Installing XCode 4.2.1 on OS X 10.7.2 using App Store - xcode4

I am trying to install Xcode 4.2.1 from App Store on my iMac running OS X 10.7.2 and when I started the installation by clicking on the Install button in the App Store on my iMac, it changed to Installing but it doesn't show any progress bar indicating the status or percentage of progress of the installation. Is this how it is supposed to be? How long does it take to install? I had uninstalled my previous Xcode 4.1 earlier before starting the Xcode 4.2.1 installation.

Look for Install in your Applications directory. Try to run it manually (that's what I had to do). I've also seen the recommendation to chmod +x on the installation app as well -- I didn't need to do that.

It happened to me. I rebooted and it worked properly.


Anaconda Navigator Install Issues for RStudio

I recommended to my class (2 sections) that they use Anaconda Navigator for a quick and easy way to install both python and R on their machine. I have had success with this recommendation in the past but recently this proved to be very problematic. At least on macOS, installing RStudio via the GUI does not work. It appears to stall.
In addition, attempting to create a new environment ,with both R and Python (3.7), the environment does not get created. It appears in the GUI for < second and then goes away without any other warning visible to the student.
Is there a bug in the recent version or perhaps version collisions across the environments?
I believe there is a bug. I installed Anaconda navigator, then RStudio in navigator. RStudio installed, but when I relaunch navigator I don't get the 'launch' tile, only the 'install' tile for RStudio. When I click the install tile (just to humor myself I suppose) it appears that it is reinstalling RStudio, but really it's just a hung process.
My environment is Windows 10 1909

How to change R versions on Mac

I'm trying to use the legacy version of R to run a package on Mac.
On Windows there is a switch in the General tab. However, it is not found on Mac RStudio. I referred to this post:
And I do not quite understand the 3 options:
Run the installer from CRAN for the R version you want to be current
List item Use the RSwitch utility available at:
Update the R.framework/Versions/Current directory alias directly
using ln -s
Especially for RSwitch utility, how do I even open/use that?
This old question is again timely, with the move to R version 4.
There is an available for MacOS 10.14+ that provides this functionality via a menu bar app. You can choose which of your R builds to use, integrating with the standard Mac GUI and with RStudio. (I've had trouble with the newest Mac GUI not working with R 3.6.3 but RStudio seems to work fine with both that and R 4.0.1 along with this The help pages for Rswitch show what's going on underneath, if you prefer to work via a command line.
If you use a standard .pkg via GUI to install a newer version of R it will effectively forget the other versions. You can use the command
pkgutil --forget (path to package name)
with the .pkg to overcome that. (I've had trouble installing from a tarball instead; might just be my incompetence.) Installing an older version from a .pkg won't overwrite a newer version but in that case it might be safest to omit any attempt to instal older Tcl/Tk and Texinfo, selectable with the "Customize" button at the "Installation Type" stage of the installation. With security settings in MacOS you might have trouble opening some R .pkg files; the awkward workaround is to use Control/right/two-finger click on the file in the Finder, then select ‘Open With’ and ‘Installer’ from the menu that appears.
The version of noted in the question is still available via a link from this page. This is evidently 32-bit as it is disabled on my Mac under OS 10.14.

Compile an older R version and switch between versions in Ubuntu and RStudio

I just made the switch from Windows to Ubuntu. In windows I had the possibility to change the R version used in Rstudio IDE with Tools -> Global options -> R versions.
This is not possible in Ubuntu in the same way, indeed the R versions menu does not appear in Ubuntu version of RStudio (why??). Could you help me in finding the good solution for switching among different, already installed versions of R, in Ubuntu?
The switch among different versions is important for satisfying packages modifications and making old scripts working.
I apologize was not a great question, but more of the kind: "please help me, I'm desperate, I've loose all my Windows habs!" ;)
So if anyone like me want to make the switch from Windows to Ubuntu here is how you can compile an older R version and switch between versions using RStudio. As already #Andrie commented out here are some informations, however not complete
You already have the R version provided by Ubuntu Software Center or a more recent version but you need an older version to run an old important script?
First you need to compile the desired R version from source. In Ubuntu updating R to a newer version leave you with one only version (the updated ones) and not two the older and the new like in Win.
Let's go to the shell and install all you need to build R from source
sudo apt-get build-dep r-base
to install all libraries you will need for compiling. (look also here
Download the version you need on CRAN
/bin/linux/ubuntu/MyUbuntu(trusty,precise,lucid) The archive you
need is something like:
Extract it in a directory (maybe ~/R)
then (in the shell) enter the top directory of the unpacked archive
then you can read the INSTALL file, and run configure with the --enable-R-shlib option (otherwise you will not be able once compiled to run it in RStudio)
./configure --enable-R-shlib && make
then following the INSTALL file
make check
make pdf
make info
If all was ok, you can tell R studio where find the bin/R file it needs
export RSTUDIO_WHICH_R= myPahtTo/bin/R
and fire rstudio with
You have an RStudio version running the desired R Version.
When you will close the terminal and the rstudio session you will come back to the system default version of R. Then repeat just the last two lines to come back when you want.

