Intermittent Problems loading type -

I have a SharePoint site that I have added a few extra pages to in order to handle some custom AJAX requests.
Every now and then, about once a week, I get a call saying it's not working. When I look into it, the error I'm receiving is:
Could not load type 'My_Controls.Control_Name' .
Where My_Controls.Control_Name is the name of the page. An IIS restart solves the issue and gets it running again, but this is obviously of great concern to the client.
I have tried everything I could think of. In the past when I encountered this, setting compilation batch="false" usually did the trick, but this time it isn't resolving the problem.
Obviously this is a pain to troubleshoot because there isn't a way to reproduce the bug (it just pops up from time to time) and a simple IIS restart solves it.
Does anyone know what may be causing this or ideas to try and fix it?


New website won't load with error message HTTP 500.0 and urlscan failed

I am getting following error on a new website created on IIS. I am able to see URL Rewrite deployed on this IIS instance. But the new website is not configured to use it. Please find the screen shot of the error message also attached. I searched across numerous forums and no find. I vaguely remember somehow fixed this issue previously, may be 1 year back or so . Since there is no log of the solution traced anywhere, I am in the same bad situation once gain. Please help me if anybody solved this kind of problem.
Thanks in advance
Finally I was able to make out what is going wrong. IIS is adding dependency on URLScan by default when a new website is created, but not sure why. I was able to see this in ISAPI Filters (Please refer attached screen shot). Everything worked fine once I removed URLScan from ISAPI filters.

resource cannot be found error when launching an asp application

So I am just in utter disgust at what happened. i was working on an in TFS application and all of the sudden it literally just stopped working. Every time I tried to launch it in a browser it would display this error:
The entire DESCRIPTION states:
Description: HTTP 404. The resource you are looking for (or one of its
dependencies) could have been removed, had its name changed, or is
temporarily unavailable. Please review the following URL and make
sure that it is spelled correctly
I haven't the slightest clue what happened. I have not to my best recollection done anything to jeopardize it.
This is what I've done. since I have two different logins to my computer, I took the solution and tried to launch it in my 2nd login and it worked perfectly. I took that same solution file and tried to launch it in my current login and it's causing this issue.
I reset all my Visual studio settings and tried to launch the solution and again - get the same error.
It is showing the SERVIER ERROR in /HOME.aspx - but this error does not show up in my other login.
Does anyone have any idea what could cause this? I'm basically looking at creating a new user profile for myself to get this resolved. Any help will be much appreciated.
Could it be my user profile or would simply re-installing VS could resolve it?

Magento 1.9 styles (CSS and JS not found) break frecuently

So, I have a couple Magento sites (1.9.2+) and recently, styles started breaking frequently. By styles breaking I mean home is displayed as only text. All css, js and images are not found.
I know how to fix this. I just clear cache removing var/cache and everything is fine again.
My question is... why does this happen periodically and now, more often? I've even setup a cron to delete the cache folder hourly. However, I'm still getting this error.
It's really annoying, and hard to explain to our clients when it's happening daily. "oh, just another cache issue", isn't an acceptable answer for me.
All answers I found so far just fix it once, and never mention it happens periodically.
Any ideas as to prevent this from happening?
I would not set up a cron to clear the cache. So remove that asap. What 3rd party apps have you installed around the time your had these issues. My guess is there must be a process / action that is periodically occurring that causes this change. Check your error logs and exceptions also /magentoroot/var/logs
Last possible reason (although rather slim chance) is you have a sitewide ssl setup but its only valid for certain urls.

Drupal 7 - after successful install, seemingly random action creates permanent server error

I am working with Drupal (7) for the first time. I have installed it multiple times using both an automated Simple Scripts method, and a manual method. I am using the MERCI module to create a reservation system. Every time, over the course of several installations, a seemingly simple action - such as creating a taxonomy term (most recent trigger) or activating a standard module (Views for instance) results in a permanent 500 Server Error, interspersed with a properly loaded home page that will not allow the user to proceed to further links.
Check out the site here:
On first load - you will either get a Server Error, or a properly loaded page. If the page loads properly, clicking to ANY link should result in a blank screen, server error, or some other redirect.
I honestly don't even know where to start diagnosing this. I can't tell where an error (if there was one) would be logged, and nor can I figure out how to manually step my MySQL database backwards to try and remove whatever is causing the issue.
Any leads, suggestions, or ideas would be REALLY helpful. Until now, I've just been creating a new installation, thinking that the issue stems from installation issues. However it has happened so many times now I can't just keep starting from scratch.
I'm not seeing any errors on your site, and in fact it let me register a new account.
Having said that, as should be obvious from the error message, 500 is an internal server error, and no one is going to be able to determine the cause just by going to the public url. It's an error with a configuration file on your server. Generally a syntax error would give you a consistent, not a sporadic 500.
While I have a good deal of experience with MERCI, the way you've described the issue, that wouldn't have anything to do with it.
If the problem persists you should check your Apache error log.

ASP_0147 | 500_Server_Error

This issue has been happening for a while, and it's suspected to be session related since it pertains to the users browser. Opening a new browser (session) rids the issue. The application uses Global.asa (Only Application_OnStart and Sub Session_OnEnd, the rest are empty), Classic ASP (VbScript), IIS 7.0.
This error keeps popping up on url's which happen to be loading fine, until the page is refreshed for the second time, then it bogs out and even times out. In the same browser, if i even try to open that entire website, it times out at this point. For about 350000ms and then everything starts working again. Very weird!
If anyone can help with this, I haven't had any luck anywhere finding what may be causing this, besides something that has to do with the sessions, maybe in the application pool.. I'm not sure.. Any help on this would be appreciated.
Sometimes Google AdSense might cause such problems, disabling it should solve your issues.
To cure the real "root" of the problem and keep using AdSense, guess you'll have to contact Google.
