Inline Javascript Audio Player/ Sound Manager 2 - wordpress

I would like to implement this audio player,
into my band website that I am working on
It is a Wordpress site running on the Thesis Theme framework. I looked through the players documentation but I couldn't figure the thing out. :D Anyone know how to do it?

Thanks for the help to anyone who looked at my question. I figured it out now. I added the js files included in the plugin to the of my theme and followed the rest of the direction in the readme.


Video Catalog CSS and Loading (Embedded Videos)

I'm looking for some help/suggestions on a project I am helping with.
The basic idea is a video catalog that host a bunch of embedded videos for people to search through (Vimeo, Youtube and Facebook for now). This is just something to test out first. I am having trouble with a few things and have been trying a lot so I wanted to get thoughts/suggestions on a direction.
The website is here currently:
The help that I currently am looking at is a better way to display and load the embedded videos (sometimes they are slow to load or don't) and a way to make it more responsive. Other suggestions are welcome, I very much appreciate any help.
Additional Info:
To add I am using Wordpress and FacetWP plugin currently.

Use a bootstrap theme with blogdown

I currently have a website which was created using the rmarkdown default site generator. I used a bootstrap theme and I like the look of it and I am familiar with it. I am wanting to change the site over to a blogdown website, but do not want to change the look. I know it is possible to use a bootstrap theme with blogdown/hugo, but I have not found very much information on how this can be done. I am very new to website development, so my understanding is very basic. I do know that there is not just a simple answer to this. I am more looking for suggestions for how I should go about this, or resources that I might be able to use in order to accomplish this goal. If you are interested in seeing the site it is
To anybody that is interested in this, I found this blog post which helps turn any existing static website to hugo. I haven't completely gotten it all figured out, but it seems to working well so far and with a little tweaking I think I will be able to turn the bootstrap theme into a hugo theme.
I would still be interested to hear additional solutions.

WordPress Thesis + Livefyre Not in Framework

I am running WordPress' Thesis. I have installed the LiveFyre plugin. If you see my site, the comments form is not within the framework. I have tried CSS and div classes but can't seem to get the LiveFyre form to show up underneath the blog content.
Does anyone have any suggestions here? There is no widget for LiveFyre, which makes it even more interesting.
Having issues on my post pages:
Thanks in advance.
Solved my own issue.
So easy I can't believe I overlooked it.
You have to disable WordPress' commenting platform before it will enable another commenting platform.

Using wordpress as an article directory - what plugins/themes to use?

Anybody using wordpress as an article directory? I don't have time to customize it, so if anybody has done it or using any plugin/theme could you point me to it?
Also, is there any alternative script for article directories?
You can use article directory plugin + theme (optional, you can always build your own theme)
WordPress does this right out of the box. Article Directory... Blog... it's all the same. Figure out your topics/categories and file your posts/articles accordingly. Happy content publishing.
I spent some time looking for a decent directory script for WP myself and never really found anything that was better than merely average.
Your question finally got me motivated enough to make a big list of them, so I made a big post on my blog today with a heap of link index / article site scripts.
Surprisingly I found a pretty decent article/directory solution for wordpress when I was nearly finished. That being said, after looking at dozens and dozens of link/article scripts today, I think there's betters solutions than WP if you're serious about that sort of site.
WSN links, and the article script that same company makes would be my personal choice. The problem with those sorts of sites (compared to a personal blog) is that you're suddenly dealing with lots of other webmasters changing things around on you, so you've really got to have decent tools to check links and make sure it's all OK and what you linked to originally, otherwise you're going to lose surfers.
Hope that helps :)
If you wanna get Teasers or Excerpts on into any sidebars you can use the Category Posts Widget
The link building / article-directory site like
use the Userpro from to handle all there member Signups/Login.
Then you can let people write posts direct in wordpress backend, and approve them or you can use a plugin like "Frontend Publishing Pro" also from, and let users post from front end.

developing plugin for eclipse

Anybody out there who had developed plugins for eclipse?
I am using eclipse for last 4-5 years and am just thinking about developing some plugins for eclipse. I dont know anything about that, like how its written and all. If someone who has experience on this can show light over that, it would be great. Some really good tutorials or links or any useful articles will do.
this might help you have a look
and for breif you can go here too
Here is one more tutorial:
You can start from creating a sample eclipse plugin project. You could also use their plugin-spy (Alt-Shift-F1) to gain insight into any screen. You can start from your first plugin.
Also have a look at the sample code that is generated by creating a new project using the various plug-in wizards.
