ASP.Net multithreaded web service calls -

I have the following scenario:
We have an ASP.Net website, which generates a PDF report. To generate the PDF report we need to make multiple web-service calls (each call returns a part of the data). Most of the calls are to the same endpoint, but the methods and the parameters are different. To improve performance, we have thought of the following 2 approaches:
Expose a web service operation that accepts parameters for all the individual calls. Internally, this method calls each of the methods one by one; when completed, it packs all the responses in a collection and sends it back. The ASP.Net web page then receives the list of responses and unpacks them and generates the report.
Make parallel calls to the web service methods from the ASP.Net application. When all parallel calls are completed, collect all the responses and generate the PDF.
At first, the 2nd approach looks elegant; the problem is, how do we make the parallel web service calls. Thread.QueueUserWorkItem is not a good option as suggested here:
Using ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem in ASP.NET in a high traffic scenario and
Creating new threads using new Thread() is also not great as suggested here:
Further, the web apps code is layered with a UI and a Business Logic Layer that invokes the web service methods. The site is not a very heavy load site, with about 200 concurrent users.
Request to help with suggestions to improve the performance of the pdf generation process.
Thanks and Regards

Take a look at Asynchronous Pages in ASP.NET In essence it will allow you to do what you suggest in option #2 but with mechanisms that are built into ASP.NET rather than having to tap into lower level threading techniques.

see this link , its for deference of parallel programing(kind of multithreding solution) and async programing. (use Parallel programming for CPU Intensive solutions. use Asynchronous programming for IO Bound solutions.)
if you want to use threading you can use parallel.foreach or this model :
foreach (var item in Clients)
Tasks.Add(Task.Run(() =>
Result.AddRange(item.GetPoint(MasterLogId, mobileNumber));
but , asyn programing it's good solution for call web services (for many requests), becuse calling web service is i/o bound! if you use threading ,you run many threads that all of them are waiting to call(pending io).
and finally ,see my same problem and best answers .


Threads vs TPL vs Async Delegates in ASP.NET

I have an application that is working well in production, but I wonder if I could have implemented the concurrency better....
Basically, it generates n number of sql statements on the fly (approx 50 at the moment) and then runs them concurrently and writes the data to .csv files.
EDIT: First I create a thread to do all the work on so the page request can return. Then on that thread...
For each of the SQL statements I create a new Task using the TPL and execute it using a datareader and write the data to disk. When the last file is created I write some summary data to a summary file and zip it all up and give it to the user.
Should I have used Threads or Asynchronous Delegates instead?
I haven't posted code as I am really just wondering if my overall approach (i.e. TPL) is the best option in this situation.
Please don't lecture me about creating dynamic sql, it is totally necessary due to the technicalities of the database I am reading from and not relevant to the question. (Its the back end of a proprietary system. Got 7 thousand+ tables).
Should I have used Threads or Asynchronous Delegates instead?
Apparently, your background thread operation spans across the boundaries of a single HTTP request. In this case, it doesn't really matter what API you use to run such operation: Task.Run, Delegate.BeginInvoke, ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem, new Thread or anything else.
You shouldn't be running a lengthy background thread operation, which lifetime spans multiple HTTP requests, inside ASP.NET address space. While it's relatively easy to implement, this approach may have issues with IIS maintainability, scalability and security. Create a WCF service for that and call it from your ASP.NET page:
How to: Host a WCF Service in a Managed Windows Service.
If we start a new thread in ASP.Net from the thread which is serving the http request, and new thread has an unhandled exception, the worker process will crash immediately. Even if we use WCF service and call that from ASP.Net the ASP.Net thread is going to wait for the result. So better use any queuing mechanism so that the requests is in queue and queue can process in a different time based on the processing capacity. Of course when we say queuing we need to think about queue failure, requeue etc...But its worth if the application is big and needs to scale.

Where would async calls make sense in an (MVC) Web Application?

