URL Referer not working on pop up windows - asp.net

I have two pages namely www.abc.com/pg1.aspx and www.abc.com/pg2.aspx
string url_refer = Request.UrlReferrer.ToString();
UrlReferrer is working fine.
<a href='#' onclick=\"window.open('www.abc.com/pg2.aspx', 'windowname2', 'width=1014, height=709, screenX=1, left=1, screenY=1, top=1, status=no, menubar=no, resizable=no, toolbar=no'); return false;\">
string url_refer = Request.UrlReferrer.ToString();
UrlReferrer is NULL
I googled for the solution. but none of them are leading to the solution i want.
My problem is if the window is with no menubar, status or toolbar, UrlReferrer is NULL
if not, UrlReferrer has the previous page's URL.
I also tried url_refer = Request.ServerVariables["HTTP_REFERER"].ToString(); instead of string url_refer = Request.UrlReferrer.ToString();.
the result is the same.
Any solution?

My solution is to take it from "document.referrer"
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {
document.getElementById('hfUrlReferrer').value = document.referrer;

<a href="javascript:void(0);" onClick="MyWindow=window.open('','gallery','location=no,directories=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=no,width=550,height=550');MyWindow.location.href='yoururl.html;MyWindow.focus(); return false;">
The trick is to use location.href which does record the referer in IE.

I found this great workaround on a forum, and adapted it slightly.
Put this code at the top of your page:
<script language="JavaScript">
function goTo(url){
var link = document.getElementById("link");
link.href = url;
<a id="link" target="_blank" href="javascript:void(0)"
...and then build your links like this:
<input type="button" value=google onclick="goTo('http://www.google.com')">
What you're doing is creating an invisible <a> element, then using javascript to change that element's address, and programatically "click" it.

There's no easy answer to this - in general, the UrlReferrer is a browser-specific behaviour. Chrome, for instance, can process this differently than Internet Explorer.
If you are doing the referring yourself then you'll be best off passing a querystring parameter or using session state to identify the referring URL.

I'm not sure.. but I found out..
Session is not working if we call a new page using Javascripts.
I was told that all session values are reset on a new page which is called using javascripts.
As an alternative for my question, I used QueryString.
I really don't want the users to see the URL but I already hide the URL with javascript.
So, I have no problem using querystring, right?
Does anyone hava a better solution?


CSS Button two links

I found this nice looking button on the web. Now I was wondering is it even possible to link something with it? The <a href""> is needed for the status of the button and the second href indside of the div doesn't work. Did the creator make a small mistake or would a button like this never work?
I think the point of this button is to send something (probably a form) with AJAX and then show the thank you-side.
If you use it with a href to another page you will not see the thank you-side as you are leaving the page.
The href on the div will never work without some JavaScript. The button effect works without JavaScript but is kind of pointless on it's own.
Updated with example to use it as download link
In order to make the button work for non-JS users you should set the href to the file you want them to download. For non-JS users it doesn't show the thank you-side unfortunately.
I also added an ID (#btn-download) to the button to make it easy to get it in the JS.
<a id="btn-download" href="http://www.domain.com/some_file.pdf" class="flipper-container">
<div id="id" class="flipper">
<div class="front-face" data-icon="➣">Click Me</div>
<div class="back-face" data-icon="✓">Thank You</div>
(function (d, w) {
var button = d.getElementById('btn-download');
// Store the download link
var downloadLink = button.href;
// Set the href back to the id of .flipper
button.href = '#' + d.getElementById('id').id;
// Add the cross browser event listener
addEvent('click', button, function() {
// Send the user to the download link
w.location = downloadLink;
}(document, window));
// Taken from http://stackoverflow.com/a/6927800/3351720
// This is only to support IE8 and below
function addEvent(evnt, elem, func) {
if (elem.addEventListener) { // W3C DOM
elem.addEventListener(evnt, func, false);
else if (elem.attachEvent) { // IE DOM
elem.attachEvent('on' + evnt, func);
else { // Not much to do
elem[evnt] = func;
I haven't tested it in various browsers but I think it should work in all modern browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Opera and Safari) and Internet Explorer to atleast version 7.
altough a href attribute will work on a element only you may add a click event to any element to call a url
or you can wrap a span with an a

