Problems with writing to a table from a looped stepwise regression - r

I have a total of 95 potential predictor variables, I'd like to reduce that number to those variables with more predictive power. My plan thus far has been to write some code to:
within a loop select 6 random predictors and perform a stepwise regression (direction=both) upon them.
this loop will continue for 100,000 iterations to ensure that every possible combination is entered.
The significance of the predictor (from the summary command) will be based on the p values. Where significant values <0.05 are coded as '1' and >0.05 are '0' for the 6 predictors (or less) which make it through. The predictor name is preserved in the loop output table.
I cannot seem to create a single output table with the 95 columns and write to each individual line using the 6 column ones generated for each iteration of the loop.
So is there any way to add to an array created with:
results <- array(NA,c(100000,95))
with column names assigned by:

Instead of choosing variables at random, why not use a shrinkage and variable selection method, such as the lasso or least angle regression. Both will automatically select variables that are most correlated with the outcome.
There is a mature R package for this.

aix and Ben Bolker have both made good suggestions. I'd also recommend glmnet, and take a look at the settings for dfmax and pmax, which allow you to constrain the number of active variables in a model and the total number of variables considered along a particular sequence of models.
Essentially, stepwise regression, one variable at a time, is a little antiquated (oh, when I was a young iterator, doing my first iterations, I did stepwise regression all the time), but it's good to move on to a different methodology entirely. There are instances where it's still reasonable, but they're few and rather specialized. All-subsets modeling, however, should be avoided: it simply doesn't scale, and virtually nothing is gained from all of that computational effort.


`` on large three-level dataset: `"binary"` logistic model returns error, 'hangs' when adding random slopes or interactions

I am currently trying to impute a three-level dataset with 87 columns and 71,756 rows. The variables comprise of which 4 identifier columns, 15 continuous outcome variables without missing entries, and 68 predictors and covariates with missing entries:
On level 1 (lowest, represents on individual) there are 16 ordinal and 20 dichotomous variables,
on level 2 there are 28 continuous variables, and
on level 3 (top) there are 4 ordinal variables.
I've been following Simon Grund's example for modeling three-level data using mice with the Naturally, I had to make some adaptations to the example model to fit my data:
I tried setting model to "binary" to run a logistic mixed effects model for the dichotomous variables ("pmm" for the ordinal, "continuous" for the continuous).
I tried added random slopes and interaction effects.
mice.impute.2lonly.pmm was used instead of mice.impute.2lonly.norm for the top level imputation.
I added a post processing to a level 2 variable where I set upper and lower boundaries.
However when running mice (with some variables modeled as "binary" (without random slopes or interactions), I get the following warning:
Warning message in commonArgs(par, fn, control, environment()):
“maxfun < 10 * length(par)^2 is not recommended.”
Execution of mice hangs at this point.
I ran a test with mice (1 iteration), this time with all dichotomous variables as "pmm", and this time the function completed the run. However, adding variables to random_slopes it seemingly gets stuck (running infinitely) on the imputation of the first three variables. Now, my assumption is that this is due to the relatively large dataset, making the the process computationally very demanding.
I am wondering what exactly causes this error message, and if there are ways to avoid it. Also, I would like to know if there are ways to improve computational efficiency of such a large model.
I am not very familiar with mice, but I have some thoughts regarding how the data is imputed:
I am planning to use the imputed data for a structural equation model I've built, where all the variables are grouped into indicators of latent constructs. It therefore seems natural that the indicator variables that belongs to the same construct are imputed together.
In mice there is an argument called blocks which allows for multivariate imputation of the variables grouped together as list elements. However, creating blocks containing variables from different levels created the issue that I got the error message that no top level was defined in the predictorMatrix (i.e. no block set to -2). As an alternative method, it seems the formulas argument can be used in place of a predictor matrix. This options seems ideal, as it allows user defined formulas for each block. Also, if I understand the whole process correctly, the predictorMatrix is only passed on to mice.impute.2lonly.pmm and not The question then is if the formulas argument can be used to define three-level models using lme4-syntax? ..and can these user defined models in formulas be passed on to As a more general question, why can't be used for imputation at top level? (At least, it didn't work when I tried.)
Then there's also an argument group_index in used to pass group identifiers to mice.impute.bygroup. From reading the documentation I am still unsure what this function actually does, as I can find little information on it. However, it seems it is designed for grouping variables together by level, but not across grouping of variables from different levels, correct? However, what would distinguish mice.impute.bygroup from creating blocks? ..and what would the difference of doing this, rather than calling models in
As for computational efficiency, I have no idea if grouping variables together would increase computational efficiency. I could really use some advice on this part.