I'm just wondering, if I have an Web Application, either WebForms or MVC, is there any situation where doing stuff asynchronously would make sense?
The Web Server already handles threading for me in that it spins up multiple threads to handle requests, and most request processing is rather simple and straight forward.
I see some use for when stuff truly is a) expensive and b) can be parallelized. but these are the minority cases (at least from what I've encountered).
Is there any gain from async in the simple "Read some input, do some CRUD, display some output" scenario?
If a page is making a request to an external web service on every request, then using the asynchronous BCL APIs to fetch data from the web service will help free up resources on the server. This is because Windows can make a distinction between a managed ASP thread that is waiting for stuff (asynchronous web service call) and a managed ASP thread that is doing stuff (synchronous web service call). These asynchronous calls may end up as I/O Completion Ports behind the scenes, freeing ASP from essentially all of the burdens. This can result in the web site being able to handle more simultaneous requests. Specifically, when an ASP thread is waiting for a callback from an asynchronous operation, ASP may decide to reuse that thread to serve other requests in the meantime.
The synchronous BCL way to invoke external resources is the Get(), Read(), EndRead() etc family of methods. Their asynchronous counterpart is the BeginGet(), EndGet(), BeginRead(), EndRead() etc family of methods.
If you have a page that does two things simultaneously, and both are essentially wait for external data type operations, then the asynchronous BCL APIs will enable parallellism automatically. If they are calculate pi type operations, then you may want to use the parallell BCL APIs instead.
Here's one example when you will clearly gain from an async call: imagine that in order to render a page you need to aggregate information coming from different web services (or database calls) where each being independent and resulting in a network call. In this case the async pattern is very good because you have IO bound operations for which IO Completion Ports will be used and while waiting for the response you won't monopolize worker threads. While the operations are running no thread will be consumed on the server side.
If you have many CPU bound operations than async pattern will not bring much benefit because while you free the request worker thread from performing the operation, another thread will be consumed to do calculations.
I find this article a very useful reference.

Asynchronous web service call in ASP.NET/C#

We have an application that hits a web service successfully, and the data returned updates our DB. What I'm trying to do is allow the user to continue using other parts of our web app while the web service processes their request and returns the necessary data.
Is this asynchronous processing? I've seen some console app samples on the msdn site, but considering this is a web form using a browser I'm not sure those samples apply. What if the user closes the browser window mid request? Currently we're using the Message Queue which "waits" for the web service to respond then handles the DB update, but we'd really like to get rid of that.
I'm (obviously) new to async requests and could use some help figuring this out. Does anyone have some code samples or pertinent articles I could check out?
Yes, what you're describing is async processing.
The best solution depends to some degree on the nature of the web services call and how you want to handle the results. A few tips that might help:
One approach is to send a request from the initial web request to a background thread. This works best if your users don't need to see the results of the call as soon as it completes.
Another approach is to have your server-side code make an async web services call. This is the way to go if your users do need to see the results. The advantage of an async call on the server side is that it doesn't tie up an ASP.NET worker thread waiting for results (which can seriously impair scalability)
Your server-side code can be structured either as a web page (*.aspx) or a WCF service, depending on what you want to have it return. Both forms support async.
From the client, you can use an async XMLHTTP request (Ajax). That way, you will receive a notification event when the call completes.
Another approach for long-running tasks is to write them to a persistent queue using Service Broker. This works best for things that you'd like users to be able to start and then walk away from and see the results later, with an assurance that the task will be completed.
In case it helps, I cover each of these techniques in detail in my book, along with code examples: Ultra-Fast ASP.NET.
If you're not blocking for a method return you're doing asychronous processing. Have a look at Dino Esposito's article on using AJAX for server task checking.
You can perform asynchronous web service calls using both Web Service Enhancements (WSE) and Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) in your C# code. WSE is discontinued, so its use is not recommended. Generically speaking, if you were to terminate program execution in the middle of an asynchronous call before the response returned, nothing bad would happen; the client would simply not process the result, but the web service would still be able to perform its processing to completion.
If your client web application is responsible for updating the DB, then without anything else in your client code, quitting in the middle of an asynchronous operation would mean that the DB was not updated. However, you could add some code to your client application that prevented the browser from quitting entirely while it is waiting for an asynchronous response while preventing new web service calls from being run after Close is called (using Javascript).
You have 2 distinct communications here: (1) from web browser to web application and (2) from web application to web service.
There is no point of making (2) asynchronous: you still would have to wait for web service to finish processing request. If you end HTTP request from browser to web application the client would have no clue what the result of request was.
It is much better to make asynchronous request from web browser to your web application. Ajax is ideal for that. In fact, that's what it was created for. Here's couple of links to get you started:
jQuery Ajax

What should I be aware of when threading in ASP.NET?

