Background images don't tile enough in mobile safari - css

I am having a strange problem with mobile safari. Images that are backgrounds on certain divs do not file all the way across the page, they stop just short of halfway across. They show up fine in safari on the PC and Mac.
site online here:

Tried making the tile 10px wide instead of 1px? It might be an issue with the number of repeats Mobile Safari can handle.


CSS Drop Shadow Breaks on Mobile | Next.js

Edit: I found out that the issue is exclusive to iPhones. I tested with an android device and it worked fine when I tried viewing the page on two different iPhones it broke on both.
This issue is mobile related, since when I shrink my browser window to the size of a mobile screen, everything looks fine. However, when I view the site on my actual mobile device, the drop shadow "breaks" at seemingly random places. If I zoom in and out these breaks will change their locations.
The current effect being used is
filter: drop-shadow(20px 10px 4px #707070);
After further research into this, I found that the issue was not specific to my website. If you go onto the Mozilla MDN Docs on a recent iPhone device, you'll notice that it gives you the exact same effect when zoomed in. I'm going to post this as an issue on Github as suggested in the docs. Here is what my mobile phone showed when viewing the Firefox Logo drop shadow effect.
As suggested in a comment, changing to a simple box-shadow fixed the issue, although the edges are more hard-lined and slightly less faded (using the same parameters). It's not enough to break this specific project and I know there are CSS features available that enhance this, so all is good!

iphone doesn't display background images

I've seen this question before, but the answer is evading me. There are four images on the front-page of the site The top image, in the section displays fine, but the three within the second section don't. They are assigned images with id's gal-1, gal-2, gal-3.
The images display fine in desktop browsers, but neither iOS Safari nor iOS chrome will display the background-images. I'm using the Safari inspector to view the site, the images seem to be loading, but not displaying.
It is probably because fixed background images do not yet work in iOS yet. See How to replicate background-attachment fixed on iOS and see does a background-attachment of fixed work in iOS5?
My suggestion would be to use a media query to target mobile and do the background image in the boring way (just for smaller screens). My understanding is if you want fixed background position on mobile right now, you're going to be doing some hairy polyfills. I am sure the situation will improve over time.

Change the size of my website on Firefox?

I am working on a website and I have been having trouble getting the whole thing to zoom out to about 80% on firefox.
It zooms to the perfect size on internet explorer and google chrome but since I have to use -moz-transform:scale() rather than a zoom function, it not only messes with the spacing but it also removes my fixed footer.
Currently the following options are working to get it to the right size on chrome and IE but I am wondering if there is another property for firefox which I can use to zoom. Thanks for all your help!

background-attachment:fixed; on mobile Safari

I'm trying to work with the nice parallax effect in this template. It seems to work well with all browsers except mobile Safari (unusually)!
Look at the ABOUT and FOURTH sections on an iPad and the background image goes missing (presumably because it's stuck to the top of the page behind the other elements.
Anyone know a workaround for this?
Many thanks.
parallax on mobile iOS is not that easy: safari blocks all rendering while scrolling (for performance boosting), therefore you can't measure the current scrolled distance and apply it to the background position. the picture would only refresh it's position when you've finished scrolling (and without animation, so you wouldn't see anything of it).
There are workarounds but they're not as easy to implement. one of them is with its iOS techdemo.
Best solution: split your css markup and let parallax only be visible to desktop devices. As parallax needs a lot of power (because it's not hardware accelerated), it's not very suitable for mobile devices anyway.

css - alternatives or hacks for mobile browsers that don't support "background-position"

I am trying to make my mobile site accessible to as many browsers as possible, and I noticed when using the opera mini simulator ( that it doesn't support css background position - which I'm using to display a sprite for all of my site images. Are there any workarounds for this?
There has to be something else that keeps your code from working, because Opera Mini 6 does actually support background position.
Th website of the company that I am working for uses background position in some places, for example to change the color of the active menu button, and that works just fine. On the other hand there is some other rendering problem that makes it only show part of the button, but that part is the right color...
