Synch Openlayers with Datagrid - Example/Snippet? - datagrid

The datagrid not yet selected, but it will be one available with any of the more popular JS libraries.
Example of such integration might be if a row is hidden then its corresponding marker feature also is, as a result of the same user action.
URL's pointing to online examples highly appreciated, and/or JS code snippet to accomplish such. Thanks, all.

See this GeoExt example for integration with ExtJs:


Dynamics CRM 2015 Creating a button to start a workflow

Hi I am currently trying to follow this guide:
So that I can create a button on the ribbon in CRM to start a workflow. The idea being that the user will fill in part of the form and then request approval.
However I have ran into an issue which is that at one point I have to define the library for the command actions to use and the guide state that we must use the "/_static/_common/scripts/RibbonActions.js" and the "/_static/_forms/form.js" library.
However not having done this before I have no idea how to include the library in the solution, so nothing appears on the library selection screen. I have tried searching how to complete this step but to no avail. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
What I understood is that you are trying to call a workflow from javascript on click of a ribbon button. If you have any reference javascript assembly then both of them should be referred for the javascript method to work as expected.
Lets assume we have two different javascripts files like reference.js and actual.js And the button is supposed to call a method button_click from actual.js. In such a case we will be adding two commands as follows:
Library:reference.js and FunctionName:isNaN
Library:actual.js and FunctionName:button_click
This way the reference javascript also will be loaded and the method should be working properly. Hope I was able to address your query. Let me know if you have any questions or still the problem persists.
There is a possibility to enter plain text to library field instead of choosing from a selector.

dropdown list - show image options to select

I'd be greatful if you can help.
I would like to have a drop downlist that can have a view list of images rather than text content.
many thanks
This is a poor question as you dont give much detail, however if you're working in classic-asp you can easily include jquery (client-side javascript library) and make use of the many plugins that offer this functionality, for example, one of the better ones (only in my opinion of course): - note the examples - very easy to use, example:

Rebol grid control

I am looking for an equivalent of a grid control in Rebol, to display some table data.
I came across this script: face-grid.r
...and its associated demo: face-grid-demo.r
This seems to be an excellent start. Does anyone know if there is some active and/or newer version of this grid, or something similar?
Depending what you need exactly.
Brett's datagrid is a bit basic. For example, it does not handle scrollers by itself.
Henrik has done a list-view with tons of features. Maybe it can be a choice for you :
But there are also different list styles part of the VID extension kit from the same author.
Here is the list documentation.
All are for Rebol2.

WP7 - How can I retrieve the mini form of a Path at runtime?

I've got a databound series of predefined shapes (Path with Data="" set) which each trigger the same event when clicked.
I'd like to programmatically access the mini form of the Path.Data property at runtime to be able to persist it.
In this case I could just name the elements and on click check which one, however I'd prefer a more generic solution.
There seem to be some WPF workarounds but I haven't seen any for WP7.
Does anyone know if this is possible? and if so, how to do it?
Looking in to if and how this may be possible I came across and even though it's quite old it explains how a paths data/geometry is parsed in Siverlight.
It leads me to think that you may be better off trying to find a different approach to solving your problem. :(

Help with Music Video App.. Filtering data lists and "Next Video" button function

I have two lists.. I need help filtering one list when an "Artist" is selected in the other..
I also want to play the next video when the "Next Video" button is selected..
Here is a link to an example with a few videos..
View source is enabled so feel free to grab the code..
I will be adding a full tutorial section on how to build this app step by step using Flash Catalyst and Flash BUilder.. Thats what I'm working on now but really would love some help on this filtering issue as it's out of my league..
Anyhow, I'm not just taking, I plan on giving back in a major way..
So if the "evangalists" aren't too busy with their datagrids I'd appreciate some help showing the true power and ease of use that the Adobe Framework is capable of..
In the context of Flex, you wouldn't be filtering a list; you'd be filtering that list's dataProvider. There is a lot of code to sort through, I don't have time to try to decompile your application.
I strongly suggest that for your dataProviders, you use one of the CollectionClasses, either ArrayCollection or XMLListCollection. Then you can make use of the built in filtering.
If you google on filtering Flex Collections quite a few blog posts come up, here is one that looked solid:
Here is the Adobe docs on the same thing:
I think I demo this The Flex Show screecast on collection classes:
If you can provide a stripped down sample that demonstrate the problem; please update the question and let me know.