Recently, the book on threading for Winforms application (Concurrent programming on Windows by Joe Duffy) was released. This book, focused on winforms, is 1000 pages.
What gotchas are there in ASP.NET threading? I'm sure there are plenty of gotchas to be aware of when implementing threading in ASP.NET. What should I be aware of?
Since each http request received by IIS is processed separately, on it's own thread anyway, the only issues you should have is if you kick off some long running process from within the scope of a single http request. In that case, I would put such code into a separate referenced dependant assembly, coded like a middle-tier component, with no dependance or coupling to the ASP.Net model at all, and handle whatever concurrency issues arose within that assembly separately, without worrying about the ASP.Net model at all...
Jeff Richter over at Wintellect has a library called PowerThreading. It is very useful if you are developing applications on .NET. => Power Threading Library
Check for his presentations online at various events.
Usually you are encouraged to use the thread pool in .Net because it of the many benefits of having things managed on your behalf.....but NOT in
Since is already multi-threaded, it uses the thread pool to serve requests that are mapped to the ISAPI filter, and since the thread pool is fixed in size, by using it you are basically taking threads away that are set aside to do the job of handling request.
In small, low-traffic websites, this is not an issue, but in larger, high-traffic websites you end up competing for and consuming threads that the process relies on.
If you want to use threading, it is fine to do something like....
Thread thread = new Thread(threadStarter);
thread.IsBackground = true;
but with a warning: be sure that the IsBackground is set to true because if it isn't the thread exists in the foreground and will likely prevent the IIS worker process from recycling or restarting.
First, are you talking about asynchronous ASP.NET? Or using the ThreadPool/spinning up your own threads?
If you aren't talking about asynchronous ASP.NET, the main question to answer is: what work would you be doing in the other threads and would the work be specific to a request/response cycle, or is it more about processing global tasks in the background?
If you need to handle concurrent operations (a better term than multi-threaded IMO) for a given request/response cycle, then use the asynchronous features of ASP.NET. These provide an abstraction over IIS's support for concurrency, allowing the server to process other requests while the current request is waiting for work to complete.
For background processing of global tasks, I would not use ASP.NET at all. You should assume that IIS will recycle your AppPool at a random point in time. You also should not assume that IIS will run your AppPool on any sort of schedule. Any important background processing should be done outside of IIS, either as a scheduled task or a Windows Service. The approach I usually take is to have a Windows Service and a shared work-queue where the web-site can post work items. The queue can be a database table, a reliable message-based queue (MSMQ, etc), files on the file system, etc.
The immediate thing that comes to mind is, why would you "implement threading" in ASP.NET.
You do need to be conscious all the time that ASP.NET is multi-threaded since many requests can be processed simulatenously each in its own thread. So for example use of static fields needs to take threading into account.
However its rare that you would want to spin up a new thread in code yourself.
As far as the usual winforms issues with threading in the UI is concerned these issues are not present in ASP.NET. There is no window based message pump to worry about.
It is possible to create asynchronous pages in ASP.NET. These will perform all steps up to a certain point. These steps will include asynchronously fetching data, for instance. When all the asynchronous tasks have completed, the remainder of the page lifecycle will execute. In the meantime, a worker thread was not tied up waiting for database I/O to complete.
In this model, all extra threads are executing while the request, and the page instance, and all the controls, still exist. You have to be careful when starting your own threads, that, by the time the thread executes, it's possible that the request, page instance, and controls will have been Disposed.
Also, as usual, be certain that multiple threads will actually improve performance. Often, additional threads will make things worse.
The gotchas are pretty much the same as in any multithreaded application.
The classes involved in processing a request (Page, Controls, HttpContext.Current, ...) are specific to that request so don't need any special handling.
Similarly for any classes you instantiate as local variables or fields within these classes, and for access to Session.
But, as usual, you need to synchronize access to shared resources such as:
Static (C#) / Shared(VB.NET) references.
External resources such as the file system
... etc...
I've seen threading bugs too often in ASP.NET apps, e.g. a singleton being used by multiple concurrent requests without synchronization, resulting in user A seeing user B's data.

Silverlight,asynchronous,lazy loading what's the best way?

