Examples/HowTos for CE-HTML? - xhtml

I searched for examples or HowToes for CE-HTML. It took me 1/2 day and I found nearly nothing. I thought it would be a open standard like html which can be used by everyone. But it seems to cost 450$ only to see the standard.
Is there a good source to get more information? Ebooks? Blogs? Forum?

You can register on www.yourappontv.com as a Philips partner and there are some examples and pieces of documentaion.


ERD diagram examples needed

I remembered that there is a website providing a lot of ER diagrams. It even categorises diagrams into subjects. But I can't remember the address. Anyone who know / just came across any site like this please post the link for me. Thank you.
There are numerous sites, let's hope one of these is the one you are looking for:

meteorpad - For how long sources are stored?

Q1: I would like to know for how long time a project (url/id) is stable and available on meteorpad.
I would like to create running test pads which can be stored as examples or details for descriptions in issue trackers and knowledge boards like GitHub or MeteorForum.
So if I save a link to the meteorpad project in a post, is this safe that also in next future someone can have a look at this? This would be often much better than just to copy parts of the sources to your own entries.
Q2: Is there a difference (overall pad life time) if you create the pad as a registered user or not?
Thanks for feedback
Have found the info about the MeteorPad launch on this page : https://www.meteor.com/blog/2014/09/01/meteorpad-meteor-code-playground
Have twitted the created, Mike Risse with your question. I'll let you know if he replies. Or you can check yourself my tweet here : https://twitter.com/geniium/status/593841039783366657

yahoo messenger status checker code?

I saw a lot of web sites out there that are capable of checking the status of a person on yahoo messenger, namely if that person is available, invisible or offline.
I have something in mind, but I need to know the method they used to achieve this.
made my homework and searched all over google, but found nothing.
Does anyone know anything about this? maybe a tutorial or a source code?
Thanks in advance!
Something like this could help: http://www.phpclasses.org/package/5457-PHP-Check-the-online-status-of-an-Yahoo-messenger-user.html

Airport ticker effect in Adobe trials

When you run an Adobe product in a trial, a window appears each time asking if you have have a serial number yet or if you would like to continue with the trial. Next to that is a lovely 'number ticker', like the ones they used to have at airports (see image).
Does anyone know where I can get one of these, preferably gratis, to use as a component in a flex application?
As promised an version of the flip clock, ready to use on github free of charge. If anyone has request. By all means - ask.
edit: Sorry aboutt he broken link. Some how the .git at the end of the URL buggered.
I made an app that uses such a feature. Download the air app and take a look. Its just a super simple poker game timer, but it has the feature you require.
if you like it, then I'll sift the code out.
Its a heady mixture of OOP class code and front end. The numerals are a Numeric item in the library of which are managed by a timer class and number counting class. Extendable enough and the graphics should be easy enough to rip apart.
A while back I started working on a component like this. It's not super sexy yet. Check out the code on github:
There are a few decent components available for close to free that I've found at activeden.net. They generally include source code so you can change them to meet your exact need. Here's a good example of what you can find there: http://activeden.net/item/flip-numbers/104628
Hope that helps.
A very good looking component can be found here:
It does cost 8$, though. :)

Basic examples of InfoGrid applications

I am trying to use this software called InfoGrid for a project that I am building. Can someone please point me to some basic getting started articles. I don't see any documentation on the site.
Peopl with enough reputations, please edit the question and add the tag InfoGrid to this question.
I joined the infogrid mailing list and wrote to the dev team to include a simple getting started article. The dev's have been kind enough to provide the same on their wiki here: http://infogrid.org/wiki/Examples/FirstStep
I am an early user and have some experience I can share. Basically this stuff rocks. It's quite hard to get your head into at first but once once you get past the "aha" it makes complete sense.
