Meaning of first two parameters of QGraphicsScene constructor - qt

I can construct a QGraphicsScene by using constructor below:
QGraphicsScene::QGraphicsScene ( qreal x, qreal y, qreal width, qreal height, QObject * parent = 0 )
For example:
QGraphicsScene scene(-350, -350, 700, 700);
I know the first two parameters represent a point, but in which coordinate system?
When I create a QGraphics object and show this view like this:
QGraphicsView view(&scene);;
Where will this view appear on my device?
Is the location controlled by first two parameters mentioned above?

The first two parameter mean, when a view focus on this scene, which point in the scene is the top-left corner of the view.
In your code, the -350,-350 will be the top-left corner of the view window.
Here's another example:
QGraphicsScene *scene = new QGraphicsScene;
QGraphicsView *view = new QGraphicsView(this);
if you try to add item without telling where to show it, it will show at (0,0). And in the code above, is the center of the view.


Rotate whole qwidget by angle

I am creating simple tetris in wt and I inherited widget to create piece ( I put four pieces in game, four different classes ). I draw on paint event in every piece. How to rotate widget ?
Ican draw rotated image in painEvent function but I would rather rotate whole widget. Is this pissible in qt ?
You can't easily rotate any widget in Qt. But you can add your widget to QGraphicsScene, rotate it and show on QGraphicsView. Here is a short example how to do it:
QGraphicsScene *scene = new QGraphicsScene(this);
QPushButton *button = new QPushButton();
button->setText("My cool button");
QGraphicsProxyWidget *w = scene->addWidget(button);
w->setPos(50, 50);
Alternatively you can rewrite all on QML. In QML you can rotate almost anything.

typecast qgraphicsitem to qgraphicswidget

my qgraphicsscene is having qgraphicswidget which constantly adding qgraphicsLayoutItem. in graphicsView i need to get the qgraphicswidget geometry in scene coordinated.
i tried
QList items = scene()->items();
and check its with type
foreach (QGraphicsItem *item, items) {
if(item->type() == ItemType)
but how to convert item to qgraphicswidget and change its gemoetry to scene coordinates.
normal item.boundingRect returns constantly 0,0, 10x10
The bounding rect of the item is in item coordinates. To map it to scene coordinates, use QGraphicsItem::mapToScene():
const QRectF mapped = item->mapToScene(item->boundingRect());
To cast a QGraphicsItem, you can simply use dynamic_cast or static_cast, or the special qgraphicsitem_cast:
auto widget = qgraphicsitem_cast<QGraphicsWidget*>(item);
To map the coordinates, casting shouldn’t be necessary though.

how to set exact scene rect in QGraphicsView

I have problem with QGraphicsView, I don't know how to set the exact viewport for QGraphicsView. for example I wrote following code:
QGraphicsScene *scene = new QGraphicsScene();
QGraphicsEllipseItem * ellipse;
QPen pen(Qt::red);
QBrush brush(Qt::blue);
ellipse = scene->addEllipse(10,10,100,100,pen, brush);
I though that the result must be a circle inside view recangle which its diameter equals to viewport's height or width.
but when I run the program, It shows me a medium sized circle inside view which means that graphicView's sceneRect is larger that I have specified. any body knows why?
I found the solution by myself:
assume that exactRect is the Exact rectangle you want to zoom into:
QRectF exactRect(20, 10, 300, 200);
QMatrix mtx;
I think you want fitInView():
// when graphicsView is visible:
ui->graphicsView->fitInView(ui->graphicsView->sceneRect(), Qt::KeepAspectRatio);

How to put several QImage in a QGraphicsView?

I have a scene where several items are added. The problem is that when the items are displayed, they are overlapping. Is there any way to indicate in the QGraphicsView or QGraphicsScene the position where each item should appear?
Yes, you have to use QGraphicsItem::setPos() method.
I suppose you added a QGraphicsPixmapItem, so it could look like :
QGraphicsScene *scene = ... ; // your scene
QImage image = ... ; // the QImage you want to add to the scene
QPixmap pixmap = QPixmap::fromImage(image) ;
// add image item to the scene
QGraphicsPixmapItem * imageItem = scene->addPixmap(pixmap) ;
// modify item's position in scene coordinates
QPointF imagePos = ... ; // whatever scene pos you want
imageItem->setPos(imagePos) ;

