What should I be aware of when threading in ASP.NET? - asp.net

Recently, the book on threading for Winforms application (Concurrent programming on Windows by Joe Duffy) was released. This book, focused on winforms, is 1000 pages.
What gotchas are there in ASP.NET threading? I'm sure there are plenty of gotchas to be aware of when implementing threading in ASP.NET. What should I be aware of?

Since each http request received by IIS is processed separately, on it's own thread anyway, the only issues you should have is if you kick off some long running process from within the scope of a single http request. In that case, I would put such code into a separate referenced dependant assembly, coded like a middle-tier component, with no dependance or coupling to the ASP.Net model at all, and handle whatever concurrency issues arose within that assembly separately, without worrying about the ASP.Net model at all...

Jeff Richter over at Wintellect has a library called PowerThreading. It is very useful if you are developing applications on .NET. => Power Threading Library
Check for his presentations online at various events.

Usually you are encouraged to use the thread pool in .Net because it of the many benefits of having things managed on your behalf.....but NOT in ASP.net.
Since ASP.net is already multi-threaded, it uses the thread pool to serve requests that are mapped to the ASP.net ISAPI filter, and since the thread pool is fixed in size, by using it you are basically taking threads away that are set aside to do the job of handling request.
In small, low-traffic websites, this is not an issue, but in larger, high-traffic websites you end up competing for and consuming threads that the ASP.net process relies on.
If you want to use threading, it is fine to do something like....
Thread thread = new Thread(threadStarter);
thread.IsBackground = true;
but with a warning: be sure that the IsBackground is set to true because if it isn't the thread exists in the foreground and will likely prevent the IIS worker process from recycling or restarting.

First, are you talking about asynchronous ASP.NET? Or using the ThreadPool/spinning up your own threads?
If you aren't talking about asynchronous ASP.NET, the main question to answer is: what work would you be doing in the other threads and would the work be specific to a request/response cycle, or is it more about processing global tasks in the background?
If you need to handle concurrent operations (a better term than multi-threaded IMO) for a given request/response cycle, then use the asynchronous features of ASP.NET. These provide an abstraction over IIS's support for concurrency, allowing the server to process other requests while the current request is waiting for work to complete.
For background processing of global tasks, I would not use ASP.NET at all. You should assume that IIS will recycle your AppPool at a random point in time. You also should not assume that IIS will run your AppPool on any sort of schedule. Any important background processing should be done outside of IIS, either as a scheduled task or a Windows Service. The approach I usually take is to have a Windows Service and a shared work-queue where the web-site can post work items. The queue can be a database table, a reliable message-based queue (MSMQ, etc), files on the file system, etc.

The immediate thing that comes to mind is, why would you "implement threading" in ASP.NET.
You do need to be conscious all the time that ASP.NET is multi-threaded since many requests can be processed simulatenously each in its own thread. So for example use of static fields needs to take threading into account.
However its rare that you would want to spin up a new thread in code yourself.
As far as the usual winforms issues with threading in the UI is concerned these issues are not present in ASP.NET. There is no window based message pump to worry about.

It is possible to create asynchronous pages in ASP.NET. These will perform all steps up to a certain point. These steps will include asynchronously fetching data, for instance. When all the asynchronous tasks have completed, the remainder of the page lifecycle will execute. In the meantime, a worker thread was not tied up waiting for database I/O to complete.
In this model, all extra threads are executing while the request, and the page instance, and all the controls, still exist. You have to be careful when starting your own threads, that, by the time the thread executes, it's possible that the request, page instance, and controls will have been Disposed.
Also, as usual, be certain that multiple threads will actually improve performance. Often, additional threads will make things worse.

The gotchas are pretty much the same as in any multithreaded application.
The classes involved in processing a request (Page, Controls, HttpContext.Current, ...) are specific to that request so don't need any special handling.
Similarly for any classes you instantiate as local variables or fields within these classes, and for access to Session.
But, as usual, you need to synchronize access to shared resources such as:
Static (C#) / Shared(VB.NET) references.
External resources such as the file system
... etc...
I've seen threading bugs too often in ASP.NET apps, e.g. a singleton being used by multiple concurrent requests without synchronization, resulting in user A seeing user B's data.


