Airport ticker effect in Adobe trials - apache-flex

When you run an Adobe product in a trial, a window appears each time asking if you have have a serial number yet or if you would like to continue with the trial. Next to that is a lovely 'number ticker', like the ones they used to have at airports (see image).
Does anyone know where I can get one of these, preferably gratis, to use as a component in a flex application?

As promised an version of the flip clock, ready to use on github free of charge. If anyone has request. By all means - ask.
edit: Sorry aboutt he broken link. Some how the .git at the end of the URL buggered.
I made an app that uses such a feature. Download the air app and take a look. Its just a super simple poker game timer, but it has the feature you require.
if you like it, then I'll sift the code out.
Its a heady mixture of OOP class code and front end. The numerals are a Numeric item in the library of which are managed by a timer class and number counting class. Extendable enough and the graphics should be easy enough to rip apart.

A while back I started working on a component like this. It's not super sexy yet. Check out the code on github:

There are a few decent components available for close to free that I've found at They generally include source code so you can change them to meet your exact need. Here's a good example of what you can find there:
Hope that helps.

A very good looking component can be found here:
It does cost 8$, though. :)


is there any complete minecraft forge documentation anywhere?

While it doesn't appear that this is a duplicate based on my searches, I'm sure other people have complained about this in many places.
I play minecraft and know java pretty well, so I thought it would be interesting to make mods with the minecraft forge. However, most tutorials are outdated or incomplete and I can't find a complete documentation. Now, if someone says, for instance, that existing blocks can be accessed through the Blocks class, I don't know what package that class is in. My more specific question was about modifying the properties of TNT(I wanted to do this as a test mod). Based on what I've been able to scrounge from various forums, using reflection on existing blocks in the game is possible, and what I found surrounding food would suggest there is a class for TNT somewhere that can be modified to boost its power. Just so someone can explain the not-well-explained principles of forge mod making, where would I find this TNT-related class that I could use reflection on, and how would I go about doing that(I've never done stuff with reflection before)?
To be clear, I've gotten forge minecraft all set up, I don't need an explanation of that. Just how to modify the properties of TNT(and hopefully this explanation will help me understand some broader principles)
I've been using for a while. It has 1.12.2, 1.13.2, 1.14.4, 1.15.2, 1.16.5 and 1.17.1
I've been looking for a complete documentation/tutorial too, and I haven't fount a lot of stuff to be clear, but I found a wiki that might be useful. Here it is if you want to check it out:
Mcjty's wiki:
Forge's official documentation can be found here, versions:

Is it possible to have a NPC offer items only to characters with a certain achievement?

Im looking for a way to add an NPC which sells items based on the achievements a character has. Because of my lack of other coding skills, if at all possible i would like to achieve it with SQL commands, hence modifying the db. I was looking through the conditions page on the wiki but have no idea how to use the provided information.
Also i was backtracing the db regarding the NPC Charles Worth who happens to teach tailors recipes based on achievements they have. I intended to copy this toons conditions, but couldnt find what entries to use.
Any help, clarifying db entries, or pointing to the right direction in another way, is much appreciated.
Please follow this link for the documentation:
You can use the source type: "SOURCE_TYPE_NPC_VENDOR" and the condition type: "CONDITION_ACHIEVEMENT" for what you need, how to implement this, you can find that in the link above.
Also, one way to make this easier is to use the tool developer by the azerothcore team, Keira3.
This is a very visual Database Editor and can help you understand what each column do as almost each cell is documented and you have links to the full documentation as well.
Keira3 link:

ATMEL SAMB11/BTLC1000 simple GAP/GATT example

I hope someone could give me a quick example how to configure the BTLE-Device correctly without the huge BLE-Manager library. Simply a litte GAP Authetication and one GATT-Service would be enough to start. I've managed to create my own GATT-Service and characteristics without the need for BLE-Manager but thanks to several defines, typedefs etc. I can't figure out how to do this for GAP and how to register my callbacks for it. Maybe someone has used these modules before and can give me a quick example how it's done?
Since you mentioned One GATT-Service with Authentication Atmel-BAS [Battery Service] example is easy one. To better understand you can download the getting started guide see the architecture. In-order to register the callbacks you need to check the order of callbacks in function ble_event_manager in ble_manager.c file.

Documentation Generation - What boxes should I aim to tick?

I'm looking at requiring my team to document their code more thoroughly for some major upcoming projects and to make life a little less painful, I am steering towards XML documentation generators such as Sandcastle, Doxygen or Box Live Documenter.
What are the key considerations I should keep in mind when evaluating the best option and what experiences have led you to a particular decision?
For me the key considerations would be:
Fully automated: Can it be set up in such a way so that pretty much
no outside work is required to
create or edit the documentation.
Fully styled: Can the documentation be fully styled so
that it looks great in a wiki or pdf
after it’s generated. I should be
able to change colors, font sizes,
layouts, etc.
Good Filtering: Can I select only the items I want to be
generated. I should be able to
filter the namespaces, file types,
classes, etc.
Customization: Can I include headers, footers, custom elements,
I found Doxygen could do all of this. Our workflow is as follows:
Developer makes a change to the code
They update the documentation tags right above the code they just changed
We click a generate button
Doxygen will then extract all the XML documentation from the code, filter it to only include the classes and methods we want, and apply the CSS styling we’ve pre-made for it. Our end result is an internal wiki that looks the way we want, and doesn’t require editing.
Extra: We have all our projects in various git repositories. We pull all these down to one root folder and generate the docs form this root folder..
Would be interested to know how others are automating even further..?
Who is paying for the documentation and why? (is the system stable enough, does it add enough value)
Who is going to read it, and why is she not using a more effective communication channel?
(if correct mostly distance in time/place)
Who is going to keep it up to date.
When are you going to destroy it? (Automatically if it hasn't been read or updated in the past three months?)
I mostly prefer better code to make my life less painful, over more documentation, but I like scenario & unit tests and a high level architecture description.
[edit] Documentation costs time and money to write and keep up to date. JavaDoc style documentation has a serious detrimental effect on the amount of code simultaneously visible and might be a good idea for the developers using the code, but not for those writing it.

AS3: Game development

I am looking a game framework for flex/AS3. I want to use it to create simple 2d games, such as tower defense, etc.
Maybe someone can suggest something?
Check out this framework.
It's easy to learn but very powerfull.
check out the Pushbutton Engine from none other than Jeff Tunnell (Incredible Machine) and his Push Button Labs .. new company spawned from Dynamix/GarageGames .. read more here
You dont need a game framework, AS3 alone is enough to create games. I recommend the Shootorials over at Kongregate. Its a step by step tutorial for creating a sidscrolling shooter. You can find the first step here and you can (if youre curious) play the intended end result here.
Thumbnail for first tutorial
Edit: I assumed that Flex wasnt important. If it is, some follow the "Shootorials with free tools" forum thread, also on Kongregate. I read those myself back when I tried flash, the result was.... meh.
Check out isometric engine which name is FFilmation, also it has got editor to create isometric place.