I started to use silverlight/flex and immediately bumped into the asynchronous service calling. I'm used to solving the data access problems in an OO-way with one server fetch mechanism or another.
I have the following trivial code example:
public double ComputeOrderTotal(Order order)
double total = 0;
// OrderLines are lazy loaded
foreach (Orderline line in order.Orderlines)
// Article,customer are lazy loaded
total = total + line.Article.Price -;
return total;
If I understand correctly, this code is impossible in Flex/Silverlight. The lazy loading forces you to work with callbacks. IMO the simple expample above will be a BIG mess.
Can anyone give me a structured way to implement the above ?
The problem is the same for Flex/Silverlight, pseudo code would
do fine
Its not really ORM related but most orms use lazy loading so i'll remove
that tag
The problem is lazy loading in the model
The above example would be very doable of all data was in memory but
we assume some has to be fetched from
the server
Closueres dont help since sometimes data is already loaded and no asynchronous fetch is needed
Yes I must agree that O/R mapping is usually done on the server-side of your application.
In SilverLight asynchronous way of execution is the desired pattern to use when working with services. Why services? Because as I said before there is no O/R mapping tool at the moment that could be used on the client-side (SilverLight). The best approach is to have your O/R mapped data exposed by a service that can be consumed by a SilverLight application. The best way at the moment is to use Ado.Net DataServices to transport the data, and on the client-side to manage the data using LINQ to Services. What is really interesting about ADS (former Astoria project) is that it is designed to be used with Entity Framework, but the good folks also implemented support for IQueriable so basically you can hook up any data provider that support LINQ. To name few you can consider Linq To Sql, Telerik OpenAccess, LLBLGen, etc. To push the updates back to the server the data source is required to support the ADS IUpdateable.
You can look just exactly how this could be done in a series of blogposts that I have prepared here: Getting Started with ADO.NET Data Services and Telerik Open Access
I can't speak to Silverlight but Flex is a web browser client technology and does not have any database driver embedded in the Flash runtime. You can do HTTP protocol interactions to a web server instead. It is there in the middle-tier web server where you will do any ORM with respect to a database connection, such as Java JDBC. Hibernate ORM and iBATIS are two popular choices in the Java middle-tier space.
Also, because of this:
Fallacies of Distributed Computing
You do not do synchronous interactions from a Flex client to its middle-tier services. Synchronous network operations have become verboten these days and are the hallmark signature of a poorly designed application - as due to reasons enumerated at the above link, the app can (and often will) exhibit a very bad user experience.
You instead make async calls to retrieve data, load the data into your client app's model object(s), and proceed to implement operations on the model. With Flex and BlazeDS you can also have the middle-tier push data to the client and update the client's model objects asynchronously. (Data binding is one way to respond to data being updated in an event driven manner.)
All this probably seems very far afield from the nature of inquiry in your posting - but your posting indicates you're off on an entirely incorrect footing as to how to understand client-side technologies that have asynchronous and event-driven programming baked into their fundamental architecture. These RIA client technologies are designed this way completely on purpose. So you will need to learn their mode of thinking if you want to have a good and productive experience using them.
I go into this in more detail, and with a Flex perspective, in this article:
Flex Async I/O vs Java and C# Explicit Threading
In my direct experience with Flex, I think this discussion is getting too complicated.
Your conceptual OO view is no different between sync and asynch. The only difference is that you use event handlers to deal with the host conversation in the DAL, rather than something returned from a method call. And that often happens entirely on the host side, and has nothing to do with Flex or Silverlight. (If you are using AIR for a workstation app, then it might be in client code, but the same applies. As well if you are using prolonged AJAX. Silverlight, of course, has no AIR equivalent.)
I've been able to design everything I need without any other changes required to accomodate asynch.
Flex has a single-threaded model. If you make a synchronous call to the web server, you'd block the entire GUI of the application. The user would have a frozen application until the call completes (or times out on a network error condition, etc.).
Of course real RIA programs aren't written that way. Their GUI remains accessible and responsive to the user via use of async calls. It also makes it possible to have real progress indicators that offer cancel buttons and such if the nature of the interaction warrants such.
Old, bad user experience web 1.0 applications exhibited the synchronous behaviour in their interactions with the web tier.
As my linked article points out, the async single-threaded model coupled with ActionScript3 closures is a good thing because it's a much simpler programming model than the alternative - writing multi-thread apps. Multi-threading was the approach of writing client-server Java Swing or C# .NET WinForm applications in order to achieve a similarly responsive, fluid-at-all-times user experience in the GUI.
Here's another article that delves into this whole subject matter of asynchronous, messaging/event-driven distributed app architecture:
Building Effective Enterprise Distributed Software Systems
data-driven communication vs behavior-driven communication
Silverlight is a client technology and the Object - Relational mapping happens completely in the server. So you have to forgot about the ORM in Silverlight.
Following your example what you have to do is to create a webservice (SOAP, REST...) that can give your silverlight client the complete "Order" object.
Once you have the object you can work with it with no communication with the server in a normal - synchronous way.
Speaking about Silverlight, you should definitely check RIA services.
Simply, it brings the DataContext from the server to the client from where you can asynchronously query it (there is no need to write WCF services by hand, it's all done by RIA).
C# 5
async / await construct will almost exactly what I want..
watch presentation by anders hejlsberg