ASP.Net C# 4.0 - How to catch application thread exceptions

I have an ASP.Net website that has custom internal threads, for periodically occurring tasks.
If I get an exception on one of these threads, it is not caught in Global.ASAX's Application_Error() function. It is allowed to bubble up to IIS and I find out about it by reviewing the Event Viewer logs. If I catch the exception then Log4Net will direct an email to me and I should find out about the error relatively quickly.
Is there a way I can trap exceptions on these threads? The app needs to be 'always-on', so an exception that drops the application is a show-stopper.
In a comment you mentioned:
This is a web-site rather than web app.
"Web site" vs. "web app" seems like a moot distinction at this point. There's enough complexity in the code that it's an "application" by pretty much any definition of the word. To that point, if the application host doesn't meaningfully manage thread faults for you (and I wouldn't expect a web application host to do so) then you have to manage them manually.
In this case I see that as one of two options:
Option 1: Don't let your threads end in a faulted state. Whatever your top-level worker item for any given thread is (a method invoked at the start of the thread, a loop repeating operations, etc.), that needs to be essentially fault-proof. No exception should get past that. Which means it needs to be dead simple (so as to not throw exceptions of its own) and needs to catch any and all exceptions from the operation(s) it invokes.
Once caught, do with them as you please. Roll back a unit of work, notify someone of the error, etc.
Option 2: Move the long-running thread operations out of the web application, since web applications aren't really suited for ongoing background processes. A Windows Service or scheduled Console Application is a much more suited application host for that logic.
Yes, bit of a re-write there though.
Is it? It shouldn't be. That's really a matter of how the code was originally architected, not related to the application hosts themselves. Invoking a business operation from one application host is the same as invoking it from another. If the logic is tightly coupled to the application technology, that's a separate problem. And there's no quick fix to that problem. The good news is that once you fix that problem, other problems (like the one which prompted this question) are quick fixes.

Threads vs TPL vs Async Delegates in ASP.NET

I have an application that is working well in production, but I wonder if I could have implemented the concurrency better....
Basically, it generates n number of sql statements on the fly (approx 50 at the moment) and then runs them concurrently and writes the data to .csv files.
EDIT: First I create a thread to do all the work on so the page request can return. Then on that thread...
For each of the SQL statements I create a new Task using the TPL and execute it using a datareader and write the data to disk. When the last file is created I write some summary data to a summary file and zip it all up and give it to the user.
Should I have used Threads or Asynchronous Delegates instead?
I haven't posted code as I am really just wondering if my overall approach (i.e. TPL) is the best option in this situation.
Please don't lecture me about creating dynamic sql, it is totally necessary due to the technicalities of the database I am reading from and not relevant to the question. (Its the back end of a proprietary system. Got 7 thousand+ tables).
Should I have used Threads or Asynchronous Delegates instead?
Apparently, your background thread operation spans across the boundaries of a single HTTP request. In this case, it doesn't really matter what API you use to run such operation: Task.Run, Delegate.BeginInvoke, ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem, new Thread or anything else.
You shouldn't be running a lengthy background thread operation, which lifetime spans multiple HTTP requests, inside ASP.NET address space. While it's relatively easy to implement, this approach may have issues with IIS maintainability, scalability and security. Create a WCF service for that and call it from your ASP.NET page:
How to: Host a WCF Service in a Managed Windows Service.
If we start a new thread in ASP.Net from the thread which is serving the http request, and new thread has an unhandled exception, the worker process will crash immediately. Even if we use WCF service and call that from ASP.Net the ASP.Net thread is going to wait for the result. So better use any queuing mechanism so that the requests is in queue and queue can process in a different time based on the processing capacity. Of course when we say queuing we need to think about queue failure, requeue etc...But its worth if the application is big and needs to scale.

Asp.net SynchronizationContext locks HttpApplication for async continuations?

