Best practices for efficient multiple time series analysis - r

I have a large number of time series (>100) which differ in the sampling frequency and the time period for which they are available. Each time series has to be tested for unit roots and seasonally adjusted and other preliminary data transformations and checking etc.
As a large number of series have to be routinely checked, what is the solution to do it efficiently? The concern is to save time in the routine aspects and keep track of the series and analysis results. Unit root testing of the series for example is something subjective. How much of this type of analysis can be automated and how?
I have already read the questions regarding the statistical workflow which suggests having a common script to run on each series.
I am asking something more specific and based on experience of handling a multiple time series dataset. The focus is more on minimizing errors while dealing with so many series and also automating repetitive tasks.

I assume the series will be examined independently, as you've not mentioned any inter-relationships in the models. I'm not sure what kind of object you're looking to use or which tests, but the basic goal of "best practices" is independent of the actual package to be used.
The simplest approaches involve loading objects into a list and analyzing each series via simple iterators such as lapply or via multicore methods such as mclapply or foreach, in R. For Matlab, you can operate over cell arrays. The parallel computing toolbox has a function called parfor, for "parallel for", which is similar to the foreach function in R. For my money, I'd recommend using R as it's cheaper (free) and has a much richer functionality for statistical analyses. Matlab has better documentation and help tools, but these tend to matter less over time as you become more familiar with the tools and methods of your research (and as your bookshelf of references grows).
It's good to become accustomed to using multicore tools in general, as this can substantially decrease the time it takes to do analyses on a bunch of independent small objects.


Working with lage datasets in R (Sentinel 2)

I'm working with more than 500 Gigabyte Rasters in Rstudio.
My code is working fine but the problem is that R is writing all raster data into a temporal folder, that means the computation time is more than 4 days (even on SSD). Is there a way to make the processing faster?
I'm working on a Computer with 64Gigabyte RAM and 1.5 Gigabyte SSD.
best regards
I don't know Sentinel 2, so it's complicated to help you on performance. Basically, you have to try to (a) use some parallel computation with foreach and doparallel packages, (b) find better packages to working with, or (c) reducing the complexity, in addition to the bad-answers like 'R is not suited for large datasets'.
A) One of the solutions would be a parallel computing, if it is possible to divide your calculations (e.g., your problem consists in a lot of calculations but you simply write results). For example, with the foreach and doparallel packages, observing many temporal networks is much faster than with a 'normal' serial for-loop (e.g., foreach/doparallel are very useful to compute basic statistics for each member of the network and for the global network, as soon as you need to repeat these computations to many 'sub-networks' or many 'networks at a time T' and .combine the results in a maxi-dataset). This last .combine arg. will be useless for a single 500 gb networks, so you have to write the results one by one and it will be very long (4 days = several hours or parallel computation, assuming parallel computing will be 6 or 7 times fastest than your actual computation).
B) Sometimes, it is simply a matter of identifying a more suitable package, as in the case of text-mining computations, and the performance offered by the quanteda package. I prefer to compute text-mining with tidyverse style, but for large datasets and before migrating to another language than R, quanteda is very powerful and fast in the end, even on large datasets of texts. In this example, if Quanteda is too slow to compute a basic text-mining on your dataset, you have to migrate to another technology or stop deploying 'death computing' and/or reduce the complexity of your problem / solution / size of datasets (e.g., Quanteda is not - yet - fast to compute a GloVe model on a very large dataset of 500 gb and you are reaching the border of the methods offered by the package Quanteda, so you have to try another langage than R: librairies in Python or Java like SpaCy will be better than R for deploy GloVe model on very large dataset, and it's not a very big step from R).
I would suggest trying the terra package, it has pretty much the same functions as raster, but it can be much faster.

Time complexity of nlm-package in R?

