Tracking external ad links with Google Analytics - google-analytics

I am using _trackPageview() to track external links for my ads. But where in my Google Analytics dashboard can I find the tracking information? I checked the Google Doc information, but it doesn't say.

You can find them under "Top Content Report". Here's what Google says about this:
To verify that _trackPageview is being called correctly, you can check your Top Content report 24 to 48 hours after the updated tracking code has been executed. You should be able to see the assigned page name in your report.
See and


Emailing Campaign Mistake Google Analytics

I would like to have information about the tracking of emailing campaigns on google analytics.
I created a new URL and I filled in the different fields "UTM source" "UTM campaign" etc...
I also activated the data in real time but despite all this, I cannot get information and data concerning my emailing campaign, can you help me and tell me where the problem comes from?
If you are using GA free, the data takes 24-48 hrs to be visible in reports. For GA premium the SLA is up to 2 hrs. Source/Medium reports are generated based on the landing page URL, so make sure the email CTA's are tagged with right landing pages with right UTM's

Getting [not set] in Google Analytics only in one view

Thanks in advance,
I'm trying to fix the not set value in the google analytics google ads report.
I followed some of the posts around the web and stack-overflow, but with no luck.
the funny thing is that the not set is only appearing in the Master-view in google analytics.
I have 3 views:
All website Data
in the All website data all is working great. Iv tried to see if some of the settings are not the same, but couldn't find the reason.
any Idea why this is happening
You have to set link from Google Ads to that view in Google Analytics Property settings (for your Ads Account ID listed).
In this moment only 'All website data' is linked.

How to get a Google Tag Manager data layer value to show up in a test Google Ads account?

I have a test Google Ads account and a Google Tag Manager account. I have set up my conversion tracker in the test Google Ads account and I have deployed it to my site using Google Tag Manager.
What I am trying to do now is simulate an ad click so that the data layer value on my purchase success page shows up in a report in my test Google ads account.
Here are my conversion tracker settings in the test Google Ads account:
Conversion name: myname
Category: Purchase/Sale
Value: Use different values. If there's no value, use $1.
Source: Website
Count: Every conversion
Conversion window: 1 week
View-through window: 1 day
Include in "Conversions": Yes
Attribution model: Last click
In Google Tag Manager I have setup a Google Ads Conversion Tracking tag and input the Conversion ID and Conversion Label from the test Google Ads conversion tracker - the trigger for this is set to fire on all pages. In Google Tag Manager I have also set up a Conversion Linker tag which is set to fire on all pages. And in Google Tag Manager under Variables > User-Defined Variables I have created a variable name called order_value.
I put the Google Tag Manager JavaScript on all my pages and on the purchase success page I put this above the Google Tag Manager JavaScript:
dataLayer = [{
'order_value': 131.77
If I turn on Preview/debugging in Google Tag Manager I see all the expected tags and data layer values in the debug pane on my site.
Now what I am trying to do is simulate an ad click so that when I complete a purchase the data layer order_value will show up somewhere in my test Google Ads account.
I have tried going to:
in order to simulate an ad click. But when I purchase after that nothing shows in my test Google ads account(no conversion nor the data layer order_value). To clarify I specify the gclid on my home page and then I have to navigate to several other pages(cart, checkout, etc.) before I arrive at the purchase success page(which has the data layer order_value variable).
How can I get the order_value to show up in my test Google ads account when I purchase? Do you see any obvious issues with my setup? How would you approach figuring this out? Should I try something simpler first? The test Google Ads account and the Google Tag Manager account have a different primary email address - would that matter?
You will action this from within Tag Manager.
Step 1: Create a User-Defined Variable
Step 2: Pass that variable to Google Ads via the conversion tag setup.
Regards to your test conversions not appearing in Google Ads - please make sure that your conversion pixel is correctly firing on your conversion/thank-you page.
If it is, then I think the issue may lay with the fact that you aren't testing a real Google Ads served click, and thus Google Ads conversions is truly zero.

Using Google Tag Manager to track conversions in Google Analytics

I have managed to set up Google Tag Manager to fire off events to Google Analytics when links are clicked on different pages of my websites. I know it works as when I click the links, an alert shows up in Real Time --> Events section of Google Analytics.
I was wondering how to implement the following: For each page on my site I would like to see in Google Analytics the conversion which I define to be: Number of Relevant Links clicked on Page / Number of visits to Page. The numerator in this instance being whatever came from Google Tag Manager.
Thank you.
You are tacking about metric, not conversion. For conversion tracking you have to define exact value.
To track such metric you can use calculated metric with a formula X/Pageviews, where X is can be number of events (link clicks in your case).

Creating a campaign to track links

I'm new to google analytics and I'm a little confused on how to get an unpaid campaign up and runnning. I'm making the campaign in order to track links to a page from different sources (website buttons, emails, newsletters, etc.). What I'm trying to do is set something up in GA so that I can track how people are getting to a specified page. I've been reading this as well:
Do I have to create the campaign in google analytics (and if so where) or do I just apply the appropriate campaign/tracking tags to the links I need tracked and it automatically creates it? Also, how would this work with emails?
Thanks for any help!
Essentially, you will build the campaign tracking URL in URL Builder and put those links in your email, newsletter, etc. Once visitors start to click the links via the email, a campaign will be created under Acquisition > Campaigns.
You do not need create campaigns at Google Analytics: when you tagged campaign manually or at URL builder, your campaign data(source name,campaigh name and others) will be categorized by Google Analytics automatically.
GA parses tags at your links and save data about you campaigns.
