symfony2 custom_provider - symfony

I have been trying to follow this example from propel to configure a custom security provider
however I always get this error
ServiceNotFoundException: The service "security.authentication.manager" has a dependency on a non-existent service ""
It appears not to be loading the services.xml but I cannot be sure. Has anyone else come across a similar issue? Im new to symfony2, can anyone suggest the best place to start debugging this?

So import it. In your app/config.yml:
resource: "#AcmeSecuredBundle/Resources/config/services.xml"
You can read more about importing services in the documentation.


Dump Documentation [NelmioApiDocBundle] v3.0

I'm using the NelmioApiDocBundle (v3.0) in my symfony 4 project and I want to dump the documentation of my Api project.
I see it's possible to do with older version of NelmioApiDocBundle with this command :
php bin/console api:swagger:dump destination_folder
but I got this error :
There are no commands defined in the "api:swagger" namespace
I don't know if it's still posible to dump the documentation with the new version of NelmioApiDocBundle
Seeing NelmioApiDocBundle makes me almost sure you are using FOSRestBundle, if you are I'd change to api-platform, you make ask why? First of all you get the API doc by default on route /api (no matter what format etc you always get full doc) second of all the bundle is easy to configure even if you need some custom funcionality like access to property per operation and even depending on role more here I've tried FOSRestBundle on Symfony 5.0 but it couldnt provide with the funcionality and configuration I desired and then I found out about the API platform. In case I missed your desired answer let me know in the comment and I'll provide the answer as good as I can

How to integrate spring-security.xml file into spring boot ? using Annotation base only

I have searched and didn't find any helpful solution that's why i am going to post this question.
Actually i have spring boot project which is completely configure based upon 'Annotation'.
Now for some reason, i need to add spring-security into this project.
for that i am getting spring-security-XXX.xml file from other co-worker.
Now, i am thinking how can i wrote some Annotation which will automatically load that spring-serity-xxx.xml file into my current project environment without change any other part, so that i can achieve security feature as per spring-serity-xxx.xml file.
For example, #Configuration(classpath:spring-security-config.xml) something like, is it possible ?.
if it's possible then provide me completed list of configuration.
NOTE : security added to get OAuth integration.
Any Help Appreciate..!!
Use #ImportResource annotation.

How to register simple things entity Audit extension in symfony2

I am trying to use simple things entity audit bundle in my application, but couldnt figure out the way to get this right. Please find the steps i am trying below,
1) Installed simple things bundle into vendor directory via composer file
2) Not sure where to autoload as given in the read me file
3) Added the setting of audited entities in config.yml
- AcmeDemoBundle\Entity\Vendor
- AcmeDemoBundle\Entity\Employee
But Not sure how to register them as extension in doctrine configuration. I am very new to this bundle. Any help here would be really appreciated.
Use Acme\DemoBundle\Entity\Vendor instead of AcmeDemoBundle\Entity\Vendor

Symfony2 install ChillDevProxyTemplatingBundle - Cannot import resource

i´ve just installed the ChillDevProxyTemplating Bundle for symfony2, described here:
My templates was rennamed correctly by the bundle (from 'default' to 'php'), but when i try to call my controller I get the following error:
Cannot import resource "." from (...)app/cache/dev/assetic/routing.yml". (The following loader(s) are not registered: default).
Has anyone an idea how to fix??
Thanks a lot !
As explained here:
You might just need to install ChillDevViewHelpersBundle to get it working.
I previously added answer to this question, but it was removed by moderator since my reputation was not high enough to post a comment.
But now thanks to support of community I was able to investigate this problem:
It's now fixed :). Thank you for pointing the problem.
The problem was, that Assetic, in dev environment tries to parse all the templates based on templating engine name so it needs loader for each templating engine - of course for "default" there was no loader and thus caused an exception.

What is the best way to debug production error templates?

I am trying to create pretty error pages for my application by following this cookbook article. Sometimes a bug slips in, which causes the application to return a single line: 503 Service Unavailable. It would make my life a whole lot easier if only I could see the underlying error or exception thrown. Switching over to the development environment doesn't help either as the error templates are only used in production.
I figured out that I needed to add TwigBundle to assetic's configuration to use javascript and css assets. Problems like this are really hard to debug in the production environment.
Setting the debug mode to true in my front controller doesn't help, since production error templates get replaced by development templates.
Thanks to Mike Purcell I managed to retrieve the errors provided. I got
Uncaught exception 'Symfony\Component\Routing\Exception\ResourceNotFoundException' in /[snip]/app/cache/prod/appprodUrlMatcher.php:669
Turns out the framework should be handling the exception, but in the case of a possible error inside the error Twig template, it just decides to throw a 503 error.
How do I turn on error reporting for the production environment in a Symfony2 application?
I'm tired of guessing what's wrong and clearing the cache. What is the best way to debug Twig's error templates in production?
The best way to see what errors are being thrown in production is to configure Monolog to email the errors too you or alternatively to a file.
Have a look at the Symfony2 Cookbook on emailing logs
To make the error pages look nicer have a look at this cookbook entry on how to do that
There are open source tools specifically built for error reporting like Sentry, which has a native Symfony client.
disclaimer: I work for Sentry