I'm estimating a Non-Linear system (via seemingly unrelated regressions - SUR), using systemfit (nlsystemfit() function) package with 4 equations, 32 parameters to estimate (!) and 412 observations. But my code is taking forever (my laptop it's not a super-powerful one tho). So far, the process was on a 13 hours run. I'm not an expert in computational stuff, but someone explained me some time ago the concept of Time Complexity of the algorithms (or big-o), then depending on this concept the time to compute a certain algorithm could rely on specific functional relation on the number of observations and/or coefficients.
Hence, I'm thinking of just stopping my process, and trying to simplify the model (temporarily) and trying to run something simpler, only to check-up if the estimated parameters had sens so far. And then, run a whole model.
But all this has a sense if I can change key elements in my model, which can reduce the time of processing significantly. That's why I was looking on google about the time complexity of nlm-package (nlsystemfit() function relies on nlm) but unsuccessfully. So, this is my question: Anybody knows where I can find that info, or at least give me advice on how test non-linear systems before run a whole model?
Since you didn't provide any substantial information regarding your model or some code for the same, its hard to express a betterment for your situation.
From what you said:
Hence, I'm thinking of just stopping my process, and trying to simplify the model (temporarily) and trying to run something simpler, only to check-up if the estimated parameters had sens so far. And then, run a whole model.
It seems you require benchmarking or to obtain the measured time taken to execute, as in your case. (although it can deal with memory usage or some other performance metric as well)
There are quite a few ways to benchmark code in R, which include the use of Sys.time() or system.time() just before and right after your algorithm/function executes, or libraries such as rbenchmark (which is a simple wrapper around the system.time function), tictoc, bench and microbenchmark.
Among these the last two are preferable options, as bench::mark includes system_time(), a higher precision alternative to system.time() and microbenchmark is known to be a reliable source to accurately measure and compare the execution time of R expressions/algorithms.

Train SVM on a very large dataset stored on hard drive

There exist a very large own-collected dataset of size [2000000 12672] where the rows shows the number of instances and the columns, the number of features. This dataset occupies ~60 Gigabyte on the local hard disk. I want to train a linear SVM on this dataset. The problem is that I have only 8 Gigabyte of RAM! so I cannot load all data once. Is there any solution to train the SVM on this large dataset? Generating the dataset is on my own desire, and currently are is HDF5 format.
Welcome to machine learning! One of the hard things about working in this space is the compute requirements. There are two main kinds of algorithms, on-line and off-line.
Online: supports feeding in examples one at a time, each one improving the model slightly
Offline: supports feeding in the entire dataset at once, achieving higher accuracy than an On-line model
Many typical algorithms have both on-line, and off-line implementations, but an SVM is not one of them. To the best of my knowledge, SVMs are traditionally an off-line only algorithm. The reason for this is a lot of the fine details around "shattering" the dataset. I won't go too far into the math here, but if you read into it it should become apparent.
It's also worth noting that the complexity of an SVM is somewhere between n^2 and n^3, meaning that even if you could load everything into memory it would take ages to actually train the model. It's very typical to test with a much smaller portion of your dataset before moving to the full dataset.
When moving to the full dataset you would have to run this on a much larger machine than your own, but AWS should have something large enough for you, though at your size of data I highly advise using something other than an SVM. At large data sizes, neural net approaches really shine, and can be trained in a more realistic amount of time.
As alluded to in the comments, there's also the concept of an out-of-core algorithm that can operate directly on objects stored on disk. The only group I know with a good offering of out-of-core algorithms is dato. It's a commercial product, but might be your best solution here.
A stochastic gradient descent approach to SVM could help, as it scales well and avoids the n^2 problem. An implementation available in R is RSofia, which was created by a team at Google and is discussed in Large Scale Learning to Rank. In the paper, they show that compared to a traditional SVM, the SGD approach significantly decreases the training time (this is due to 1, the pairwise learning method and 2, only a subset of the observations end up being used to train the model).
Note that RSofia is a little more bare bones than some of the other SVM packages available in R; for example, you need to do your own centering and scaling of features.
As to your memory problem, it'd be a little surprising if you needed the entire dataset - I would expect that you'd be fine reading in a sample of your data and then training your model on that. To confirm this, you could train multiple models on different samples and then estimate performance on the same holdout set - the performance should be similar across the different models.
You don't say why you want Linear SVM, but if you can consider another model that often gives superior results then check out the hpelm python package. It can read an HDF5 file directly. You can find it here It trains on segmented data, that can even be pre-loaded (called async) to speed up reading from slow hard disks.

