome, the CSS hover state isn't being triggered when the left mouse button is held down, as shown here:
a:hover {
color: red;
This issue doesn't occur in either FF8 or IE9. It's problematic because I'm implementing a drag-and-drop action and using CSS to highlight the drop target. I could do this pretty trivially in JavaScript, but that seems heavy-handed for what is essentially a CSS problem. Are there any workarounds to this?
From a little playing around, it seems that Chrome 30.0.1599.69 m on windows7 doesn't generate a mouseenter event if the left button is held when moving over an element. As such, relying on the onmouseenter event gives the same result as using css - perhaps this (non-triggered) event is used to signal the css engine that something needs to change.
Anyhow, you can just add code to handle mousemove and mouseout events. I simply set the text colour with the js, though something that toggled a class would probably be a better option. At least the js will be using the time that the css should have been using, so it won't all be overhead, although it does suck redoing it all anytime the mouse moves.
Perhaps you could use removeEventListener from inside the handler you're trying to remove. If so, you could attach the js to handle the events with addEventListener, attaching to both events on page load. When the onmousemove event was triggered, you could change the style and then remove the handler. Then, when the mouseout event fired, you could restore the style and re-attach the onmove handler. I wouldn't be surprised if trying to remove a handler from an event, from within the handler itself would fail, but one can only try. It would only add a few bytes to the js, but would improve efficiency (in terms of the link, not the whole page) tremendously - from potentially very poor if the mouse was moved over the link a lot to 100% - i.e the style is set exactly once and cleared exactly once per enter/leave cycle.
Works for me - Note: only tested with chrome in win7.
I checked in Safari and Opera as well and they behave just like IE9 and Firefox. It seems Chrome is the only browser that behaves this way. The only way I was able to get the desired behavior was using Javascript. The suggestions with the :active pseudo class definitely don't work, I think they misunderstand the problem. Strangely, :hover in Chrome works when the right mouse button is being held down and not when the left button is. Go figure.
The link turns red when I mouseover it using Chrome 17.0.948.0 (Developer Build 111321) Ubuntu 10.04, so you might want to update your Chrome.
On a related note, the :hover pseudo-class applies to an element being HOVERED by a mouse pointer. For a style to apply while the mouse button is held down while clicking the link, use the :active pseudo-class. I'm not sure why FF and IE behave differently.
When you're left mouse button is down, isn't the element supposed to be in the active state? The difference here is that Firefox and IE are allowing the active state to be inherited from the hover state, and Chrome is not. In CSS, the active state can be controlled using the :active pseudo-class. You need to explicitly set the style for the active state to ensure consistency between browsers.
Nowadays (2018), while the bug still persists in Chrome, you can work around it using HTML5 drag&drop's dragenter and dragleave events. If you have a nested dom-element you can apply a counter to mitigate the dragleave events that occur when the mouse gets over a child element.
var h1 = document.querySelector('h1')
var counter = 0
h1.ondragenter = _=> ++counter && h1.classList.add('dragover')
h1.ondragleave = _=> --counter || h1.classList.remove('dragover')
span { font-style:italic }
h1:hover { color:red }
h1.dragover { color:blue }
<h1>hover over me<span>, and me</span></h1>
<h2 draggable=true>drag me</h2>
You're looking for the :active pseudo-class. :hover will only activate when the node is being hovered over by the mouse. :active will only trigger when the node has been selected or clicked on.
Here's the jsFiddle:

Create a Javascript-like ScrollTo effect using only CSS3?

Is it possible to create a Javascript-like scrollTo effect using only CSS3? For instance:
And somehow telling the window to smoothly scroll to that location? Using Javascript it is very easy, but CSS would be even more wonderful.
I can’t think of any way to do it.
CSS’s animation facilities only allow you to change CSS properties, and there aren’t any that let you refer to the position of elements on-screen, or how much the page is scrolled.
The only way CSS can respond to elements being clicked on is via the :active and :visited selectors, and using :visited to animate a link doesn‘t seem to work.
You can use :active to animate the bottom margin of a link, but the animation will only run whilst the user is holding down the mouse button. See

How to use chrome web inspector to view hover code

Using chromes web inspector to view code is very useful. But how do you view for example the hover code for a button? You will have to hover the mouse over the button and thus cannot use it (mouse) in the inspector. Are there any shortcuts or other ways to accomplish this in the inspector?
Now you can see both the pseudo-class style rules and force them on elements.
To see the rules like :hover in the Styles pane click the small dotted box button in the top right.
To force an element into :hover state, right click it.
Alternatively, you can use Event Listener Breakpoints sidebar pane in the Scripts panel and select to pause in mouseover handlers.
Alternatively, you can use Event Listener Breakpoints sidebar pane in the Scripts panel and select to pause in mouseover handlers.
It's a little annoying, but you need to right click on the element, and then, keeping your mouse over the link, use your keyboard select the 'Inspect Element' link and press enter. This should show you the css for the hover pseudo class for the selected element.
Here's hoping they make this a little easier in future builds.
In Chrome:
You can also mouseover on an element, and then click CTRL+SHIFT+C to inspect that element.
In Firefox:
in firebug:
I'm not sure that I right understand your question but if you want to see the event handler code you can just inspect the element and look at Event Listeners sidebar pane of Elements Panel.
Another way is just press pause button in Scripts Panel and just hover the element.
The debugger will stop at the first instruction of the first event handler.
Please have a look on below link for answer
See :hover state in Chrome Developer Tools

Verify what css hover state is activated

I have a site where the background-image jumps up on hover state and I can't for the life of me find the specific css that does this.
I'm able to get to the "offending" link and give it a border and change the padding and margin. The problem is that firebug and chrome inspect does not show me what happens on the hover state.
So I want a way to see what additions to the normal css state happens on :hover.
Any pointers?
(P.S. IE 8 doesn't have this issue - ie no jumping of background image)
Try using the Inspect function in FireBug to focus in on the element in question. It will show you all related CSS, including any CSS that is related to :hover. You can also see in this way what changes happen to the elements CSS (and any other DOM attribute) when you hover your mouse.
In case the changes are coming from some JavaScript, try out the Visual Event bookmarklet. Activating it on the page will let you see all events that are tied to the element in question.