Refresh issue in ASP.Net MVC4 view

I have code like below in ASP.Net MVC4. and I am using Razor engine.
string sDefaultEnvironId = string.Empty;
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" >
function changeHd() {
<input type="button" value="ChangeHD" onclick="changeHd();" />
#Html.Hidden("hdSelEnvironmentId", sDefaultEnvironId)
The value of hidden field hdSelEnvironmentId is empty when accessing this view at first time. then it was changed to 1 after I clicked button ChangeHD.
But after I pressed F5, the value of hidden field hdSelEnvironmentId is still 1, I expected it with initial empty value instead of 1. Can anyone help me to figure it out ?I just can not understand it. I am using Firefox and Firebug, thanks.
Edit As discovered by Andreas here, you can remove this behavior by adding an attribute autocomplete=off to your input:
#Html.Hidden("hdSelEnvironmentId", sDefaultEnvironId, new { autocomplete = "off" })
This effect is not due to the cache -- it's a feature (bug?) of Firefox, that when you refresh a page, the inputs of the page do not seem to get re-loaded from the server.
try the same thing in Chrome or IE, you'll see that the value resets to empty
clear the cache in Firefox, and you'll notice the value still does not get reset.
So, I'm not sure if there's a workaround, but this issue does seem to be restricted to Firefox.
instead of setting it in
string sDefaultEnvironId = string.Empty;
just initialize it in JavaScript.
$("#hdSelEnvironmentId").val() = "";
function changeHd() {
$("#hdSelEnvironmentId").val() = "";
i think this will help.. even on page refresh as document loads again the value will be set to empty and then to 1 on button click

How to open a link like www.gmail.com from code?

I want to open an URL like gmail.com when a user clicks on a button. How can I open this link in new tab from code (I want to read link from database)?
You can use:
Method in ASP.NET to navigate to another web page.
call JavaScript from Page Behind Code Like this.
"onLoad", "openNewWindow()", true);
<script language="JavaScript">
<!-- hide
function openNewWindow() {
popupWin = window.open('http://webdesign.about.com/',
'menubar, toolbar, location, directories, status, scrollbars, resizable, dependent, width=640, height=480, left=0, top=0')
// done hiding -->
you can also do it using window.location("http://www.yourpath.com")
As suggested before me use
this should work as the method is designed also for absolute urls. Do not leave the http:// prefix.
<input type="button" onclick="openlink()"/>
function openlink()
document.location.href = "http://www.gmail.com";
just execute the below line on button click

How can I add a random number to an ASP.NET menu item url on each click

One step to prevent caching (in addition to adding the appropriate headers etc..) is to add a random number to the end of my URLs.
I'm using an ASP.NET menu and would like to add a random number to each menu item's navigate URL as it is clicked.
I can do this in the MenuItemDataBound event, but haven't had much luck doing the same with the MenuItemClicked Event.
Answer (can't answer my own question for 8 hours, and I don't have time to wait that long so here's my server side solution.)
To do this server side, I've had to remove the sitemap and the databinding from the menu.
I simply added all of the items from the sitemap as menuitems to the items collection in the menu markup removing the url property. The key here is removing the url property.
<asp:menuitem Text="Home" ToolTip="Go Home" Selectable="True" />
Then in your code behind you can handle the MenuItemClicked event (which should now fire, because there is no longer a navigateurl in the markup).
In the MenuItemClicked event codebehind I simply do the following:
string TimeStamp = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmssfffffff");
// get iframe control - must have 'runat=server' attribute
HTMLControl display = CType(this.FindControl("display"), HTMLControl);
// dispatch menuitem
switch (e.item.valuepath)
case "Home":
display.attributes("src") = "home.aspx?=" + TimeStamp()
This is the server side solution with an iframe.
I don't know if you're considering client-side URL manipulation as an option, but running this little bit of JavaScript on each page load would give you the behavior you're looking for by appending a timestamp to each of the links. You can modify it to target links in a specific area/div of the site, but this example will change them all:
<!-- include the jQuery library -->
<script type="text/javascript">
var time = new Date().getTime();
$('a').each(function() {
var append = (this.href.indexOf('?') > -1 ? '&' : '?');
$(this).attr('href', this.href + append + 't=' + time.toString());
Since every time the page loads the timestamp will be different, you should always get a unique set of links.
EDIT Here's a working jsFiddle demoing the behavior: http://jsfiddle.net/2HzqU/2/
I don't think that's the best solution. Have you tried using something like this:

How do I add custom hyperlinks to a webpage

I want to add a hyperlink to a social bookmarking site om my webpage which requires me to include the name of the page it is being sent from.
Example of what I am trying to achieve:
Current page is:
Hyperlink I want to create on the above page:
What is the easiest way to programmatically add this customised hyperlink to a webpage?
Assuming that you have a hyperlink like that :
<asp:HyperLink runat="server" ID="myLink" Text="stumbleupon"></asp:HyperLink>
At server side :
string currentPagesUrl =
myLink.NavigateUrl = string.Format("http://www.stumbleupon.com/submit?url={0}",
Or an alternative way (this one is easier I think) :
<a href="http://www.stumbleupon.com/submit?url=<%= HttpUtility.UrlEncode(HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri) %>" target="_blank">
stumbleupon 2</a>
I second Canavar's answer. You might want to also URL encode the currentPagesUrl string when building the hyperlink:
myLink.NavigateUrl = string.Format("http://www.stumbleupon.com/submit?url={0}",
Using jQuery:
$(this).attr("href", "http://www.stumbleupon.com/submit?url="+$(this).attr("href"));
This will convert all links that have a class of "stumblethis".