Parallel computing for TraMineR

I have a large dataset with more than 250,000 observations, and I would like to use the TraMineR package for my analysis. In particular, I would like to use the commands seqtreeand seqdist, which works fine when I for example use a subsample of 10,000 observations. The limit my computer can manage is around 20,000 observations.
I would like to use all the observations and I do have access to a supercomputer who should be able to do just that. However, this doesn't help much as the process runs on a single core only. Therefore my question, is it possible to apply parallel computing technics to the above mentioned commands? Or are there other ways to speed up the process? Any help would be appreciated!
The internal seqdist function is written in C++ and has numerous optimizations. For this reason, if you want to parallelize seqdist, you need to do it in C++. The loop is located in the source file "distancefunctions.cpp" and you need to look at the two loops located around line 300 in function "cstringdistance" (Sorry but all comments are in French). Unfortunately, the second important optimization is that the memory is shared between all computations. For this reason, I think that parallelization would be very complicated.
Apart from selecting a sample, you should consider the following optimizations:
aggregation of identical sequences (see here: Problem with big data (?) during computation of sequence distances using TraMineR )
If relevant, you can try to reduce the time granularity. Distance computation time is highly dependent on sequence length (O^2). See
Reducing time granularity may also increase the number of identical sequences, and hence, the impact of optimization one.
There is a hidden option in seqdist to use an optimized version of the optimal matching algorithm. It is still in testing phase (that's why it is hidden), but it should replace the actual algorithm in a future version. To use it, set method="OMopt", instead of method="OM". Depending on your sequences, it may reduce computation time.