Extracting normal-distributed subset from a dataset in R

Working with a dataset of ~200 observations and a number of variables. Unfortunately, none of the variables are distributed normally. If it possible to extract a data subset where at least one desired variable will be distributed normally? Want to do some statistics after (at least logistic regression).
Any help will be much appreciated,
If there are just a few observations that skew the distribution of individual variables, and no other reasons speaking against using a particular method (such as logistic regression) on your data, you might want to study the nature of "weird" observations before deciding on which analysis method to use eventually.
I would:
carry out the desired regression analysis (e.g. logistic regression), and as it's always required, carry out residual analysis (Q-Q Normal plot, Tukey-Anscombe plot, Leverage plot, also see here) to check the model assumptions. See whether the residuals are normally distributed (the normal distribution of model residuals is the actual assumption in linear regression, not that each variable is normally distributed, of course you might have e.g. bimodally distributed data if there are differences between groups), see if there are observations which could be regarded as outliers, study them (see e.g. here), and if possible remove them from the final dataset before re-fitting the linear model without outliers.
However, you always have to state which observations were removed, and on what grounds. Maybe the outliers can be explained as errors in data collection?
The issue of whether it's a good idea to remove outliers, or a better idea to use robust methods was discussed here.
as suggested by GuedesBF, you may want to find a test or model method which has no assumption of normality.
Before modelling anything or removing any data, I would always plot the data by treatment / outcome groups, and inspect the presence of missing values. After quickly looking at your dataset, it seems that quite some variables have high levels of missingness, and your variable 15 has a lot of zeros. This can be quite problematic for e.g. linear regression.
Understanding and describing your data in a model-free way (with clever plots, e.g. using ggplot2 and multiple aesthetics) is much better than fitting a model and interpreting p-values when violating model assumptions.
A good start to get an overview of all data, their distribution and pairwise correlation (and if you don't have more than around 20 variables) is to use the psych library and pairs.panels.
dat <- read.delim("~/Downloads/dput.txt", header = F)
You can then quickly see the distribution of each variable, and the presence of correlations among each pair of variables. You can tune arguments of that function to use different correlation methods, and different displays. Happy exploratory data analysis :)

R: training random forest using PCA data

I have a data set called Data, with 30 scaled and centered features and 1 outcome with column name OUTCOME, referred to 700k records, stored in data.table format. I computed its PCA, and observed that its first 8 components account for the 95% of the variance. I want to train a random forest in h2o, so this is what I do:
Data.pca=prcomp(Data,retx=TRUE) # compute the PCA of Data$x)[,c(1:8)] # keep only first 8 components
Data.dump=cbind(Data.rotated,subset(Data,select=c(OUTCOME))) # PCA dataset plus outcomes for training
This way I have a dataset Data.dump where I have 8 features that are rotated on the PCA components, and at each record I associated its outcome.
First question: is this rational? or do I have to permute somehow the outcomes vector? or the two things are unrelated?
Then I split Data.dump in two sets, Data.train for training and Data.test for testing, all as.h2o. The I feed them to a random forest:
What happens is that rf.pred seems not so similar to the original outcomes Data.test$OUTCOME. I tried to train a neural network as well, and did not even converge, crashing R.
Second question: is it because I am carrying on some mistake from the PCA treatment? or because I badly set up the random forest? Or I am just dealing with annoying data?
I do not know where to start, as I am new to data science, but the workflow seems correct to me.
Thanks a lot in advance.
The answer to your second question (i.e. "is it the data, or did I do something wrong") is hard to know. This is why you should always try to make a baseline model first, so you have an idea of how learnable the data is.
The baseline could be h2o.glm(), and/or it could be h2o.randomForest(), but either way without the PCA step. (You didn't say if you are doing a regression or a classification, i.e. if OUTCOME is a number or a factor, but both glm and random forest will work either way.)
Going to your first question: yes, it is a reasonable thing to do, and no you don't have to (in fact, should not) involve the outcomes vector.
Another way to answer your first question is: no, it unreasonable. It may be that a random forest can see all the relations itself without needing you to use a PCA. Remember when you use a PCA to reduce the number of input dimensions you are also throwing away a bit of signal, too. You said that the 8 components only capture 95% of the variance. So you are throwing away some signal in return for having fewer inputs, which means you are optimizing for complexity at the expense of prediction quality.
By the way, concatenating the original inputs and your 8 PCA components, is another approach: you might get a better model by giving it this hint about the data. (But you might not, which is why getting some baseline models first is essential, before trying these more exotic ideas.)

