ASP_0147 | 500_Server_Error - iis-7

This issue has been happening for a while, and it's suspected to be session related since it pertains to the users browser. Opening a new browser (session) rids the issue. The application uses Global.asa (Only Application_OnStart and Sub Session_OnEnd, the rest are empty), Classic ASP (VbScript), IIS 7.0.
This error keeps popping up on url's which happen to be loading fine, until the page is refreshed for the second time, then it bogs out and even times out. In the same browser, if i even try to open that entire website, it times out at this point. For about 350000ms and then everything starts working again. Very weird!
If anyone can help with this, I haven't had any luck anywhere finding what may be causing this, besides something that has to do with the sessions, maybe in the application pool.. I'm not sure.. Any help on this would be appreciated.

Sometimes Google AdSense might cause such problems, disabling it should solve your issues.
To cure the real "root" of the problem and keep using AdSense, guess you'll have to contact Google.


Strange double postback in because of IIS setting

I have the follow problem. There is an application running on 5 different servers. On most of them everything is normal. Each page is doing single postback before rendering the result. On only one server we faced very strange problem. The page is rendered with the single post back, but after that, there is another second postback call even the html result is already displayed in the browser. I believe it's because of IIS configuration, but it's my first time facing such thing. Please advice if you have any idea. Always there is a solution to reinstall the fifth server but we won't know why.
Unfortunately the code is the same on all of the servers. Also they are working at same platform (windows server 2008 r2 + IIS 7.5). It could not be because of bad html syntax. The other servers work perfect. The fifth server is still not re-installed, but may be this will be the solution. We've already spent a lot of time searching for the answer, but it looks as strange as it is. I'm not sure if I successfully described it. The additional post back is not a real post back, because the html is rendered, the page is displayed, but the debugger goes one more time through the code. Otherwise nothing else happens. I wonder why the debugger will go again through the code as it won't change anything on the client side. Because on the browser side it seems as the request is finished, the result is received and everything displayed on the page. If you're not debugging it with VS, you won't find any difference - all the 5 servers looks as working equal. If the problem is not a setting in the IIS, it could be a setting in the VS, but which one and why???

How can I diagnose caching issues?

I am using and hosting on AppHarbour.
I have noticed two very strange behaviours that are indicating to me that I have some caching issues, and as much as I have tried to resolve them they are sticking around.
In the first case, when I hit certain pages, they are bringing back old content.
No big mystery, the problem is since I found this, I cleared my browser cache, even switched browsers to one I don't use, and added in a global filter to disable all caching.
It's still caching it!? What else can I try? How can I better diagnose the issue?
The second problem, is similar but it is a new controller that has been added, sometimes hitting it creates a 404 othertimes it works just fine?
There are no errors occuring in the logs aside from these symptoms.
Have a page that displays a list of all cache entries. This way you can check if the global cache filter is realy working.
This link shows how:
How to display the content of cache?

slow of first page, running on windows/IIS

I'm more into the LAMP stack, but I've been asked to work on a site that is running Windows and IIS 2008. I'm a beginner with IIS, so please be patient with me on this, and please ask me to provide more information if that is needed to determine.
I read the answer here (Slow first page load on site), but it seems like if I go to the site with one browser it takes long to load the first page, then fast on all other pages, then if I open up another browser, it's the same thing, so it's not something that is saved on the server, but per session?
Is there a way to have the application running at all times?
Right now it is taking 12 to 15 seconds for the first page to load.
I have access to the WebControlCenter and FTP.
I would look in the Global.asax page and see if there is anything going on when a session is started. There usually is a method in there called Session_Start that is called whenever a session is started. Also, it might have to do with the site being configured in debug mode. You can change the web.config setting to false, which has a big impact on performance.
I'm familiar with the phenomenon described in the question you've linked to, but your what you're describing does seem a bit odd.
firstly- try Jeff's suggestion and see if indeed there's something at the beginning of the session which slows it down.
If not- try answering this-
1. is the first page always slow or only on first access to it?
2. what happens if you open another tab in the browser (not a different browser)?
3. it's possibel that the page contains some heavy resources (like images, script files etc.) which are only downloaded on the first access to the page. try tracing your http responses you get and see what their sizes are.
4. try to enable trace on your web page to see the events which are taking the longest time (on aspx you need to add 'Page Trace="true"' to the page declaration)
hope one of these helps...
Have you tried a http debugger here? Lots of things could be going on here, but the fact that you get different behavior by using different browsers indicates it is probably some particular resource that is overweight.

ASP.NET Session disappear/Reappear

I've been looking over the net, trying to find some body else who has had this problem before me, but nobody is describing the exact situation I'm in. Others have dropping session states that stay out, or they have short session states as in like 5 minutes, or something of that nature. My issue however, is that my session state variables seem to be there for one postback, skip out on the next one, and be there again for a third sometimes.
You can log into my website: and then maybe refresh a few pages, then after the 2nd or 3rd different page, you get the login text boxes in the upper right like you are not logged in. But then if you refresh the page again, the site will show you as logged in again.
I am assuming this has something to do with the viewstate, but I don't know much about the ASP.NET viewstate or how to troubleshoot it. To support this, I've received a couple of error messages (which I sadly neglected to save for this post) which pertained to MAC problems, and viewstate problems.
I recently had to reinstall the OS on the machine running my site. When I did that, I reinstalled visual studio, IIS, SQL Server, everything. Before the re-install I did not have this problem. I am using VS.NET 2005, and IIS 7.
What is going on here?
You can log into my website: and then maybe
refresh a few pages, then after the
2nd or 3rd different page, you get the
login text boxes in the upper right
like you are not logged in. But then
if you refresh the page again, the
site will show you as logged in again.
This is a cache issue. From the moment you have dynamic pages and keep the login on every page, then you need to absolute not keep cached page on client. So your client just read a cached page, after the update its get the new one.
On your page you give you have also a dns issue with the www., check it out and make it work. You need to redirect the to, if you won to keep only one copy. At this time the, just not working at all.
The "In Process", thats keeps them in memory is not so accurate on a shared environment and maybe lose the sessions if your computer runs on his limits or if you have many restarts of your pool for any reason. Maybe if you not solve the problem with the cache on pages, to think also to move the sessions on the database.
Also check on web.config the sessions, httpCookies, forms, roleManager, must have the domain=""

Intermittent Problems loading type

I have a SharePoint site that I have added a few extra pages to in order to handle some custom AJAX requests.
Every now and then, about once a week, I get a call saying it's not working. When I look into it, the error I'm receiving is:
Could not load type 'My_Controls.Control_Name' .
Where My_Controls.Control_Name is the name of the page. An IIS restart solves the issue and gets it running again, but this is obviously of great concern to the client.
I have tried everything I could think of. In the past when I encountered this, setting compilation batch="false" usually did the trick, but this time it isn't resolving the problem.
Obviously this is a pain to troubleshoot because there isn't a way to reproduce the bug (it just pops up from time to time) and a simple IIS restart solves it.
Does anyone know what may be causing this or ideas to try and fix it?
