Video Catalog CSS and Loading (Embedded Videos) - css

I'm looking for some help/suggestions on a project I am helping with.
The basic idea is a video catalog that host a bunch of embedded videos for people to search through (Vimeo, Youtube and Facebook for now). This is just something to test out first. I am having trouble with a few things and have been trying a lot so I wanted to get thoughts/suggestions on a direction.
The website is here currently:
The help that I currently am looking at is a better way to display and load the embedded videos (sometimes they are slow to load or don't) and a way to make it more responsive. Other suggestions are welcome, I very much appreciate any help.
Additional Info:
To add I am using Wordpress and FacetWP plugin currently.


My WordPress website is loading slowly, especially on Apple devices

I've got a WordPress website I'm currently working on. It was loading extremely fast just a couple days ago, then got extremely slow all of a sudden.
I've tried disabling plugins, removing large elements from the homepage (videos and such), and upgrading the server to see if that would help. This problem is especially noticeable on iPhones and in the Safari web browser.
I'm not really entirely sure what I should be asking, but the site can be found at - if anyone can provide any sort of advice or is able to point me in the right direction, I'd greatly appreciate it.
You can optimize your site:
check your website here and follow the suggestions, it is useful.
I have checked your website, you really need to optimize your images.
I am quite surprised because I just look at your website. A website like this should be loaded in under 3 seconds.
Check out your website test results here
First, You need to optimize your images. Scale the images to a size that you are using and use for compression if you do not know how to use Photoshop.
Second, Use a cache plugin. You can test all of them and see which one suits the best. W3 Total Cache is ok.
Third, Revslider is the worst. Try not using it. You can also add a simple background.

How can I create a Wordpress website that does this kind of image processing

I am just a beginner in web development and want someone to guide me on this. I know how to build a basic Wordpress website. What I want is a functionality on my WordPress site which will take some text and an image provided by the user and process it to make a final image as shown below :
I have no idea how to do it. If anyone could guide me how to achieve this, I mean what kind of tools I need or a reference guide will also help.
Thank you so much for reading :)
Take a look to the PHP librairie named GD.
You can create an image, add some text, some colors and moreover add an existing image (your user image).
There is a lot of tutorials for this librairie on the internet.

Inline Javascript Audio Player/ Sound Manager 2

I would like to implement this audio player,
into my band website that I am working on
It is a Wordpress site running on the Thesis Theme framework. I looked through the players documentation but I couldn't figure the thing out. :D Anyone know how to do it?
Thanks for the help to anyone who looked at my question. I figured it out now. I added the js files included in the plugin to the of my theme and followed the rest of the direction in the readme.

Spider Technology Behind Video Aggregators like SideReel?

Can someone explain to me the aggregation technology behind sites like SideReel?
For example
Did they make a spider that automatically fetch the embed links from video owners website like Hulu? Or did they submit all the video links manually?
I'm planning to build a smaller version of video aggregator. Should I use a CMS system like Drupal or code everything from scratch? Any recommendations? I prefer minimal coding because I already have another major component that requires a lot of time.
Thank you all!

dashcode and external rss feeds

I was wonder if anyone can help me with this. I've been looking everywhere for this information, but I want to make a web application using dascode rss. I know that you can't link external sources. Does anyone know a way I can get around it. From what I understand a little php can get around this, but I'm unsure where to look.
OK, first thing no PHP. Dashcode is limited to HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Although having said that there are a whole range of system calls that cna be made using the functionality provided by various parts of the x-cde system.
Second yes you can link to external sources such as other web sites, api on say Twitter, google etc. RSS feeds and so on, not sure where you got the idea to the contrary.
If you want to learn how to do a Dashcode RSS then open up Dashcode, start a new project, either web based or Dsashboard based and choose the RSS project. This will give you an out of the box template to add you own information and then see how it works. Then customise it.
In the above i am assuming Snow Leopard and the latest Dashcode/X-code but it will still gove you most of what you want on earlier version.