LASSO coefficients equal to 0 using opt1D

I have a question about LASSO. I'm getting crazy because it is something that I can not solve only according to my background. I'm a biologist.
Briefly I run LASSO using the R library "penalized". In particular I used the opt1D function with around 500 simulations on a data.frame (numerical) of around 30 columns that are my biomarkers (gene expression). I want to test and 3000 rows that are people of which around 50 are tumours and all the others are normals.
Unfortunately by using L1 regularization, all and really all coefficients of 500 simulations are 0. If I check L2 matrix of coefficients they are close to 0. Now my point is that I cannot think that all my biomarkers are not able to distinguish between Normals and Tumors.
I don't know if what I have done is all I can to check for the discriminatory potential of my molecules. Is there something else I can do to understand why are they all 0 and also is there something else I can do to verify that really they are not able to stratify my cohort?
Did you consider fitting your data without penalization before using regularization? L1 regularization will naturally result in a significant number of zero coefficients.
As a side note I would first run PCA/PCoA and see whether or not your genes separate according to your class variable. This could save you some time and allow you to trim your data set to those genes that show the greatest differences across your class variable. Also if you have relatively little experience with R I would suggest using a linear modeling package such as Limma since it has excellent documentation and many examples that are easy to follow.

Running regression tree on large dataset in R

I am working with a dataset of roughly 1.5 million observations. I am finding that running a regression tree (I am using the mob()* function from the party package) on more than a small subset of my data is taking extremely long (I can't run on a subset of more than 50k obs).
I can think of two main problems that are slowing down the calculation
The splits are being calculated at each step using the whole dataset. I would be happy with results that chose the variable to split on at each node based on a random subset of the data, as long as it continues to replenish the size of the sample at each subnode in the tree.
The operation is not being parallelized. It seems to me that as soon as the tree has made it's first split, it ought to be able to use two processors, so that by the time there are 16 splits each of the processors in my machine would be in use. In practice it seems like only one is getting used.
Does anyone have suggestions on either alternative tree implementations that work better for large datasets or for things I could change to make the calculation go faster**?
* I am using mob(), since I want to fit a linear regression at the bottom of each node, to split up the data based on their response to the treatment variable.
** One thing that seems to be slowing down the calculation a lot is that I have a factor variable with 16 types. Calculating which subset of the variable to split on seems to take much longer than other splits (since there are so many different ways to group them). This variable is one that we believe to be important, so I am reluctant to drop it altogether. Is there a recommended way to group the types into a smaller number of values before putting it into the tree model?
My response comes from a class I took that used these slides (see slide 20).
The statement there is that there is no easy way to deal with categorical predictors with a large number of categories. Also, I know that decision trees and random forests will automatically prefer to split on categorical predictors with a large number of categories.
A few recommended solutions:
Bin your categorical predictor into fewer bins (that are still meaningful to you).
Order the predictor according to means (slide 20). This is my Prof's recommendation. But what it would lead me to is using an ordered factor in R
Finally, you need to be careful about the influence of this categorical predictor. For example, one thing I know that you can do with the randomForest package is to set the randomForest parameter mtry to a lower number. This controls the number of variables that the algorithm looks through for each split. When it's set lower you'll have fewer instances of your categorical predictor appear vs. the rest of the variables. This will speed up estimation times, and allow the advantage of decorrelation from the randomForest method ensure you don't overfit your categorical variable.
Finally, I'd recommend looking at the MARS or PRIM methods. My professor has some slides on that here. I know that PRIM is known for being low in computational requirement.