Installing iPDC Unix Programme

I am trying to install iPDC on a Centos unix laptop.
I am getting a make error when I attempt to install the programme - I have attached a screenshot of my problem.
The command run is sudo make install and I am attempting to install as the root user.
Your installed GTK version is probably too old to support this software. GtkBuilder (a component within GTK) showed up at version 2.12. To find out what version you have, run pkg-config --modversion gtk+-2.0 at the command line. But that version has been around for quite some time. What version Centos are you running? I assume 5, which is quite old.
Upgrading GTK can be tricky, as most of your desktop software relies on it. If you're in for an adventure, the "easiest" would be to upgrade your Centos OS (to 6.x). You might be able to compile a more recent GTK from source and keep it separate from your system GTK, but that will take some patience.
It seems that GTK is not installed.
Try something like: yum install gtk2 or yum install gtk2-devel

Running Rattle on Mac OS X 10.9 (Mavericks)

After installing Mavericks on my Mac, I'm not able to run Rattle anymore.
Because of compatibility issues between RStudio and 10.9 (, I installed v 0.98.433 of RStudio and R 3.0.2
Tried to launch Rattle the normal way: none.
I tried in a different way:
I manually launched xQuartz to install GTK+
via R-Studio I installed RGtg2 and Cairo
Installed Rattle, launched it and I got 1 sec message from Rattle, before it disappeared, crashing R session.
I then tried going back to R 2.15.3 (using RSwitch), doing same procedure.
Rattle starts with no ricognizable character and a bunch of related error messages on the RStudio console, from Pango.
Problem is it is looking for a directory .../pango/1.6.0 that does not exist (I have /1.8.0).
Is there any one who came out with a working combination of R/RStudio/Rattle on Mavericks?
I have a course I'm going to teach on data mining next semester and I introduced Rattle as the core tool, but I need it running.
Going back to previous Mac OS is not an option, because students may have the latest version.
Any help would be highly appreciated
I believe that the problem is with the GTK2 and Cairo modules. After building a few packages from source, rattle works for me...
I have had difficulties with Cairo/GTK2 since Mountain Lion. I got crashes using Simon's binary packages for these. Note that I updated my system to Mavericks, so I have not tried this on a clean install... I also have Homebrew installed for building programs from source. I use the ATT binary installer for R (thanks, Simon) for most packages but build a few packages from source. There were some hiccups and I spent a lot of time searching with Google. Here is what I did:
One needs XCode and the Xcode command line tools installed. After you install XCode, you need to run
sudo xcode-select --install
to install the command line tools. Then install Homebrew according to directions from the web site... Install gtk+ and cairo with their dependencies with:
brew install gtk+ cairo
And wait quite a while for everything to build....
The first problem I had is that I couldn't build any R packages from source because of this error:
make: llvm-gcc-4.2: No such file or directory
Google to the rescue...
I needed to change two lines in Makeconf in /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Resources/etc to
Note: the R Mac Tools page now says this should be:
Then download the source packages for RGtk2, Cairo, and cairoDevice. I do all the work in my ~/bld directory with:
cd ~/bld
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/opt/X11/lib/pkgconfig:/Library/Frameworks/GTK+.framework/Versions/Current/Resources/lib/pkgconfig:$PKG_CONFIG_PATH
R CMD install RGtk2_2.20.25.tar.gz
R CMD install Cairo_1.5-2.tar.gz
R CMD install cairoDevice_2.19.tar.gz
Hope this helps.
