Best approch to upgrade css classes in asp and aspx pages -

I am working on website upgrade project (UI only ). This website has more than 5000 pages and 200 css files.
Basically In this project I have to replace old css classes with new css classes but this is not straight foreward. For some changes I have to modify HTML code with css class to achieve new UI look and fill.
I have identified type of changes required to migrate old page to new page. Total type of changes required are near about 15.
I am thinking about automating these 15 type of changes. Is there any tools(like html editor with regular expression support) available which will help me to achieve this functionality.
I am also thinking about developing c# based tool which will help me in achieving above changes but before that I want to know if any such kind of tool exists which will help in achieving the same.
Also if anybody worked on such kind of project then please share any other ideas.
Thanks in advance.

I think you could accomplish this by using the find-and-replace function in your code editor.
You could also keep the existing class names and replace their properties with your new class properties. With this method, you wouldn't have to edit anything but the CSS file itself.


add animation to already created app

Hi i have already created my app and its running perfectly except we recruited a new member and he started on this new app and he is using bootstrap animations and templates and all... while i didnt i used css myself cause i tried to personolise it just like they want any way now my boss was amazed with what bootstrap can do an all and now i want to add transitions and cool css,ajax stuff to my app any links or methods to help please im BURNING INSIDE.
please help
In case you need to update your project to use boostrap, then you need to move all the styles you added to a stylesheet file, and call them as needed (that is separate from bootstrap, just to make it more easy when you need to change styles). Besides that, if you want to use Bootstrap, it's simple, just add the boostrap files (styles, JS) and then use them as explained in the Boostrap website. Also, you can customize them as you want, but those components and classes will make the magic to make your website compatible with cross browsing and devices.
Hope that helps!

Twigmo custom style files

did anyone ever customize the Twigmo addon basic theme for cs-cart? I am trying to write custom css files for font size and color. What I tried:
Using the visual Editor: after working for like 2 hours changing the styles, I tried saving and apparently my current subscription doesn't allow me to do custom files using visual editor
I tried searching for other solutions: fell on this twigmo skin editing which basically tells me to create a custom css file called custom{theme-name}.css. I did but i still can't figure out what classes the twigmo for what. Does anyone know where i can find this? i am also posting a question on the forum to see if they can help me.
Thank-you in advance. hope my question is clear enough.
The free "Starter" Twigmo subscription plan doesn't provide an ability to customize CSS. You have to subscribe for any paid plan. In this case the visual editor will be available for you. Also you will be able to write your custom CSS code in the visual editor.
Regarding your second solution - it is for old version and doesn't work for the Twigmo 3.x.
Hovewer you can modify the design/themes/[your_theme]/templates/addons/twigmo/mobile_index.tpl file. You can add your CSS code there. It is not the most convenient way, but it is free.

Edit the Html.BeginForm helper method in

I have a specific theme which I apply to my html and now instead of editing it everything I create view. I want to edit the html helper methods and all all my necessary classes and id information can be put in one place.
How do i do this?
Do I just create a new custom one or is it easier to edit one that is already there? I do plan to add some ones that are not there.
I have googled abit but all the answerers I found give specific code to their problem. I dont even know which folder to put my classes in? In a book im reading about mvc it explains custom model template, but i dont think that is exactly what im looking for?
Even a basic example will be great.
Do I just create a new custom one or is it easier to edit one that is
already there? I do plan to add some ones that are not there.
I would say creating a custom one would be fast and simple. But if you still want to give a try by enhancing existing one, than you can get the source code of System.Web.Mvc for CodePlex, and make your necessary modifications and build it, reference it and use it in your project.

MVC-4 site.css VS CSS from scratch?

I'm a beginner with MVC4. Is it worth spending time on learning how the site.css is structured? How can I render HTML from my views that the site.css picks up?
Or would it be easier for me to just make my own CSS and use my own HTML for all my views and totally ditch all the pre-generated layouts.
What MVC features do I miss out on if I decide to go all with my own CSS and HTML coding? Or is it a bad idea to start with?
CSS only controls how the page appears, you will not lose any MVC features if you decide to build your own CSS.
You might lose some features when you change the HTML, if you're not paying attention. For example, the validation summary won't be rendered if you get rid of the #Html.ValidationSummary() statement from your HTML file.
Since you are a beginner, I would advise editing the current site.css with your own need to create a new adding and changing the existing one, you can see how it is working.
And once you change it enough, it will have become your own version.
Yes you certainly should use your own HTML and CSS, rather than trying to make existing samples work for you. It is a template, a guide, to give you an example project and I think it should be used just for that.
Create your basic HTML markup and look into how you can use the html helpers that MVC provide in your markup. Doing it this way we give you a much greater understand of how the MVC framework works.
There are plenty of good examples out there, don't worry if they are MVC3, they are still relevant. Here are a couple of links to get you started.
MVC4 Sample
MVC3 Music Store

Does anyone know where ASP themes are?

Does anyone know where I can go to get some ASP themes for Visual Studio? I've Googled it, but it doesn't seem that there are many out there. I was hoping someone here knew something that I don't. Thanks
Visual Studio has nothing to do with it. The CSS for a custom theme will have rules that are applied to the HTML elements rendered to the page. The structure of your HTML can vary greatly; every developer/designer have their own preferences about whether to place certain parts of the page on a form or on a master page. There is no standard way of doing this and each project will have its own set of requirements in this regard.
There really is nothing to learning how to create an ASPNET theme. If it's the CSS part that is causing you difficulty then your best bet is to install the Web Developer Toolbar in Firefox and view some CSS galleries. This tool will then allow you to investigate how some really professional sites are put together.
i think you must have to create your own CSS.