Moving a QPixmap to the corner of a QGraphicsScene

I have a QGraphicsView and a QGraphicsScene connected like this:
Then I load an image and add it to the scene:
QPixmap pixmap;
pixmap = pixmap.scaled(this->graphicsView->size());
QGraphicsPixmapItem* item = this->Scene->addPixmap(pixmap);
Now, as described in the documentation, the image corner is at (0,0), which is not the corner of the graphicsScene. I know I can position the resulting pixmap by doing:
item->setPos(this->Scene->sceneRect().x(), this->Scene->sceneRect().y());
However, I can't seem to make sense of the coordinates of the rect's of the scene or the view. Can anyone explain how I would move the pixmap to the corner of the scene/view?
EDIT: Here is the full form constructor. The QGraphicsView was created in Qt Designer and is inside of a GridLayout:
Form::Form(QWidget *parent)
: QWidget(parent)
QGraphicsScene* scene = new QGraphicsScene;
QPixmap pixmap;
pixmap = pixmap.scaled(this->graphicsView->size());
I also tried this:
QGraphicsScene* scene = new QGraphicsScene;
QPixmap pixmap;
QGraphicsPixmapItem * item = scene->addPixmap(pixmap);
this->graphicsView->fitInView (item);
but the image appears tiny, rather than filling up the view like I would expect. Can anyone explain this?
The full project and image are available here:
Don't worry about scaling the pixmap yourself or even translating it, let the view do it for you.
Use graphicsView->fitInView(pixmap); but you should read the documentation for :
Qt's Graphics View Framework
void QGraphicsView::setSceneRect (QRectF )
void QGraphicsView::translate ( qreal dx, qreal dy )
void QGraphicsView::fitInView ( const QGraphicsItem * item, ... )
The way that QGraphicsScene and QGraphicsView interact is that you can have a single scene with at least one or more views.
A good example I like to think of is a zoomed in view of part of a map with a mini view of the entire map in the corner. There are two views, one of part of the map and one of the entire map, with one scene, the map itself.
So you put items in your scene and all the items in the scene are drawn relative in size to each other. The "scene rect" of your view, by default, scales to fit the items in the view until one unit in the scene is one pixel in the view or until it needs to zoom out to fit all the items in your scene.
If you call fitInView(someItem) it should scale your view of the scene so that the item specified fills it up and translates the view so that it is centered. If you need to translate or scale it more use the translate or scale functions in QGraphicsView.
When you are jumping between coordinate systems of your scene and view with your QRect's or QPoint's, use the helper functions: mapToScene and mapFromScene from QGraphicsView.
Try this:
QGraphicsScene* scene = new QGraphicsScene;
QPixmap pixmap;
QGraphicsPixmapItem * item = scene->addPixmap(pixmap);
By default, the pixmap will be at (0,0) in the scene, and the scene will be at (0,0) in the view. QWidgets are sized by pixels. If you had a QGraphicsView the size of the screen and the resolution is 1440 x 900, you can position objects in that view from (0,0) or the top left corner of the screen, to (1440,900) the bottom right corner of the screen. Most QGraphicsItems are placed with reference to their top left corner. So placing a pixmap at (0,0) aligns the top left corner of the pixmap with the top left corner of the scene it's placed in. If your pixmap 'hangs off the bottom' of your view, try using:
If you use the function:
this->graphicsView->fitInView (item);
The graphicsView will only scroll to the point where your item fits in the view.
I downloaded David's code and ran it two ways. Click the links to see the results.
1) with pixmap=pixmap.scaledToHeight(this->graphicsView->height());
2) with pixmap=pixmap.scaledToHeight(200);
I don't know enough to explain why this is happening, but I thought it would be a useful data point.
It turns out the problem was that the GraphicsView was in a layout. In my example, the resizing of the image was done in the Form constructor. Apparently this is before the layout takes its shape? I moved the code to a pushButton and when I click it the image is sized how I would expect.
I got the image to stay sized to the GraphicsView in the Layout by subclassing QGraphicsView and reimplementing :
class CustomGraphicsView: public QGraphicsView
void resizeEvent ( QResizeEvent * event )
emit resized();
void resized();
Then I connect this resized() signal to a slot that simply calls this->View->fitInView (this->ImageToTraceItem);