Comparing R to Matlab for Data Mining

Instead of starting to code in Matlab, I recently started learning R, mainly because it is open-source. I am currently working in data mining and machine learning field. I found many machine learning algorithms implemented in R, and I am still exploring different packages implemented in R.
I have quick question: how do you compare R to Matlab for data mining application, its popularity, pros and cons, industry and academic acceptance etc.? Which one would you choose and why?
I went through various comparisons for Matlab vs R against various metrics but I am specifically interested to get answer for its applicability in Data Mining and ML.
Since both language are pretty new for me I was just wondering if R would be a good choice or not.
I appreciate any kind of suggestions.
For the past three years or so, i have used R daily, and the largest portion of that daily use is spent on Machine Learning/Data Mining problems.
I was an exclusive Matlab user while in University; at the time i thought it was
an excellent set of tools/platform. I am sure it is today as well.
The Neural Network Toolbox, the Optimization Toolbox, Statistics Toolbox,
and Curve Fitting Toolbox are each highly desirable (if not essential)
for someone using MATLAB for ML/Data Mining work, yet they are all separate from
the base MATLAB environment--in other words, they have to be purchased separately.
My Top 5 list for Learning ML/Data Mining in R:
Mining Association Rules in R
This refers to a couple things: First, a group of R Package that all begin arules (available from CRAN); you can find the complete list (arules, aruluesViz, etc.) on the Project Homepage. Second, all of these packages are based on a data-mining technique known as Market-Basked Analysis and alternatively as Association Rules. In many respects, this family of algorithms is the essence of data-mining--exhaustively traverse large transaction databases and find above-average associations or correlations among the fields (variables or features) in those databases. In practice, you connect them to a data source and let them run overnight. The central R Package in the set mentioned above is called arules; On the CRAN Package page for arules, you will find links to a couple of excellent secondary sources (vignettes in R's lexicon) on the arules package and on Association Rules technique in general.
The standard reference, The Elements of Statistical
Learning by Hastie et al.
The most current edition of this book is available in digital form for free. Likewise, at the book's website (linked to just above) are all data sets used in ESL, available for free download. (As an aside, i have the free digital version; i also purchased the hardback version from; all of the color plots in the digital version are reproduced in the hardbound version.) ESL contains thorough introductions to at least one exemplar from most of the major
ML rubrics--e.g., neural metworks, SVM, KNN; unsupervised
techniques (LDA, PCA, MDS, SOM, clustering), numerous flavors of regression, CART,
Bayesian techniques, as well as model aggregation techniques (Boosting, Bagging)
and model tuning (regularization). Finally, get the R Package that accompanies the book from CRAN (which will save the trouble of having to download the enter the datasets).
CRAN Task View: Machine Learning
The +3,500 Packages available
for R are divided up by domain into about 30 package families or 'Task Views'. Machine Learning
is one of these families. The Machine Learning Task View contains about 50 or so
Packages. Some of these Packages are part of the core distribution, including e1071
(a sprawling ML package that includes working code for quite a few of
the usual ML categories.)
Revolution Analytics Blog
With particular focus on the posts tagged with Predictive Analytics
ML in R tutorial comprised of slide deck and R code by Josh Reich
A thorough study of the code would, by itself, be an excellent introduction to ML in R.
And one final resource that i think is excellent, but didn't make in the top 5:
A Guide to Getting Stared in Machine Learning [in R]
posted at the blog A Beautiful WWW
Please look at the CRAN Task Views and in particular at the CRAN Task View on Machine Learning and Statistical Learning which summarises this nicely.
Both Matlab and R are good if you are doing matrix-heavy operations. Because they can use highly optimized low-level code (BLAS libraries and such) for this.
However, there is more to data-mining than just crunching matrixes. A lot of people totally neglect the whole data organization aspect of data mining (as opposed to say, plain machine learning).
And once you get to data organization, R and Matlab are a pain. Try implementing an R*-tree in R or matlab to take an O(n^2) algorithm down to O(n log n) runtime. First of all, it totally goes against the way R and Matlab are designed (use bulk math operations wherever possible), secondly it will kill your performance. Interpreted R code for example seems to run at around 50% of the speed of the C code (try R built-in k-means vs. flexclus k-means); and the BLAS libraries are optimized to an insane level, exploiting cache sizes, data alignment, advanced CPU features. If you are adventurous, try implementing a manual matrix multiplication in R or Matlab, and benchmark it against the native one.
Don't get me wrong. There is a lot of stuff where R and matlab are just elegant and excellent for prototyping. You can solve a lot of things in just 10 lines of code, and get a decent performance out of it. Writing the same thing by hand would be hundreds of lines, and probably 10x slower. But sometimes you can optimize by a level of complexity, which for large data sets does beat the optimized matrix operations of R and matlab.
If you want to scale up to "Hadoop size" on the long run, you will have to think about data layout and organization, too, unless all you need is a linear scan over the data. But then, you could just be sampling, too!
Yesterday I found two new books about Data mining. These series of books entitled by ‘Data Mining’ address the need by presenting in-depth description of novel mining algorithms and many useful applications. In addition to understanding each section deeply, the two books present useful hints and strategies to solving problems in the following chapters.The progress of data mining technology and large public popularity establish a need for a comprehensive text on the subject. Books are: “New Fundamental Technologies in Data Mining” here & “Knowledge-Oriented Applications in Data Mining” here These are open access books so you can download it for free or just read on online reading platform like I do. Cheers!
We should not forget the origin sources for these two software: scientific computation and also signal processing leads to Matlab but statistics leads to R.
I used matlab a lot in University since we have one installed on Unix and open to all students. However, the price for Matlab is too high especially compared to free R. If your major focus is not on matrix computation and signal processing, R should work well for your needs.
I think it also depends in which field of study you are. I know of people in coastal research that use a lot of Matlab. Using R in this group would make your life more difficult. If a colleague has solved a problem, you can't use it because he fixed it using Matlab.
I would also look at the capabilities of each when you are dealing with large amounts of data. I know that R can have problems with this, and might be restrictive if you are used to an iterative data mining process. For example looking at multiple models concurrently. I don't know if MATLAB has a data limitation.
I admit to favoring MATLAB for data mining problems, and I give some of my reasoning here:
Why MATLAB for Data Mining?
I will admit to only a passing familiarity with R/S-Plus, but I'll make the following observations:
R definitely has more of a statistical focus than MATLAB. I prefer building my own tools in MATLAB, so that I know exactly what they're doing, and I can customize them, but this is more of a necessity in MATLAB than it would be in R.
Code for new statistical techniques (spatial statistics, robust statistics, etc.) often appears early in S-Plus (I assume that this carries over to R, at least some).
Some years ago, I found the commercial version of R, S-Plus to have an extremely limited capacity for data. I cannot say what the state of R/S-Plus is today, but you may want to check if your data will fit into such tools comfortably.
