Set Session in Asp page using -

I have a Login Page which is created in now when i successfully logins into my application i need to transfer session related information from my page to my asp page so how to set my session information in asp using

How to share session state between classic asp and

I see you mentioned wanting to use State Server. You could try NSession it allows sharing session state between Classic ASP and ASP.Net using State server. Pretty easy to setup just configure App to use State Server for session and register a couple of dll files.


Is it possible to use same authentication on classic asp and 4.5 on IIS7

I am trying to apply single sign-on to legacy classic asp applications and applications. I have created a login page for all aplications. I can successfully pass the authentication ticket from new login page to the old application and share the session using sql server. However, I cannot do the same thing for class asp applications. Even though I have logged in to the new asp login page, it still redirects me to the new login page when I go to the classic asp applications. I have already checked that their machine keys are the same. The classic asp applications are some .asp pages and html files without web.config before. I added the web.config file to the folder by myself. I can see the machine key in the IIS manger so I think it is reading the file.
Classic ASP and ASP.Net use a different session state object, therefor you're not logged in into your classic ASP site.
There is a possibility, it's kind of a hack. I used it once and it works pretty well. Please have a look at this blogpost to see if it fulfills your needs. It uses the ASP session cookies from .Net in asp classic to call a .Net page that returns session (login) data:

Maintaining .net mvc session from classic asp pages

As a requirement our team has to implement session management for our application, redirecting users to the login page on session expiry. The problem is the website is a mixture of classic asp pages, .net web forms and mvc.
To keep the .net session alive we can use http GET requests to a dummy controller method that will redirect to the login page if the session has expired.
Because there are a considerable amount of page in the application it would be good to avoid having to put an include file on each page to refresh the .net session on each page load. Also for each ajax request made from classic asp we want to refresh the .net session.
An ideal solution to this would be to intercept each request made to the server, pass them through the dummy controller method to refresh the .net session, redirecting the user if the session has expired. I have looked at creating an ISAPI module for this as a possibility but am still unsure of the workload involved in creating such a module, or if I can create the desired behavior.
Is anyone in a similar situation or have a concrete solution to this problem?

Session is not getting cleared

I have a solution with multiple projects and 2 webapps in it. One webapp is related to website and the other one is related to MVC.
I opened a webpage one from site & other from MVC website.
Both the projects is having same timeout and similar code in global.asax.
Now there is a JS code in both the websites and every session timeout+1minute a regular call happens to the backend server to check session status.
In pages session is getting expired but in mvc site session still exists.
Set same timeout settings for both in web.config
<sessionState timeout="20"></sessionState>
follow links for more understanding which i have mentioned below: Session Expire soon on live Web server session expire very soon

AUTH_USER, Claims, and Classic ASP

I am attempting to implement a claims based solution into an application. I have an MVC/Classic ASP application, as well as an STS. After authenticating with the STS, I can see the AUTH_USER server variable from my MVC pages. However, this (as well as AUTH_TYPE, LOGON_USER, etc) are not visible in my Classic ASP pages. I would like to be able to test against a server variable that a user is in fact authenticated on the server. If possible, I could read the claim created by the STS to validate the user with my classic ASP pages (not sure if that's an option)
Basically I need a way for my classic asp pages to know that the user is valid when I am logging in via an STS.

How to mantain session in classic asp sharing it with .net?

we are developing into an asp classic application introducing new pages.
The session variables are shared through the login.asp, everything works fine...
The problem that we are facing now is that the asp classic session expires meanwhile the user is navigating the .net pages and tries to go again into an asp page... the session in asp has expired because the user has been browsing for more than 20 minutes the aspx pages.
Thanks in advance
Ariel Gimenez
May be you can keep your Classic ASP session alive when a user browse in a ASPX page by:
adding a hidden iframe in your ASPX page that load an ASP Page
' aspx page ....
<iframe src='keep_session.asp' style='display:none'></iframe>
OR use an AJAX post from your ASPX page every 10 minutes to an ASP page to keep the ASP session active
I think you can find interesting:
I think this is the key:
"The native ASP session can only store session data in memory. In order to store the session data to SQL Server, a custom Microsoft® Visual Basic® 6.0 COM object is written to manage the session state instead of using the native session object. This COM object will be instantiated in the beginning of each Web request and reload the session data from SQL Server. When the ASP script is finished, this object will be terminated and the session state will be persisted back to SQL Server."
Do you retrieve asp session from db too?
I can think of two ways around this:
Increase the session timeout setting to be longer then 20 minutes.
Add a redirect page between common pages of the .aspx navigation.
This would redirect to an asp page, and then on to the correct destination, ensuring the session object didn't timeout.