This comment by Stephen Cleary says this:
AspNetSynchronizationContext is the strangest implementation. It treats Post as synchronous rather than asynchronous and uses a lock to execute its delegates one at a time.
Similarly, the article that he wrote on synchronization contexts and linked to in that comment suggests:
Conceptually, the context of AspNetSynchronizationContext is complex. During the lifetime of an asynchronous page, the context starts with just one thread from the ASP.NET thread pool. After the asynchronous requests have started, the context doesn’t include any threads. As the asynchronous requests complete, the thread pool threads executing their completion routines enter the context. These may be the same threads that initiated the requests but more likely would be whatever threads happen to be free at the time the operations complete.
If multiple operations complete at once for the same application, AspNetSynchronizationContext will ensure that they execute one at a time. They may execute on any thread, but that thread will have the identity and culture of the original page.
Digging in reflector seems to validate this as it takes a lock on the HttpApplication while invoking any callback.
Locking the app object seems like scary stuff. So my first question: Does that mean that today, all asynchronous completions for the entire app execute one at a time, even ones that originated from separate requests on separate threads with separate HttpContexts? Wouldn't this be a huge bottleneck for any apps that make 100% use of async pages (or async controllers in MVC)? If not, why not? What am I missing?
Also, in .NET 4.5, it looks like there's a new AspNetSynchronizationContext, and the old one is renamed LegacyAspNetSynchronizationContext and only used if the new app setting UseTaskFriendlySynchronizationContext is not set. So question #2: Does the new implementation change this behavior? Otherwise, I imagine with the new async/await support marshaling completions through the synchronization context, this kind of bottleneck would be noticed much more frequently going forward.
The answer to this forum post (linked from SO answer here) suggests that something fundamentally changed here, but I want to be clear on what that is and what behaviors have improved, since we have a .NET 4 MVC 3 app which is pretty much 100% async action methods making web service calls.
Let me answer your first question. In your assumption you didn't consider the fact that separate ASP.NET requests are processed by different HttpApplication objects. HttpApplication objects are stored in pool. Once you request a page, an application object is retrieved from pool and belongs to the request till its completion. So, my answer to your question:
all asynchronous completions for the entire app execute one at a time, even ones that originated from separate requests on separate threads with separate HttpContexts
is: No, they don't
Separate requests are processed by separate HttpApplication objects, locked HttpApplication will affect only single request.
Synchronization context is a powerful thing that helps developers to synchronize access to shared (in scope of request) resources. That is why all callbacks are executed under lock. Synchronization context is a heart of event-based synchronization pattern.

ASP.NET A static object to hold connection with a DB. Is it a good idea?

I'm wondering if it is a good approach in the ASP.NET project if I set a field which "holds" a connection to a DB as a static field (Entity Framework)
public class DBConnector
public static AdServiceDB db;
That means it'll be only one object for entire application to communicate with a DB. I'm also wondering about if that object will be refreshing data changes from DB tables, or maybe it shouldn't be static and I shoud create a connection dyniamically. What do You think ?
With connection pooling in .NET, generally creating a new connection for each request is acceptable. I'd evaluate the performance of creating a new one each time, and if it isn't a bottleneck, then avoid using the static approach. I have tried it before, and while I haven't run into any issues, it doesn't seem to help much.
A singleton connection to a database that is used across multiple web page requests from multiple users presents a large risk of cross-contamination of personal information across users. It doesn't matter what the performance impact is, this is a huge security risk.
If you don't have users or personal information, perhaps this doesn't apply to your project right now, but always keep it in mind. Databases and the information they contain tend to evolve in the direction of more specifics and more details over time.
This is why you should not use a singleton design pattern with your database connection
Hope it helps
Is using a singleton for the connection a good idea in ASP.NET website
Bad idea. Besides the potential mistakes you could make by not closing connections properly and so forth, accessing a static object makes it very difficult to unit test your code. I'd suggest using a class that implements an interface, and then use dependency injection to get an instance of that class wherever you need it. If you determine that you want it to be a singleton, that can be determined in your DI bindings, not as a foundational point of your architecture.
I would say no.
A database connection should be created when needed to run a query and cleaned up after that query is done and the results are fetched.
If you use a single static instance to control all access to the DB, you may lose out on the automatic Connection Pooling that .NET provides (which could impact performance).
I think the recommendation is to "refresh often."
Since none of the answers have been marked as an answer and I don't believe any have really addressed question or issue thereof...
In ASP.NET, you have Global or HttpApplication. The way this works is that IIS will cache instances of your "application" (that is an instance of your Global class). Normally (default settings in IIS) you could have up to 10 instances of Global and IIS will pick any one of these instances in order to satisfy a request.
Further, keep in mind that, there could be multiple requests at any given moment in time. Which means multiple instances of your Global class will be used. These instances could be ones that were previously instantiated and cached or new instances (depending on the load your IIS server is seeing).
IIS also has a notion of App Pools and worker processes. A Worker process will host your application and all the instances of your Global classes (as discussed earlier). So this translates to an App Domain (in .NET terms).
Just to re-cap before moving on…
Multiple instances of your Global class will exist in the Worker process for your application (in IIS). Each one waiting to be called upon by IIS to satisfy a request. IIS will pick any one of these instances. They are effectively threads that have been cached by IIS and each thread has an instance of your Global class. When a request comes in, one of these threads is called upon to handle the request-response cycle. If multiple requests arrive simultaneously, then multiple threads (each contains an instance of your Global class) will be called upon to satisfy each of those requests.
Moving on…
Since there will be only one instance of a static class per App Domain you'll effectively have one instances of your class shared across all (up to 10) instances of Global. This is a bad idea because when multiple simultaneous requests hit your server they'll either be blocked (if your class’s methods use locks) or threads will be stepping on each other’s toes. In other words, this approach is not inherently thread-safe and if you make it thread safe using thread synchronization primitives then you’re unnecessarily blocking threads, negatively impacting performance and scalability of your web application, with no gain whatsoever.
The real solution (and I use this in all my ASP.NET apps) is to have an instance of your BLL or DAL (as the case may be) per instance of Global. This will ensure the following:
1. Multiple threads are not an issue since IIS guarantees one request-response per instance of Global) at any given moment in time. So you’re code is inherently threads-safe.
2. You only have up to 10 instances of your BLL/DAL up and running at any given moment in time ensuring that you're not constantly creating and disposing instances of (typically) large objects to satisfy each request, which on busy sites is huge
3. You get really good performance well due to #2 above.
You do have to ensure that your BLL/DAL is truly stateless or that you reset any state at the start of each Request-Response cycle. You can use the BeginRequest event in Global to do that is you need to.
If you go down this route, be sure to read my blog post on this
Instantiating Business Layers – ASP.NET

Considerations for threading in web environment

I am getting started with ASP.NET web development and was wondering what the differences are when multi-threading a standard winforms application versus a web-based application written in asp.net that will run in IIS. Is there any difference and if so, what are the limitations (and conversely any positives) of threading a web application,
Thank you in advance
In the Windows GUI world, you always have the "UI thread" which you can use to communicate with the user. For example, you can start a BackgroundWorker in the UI thread, which will raise an event in the UI thread after completing its work: In a Windows UI application, you can be pretty sure that the UI thread is still there, unless the user has closed the application.
In the web world, you have no equivalent main thread. There are just web requests: Sometimes there are none and sometimes there are many at the same time; it is even possible that one single request will be handled by multiple threads without you knowing it. If you start a background thread with a lengthy operation, you need to either
delay finishing the web request until the background thread has completed -- which means a slow response time for the user and somehow defeats the purpose of a background thread or
regularly (during future requests) check the state of the thread and inform the user when it has finished.
Of course, that's only a problem if you want some user interaction after the thread has finished. If you don't, just start it and it will eventually finish (unless someone restarts IIS).
Threading isn't really an issue in the web world. There isn't any state and each request is a new instance of the web page. There are ways to track state between requests such as cookies, sessionstate, viewstate.
