Safari Select Box Styling Bug? - css

I'm getting a wierd bug in Safari 5.0.5 for windows. When I apply my styles the down arrow in the select box button disappears. I tried removing classes and it seems multiple classes trigger the bug. Any help would be much appreciated. You can see an example at

You cannot reliably style select elements using CSS as browsers try to stick to the operating systems defaults. If you MUST style these elements, you'll probably have to find a JS based alternative.

Not a full solution, but I did find more details about the problem at It seems that it might be a bug related to the Windows Classic Theme. I'm kind of a geek that way. Love my flat gray interface :)


Chained CSS classes for one html element not working in old IE versions

I ran into a problem that is not supposed to happen (which is why I'm puzzled): on THIS page, the first item of the left side navigation menu has 2 chained classes attached - one for specific formatting as the first item and the other to show the active state. Everything is fine in standard compliant browsers, but the active state is missing in old IE versions, including IE8.
That is especially annoying since IE8 is supposed to support multiple/chained CSS classes (as mentioned in this fine article.)
Can anyone give me a hand with this please? Thank you!
make sure that when in IE, the document mode is "standardds" and not "quirks"
Ok maybe it's not the solution, but at least try to add !important; to your active links.

Is there any way to stop Apple OS' native styling on form fields, scrollbars, etc?

Is there a way, using either CSS or JavaScript, to get rid of the native Apple styling applied to focused DOM elements (e.g. the blue glow) in OS X or iOS)?
I've checked around online and I can't find anything relating to this subject. I'm about ready to give up hope on this, because I'm thinking since it's part of the OS itself (not just in the browsers) that it can't really be overwritten or avoided in any way.
I'm also interested in restyling Apple OS browsers' native scrollbars without using Javascript replacements, but with a solution that will work in all browsers. I'm vagely convinced that it's the same problem (part of the OS itself and thus not able to be styled by the browser) but I just thought I'd check.
Alternatively, I could use the -webkit-scrollbar pseudo elements CSS offers, but that'll only work in Chrome, Safari, and other webkit browsers, right?
Thanks for any help! <3
Using outline:none; on the element in question works great.
For more info, see the question " How to remove the border highlight on an input text element " as posted by the user j08691 in the comments on my question.

CSS : Firefox right click selects all on my site...why?

I have built a context menu but have found annoyingly that when I right click on my site in firefox all text and images just seem to randomly get selected. It is not a JS issue as I have removed all JS from the site. Thinking it must be a css issue. I have never encountered anything like this before...
I don't have an example page to show I'm afraid. Has anyone experienced this before in Firefox. I am using the latest FF4.
Cheers Guys!
Here is a pasting of the pure html from the page that is having issues,
did you try to disable all your addons you have installed? maybe one of them is causing the problem.
I have FF 4 but neven encountered this problem before.
And I could be wrong but I don't know of any css code that would be able to select text. it's pure for the design and structure of the site. it will be mostlikely a js problem or something else
I have seen this too... I think it has something to do with the way the site is structured... If you have nexted divs, or a div that does not quite cover the entire page, a right click on the parent div seems to select everything in the nested div. It's quite annoying... especially when trying to build a custom context menu, or use the default menu to refresh the page...
Any fixes/changes that we should know about for FF that is causing this? I'm using FF4 and XP (yeah, yeah... corp. system)
It's likely a problem with your HTML layout that firefox is struggling to work with. But without seeing any code, it's not possible to speculate any further down that path. #JDF's suggestions may help you, though.
If you can't work it out, and can't live with it, you could just disable the ability to select text.
In Firefox (and other standards-compliant browsers), you'd use the CSS user-select: none;.
See this question for more info on how to achieve this: How to disable text selection highlighting using CSS?
This is most likely caused by having a contentEditable element on your page. Any element (other than body it seems) that contains editable content will be highlighted/selected when you right click on it in Firefox (4.0 and 5.0 is all I can confirm). If everything on your page is wrapped in a div it'll appear that the whole page is selected. If you (can) right-click somewhere on the body the regular context menu should work.
Although I can't see any instances of contentEditable in your code on jsbin, it could be added by a script that I can't see (possibly even modernizr?).
I think this is related (although it doesn't match exactly) exhibits the same behaviour when right-clicking anywhere inside the #wrapper div.

How can I display one style in Safari and a different style in Chrome?

My client is starting to get any help would be greatly appreciated. I am having issues with my secondary page header images shifting. It is displaying correctly in Firefox, I haven't been able to check in IE yet w/out access to a PC. It was displaying correctly in Chrome, but shifting in Safari.
I added the "webkit hack" to write a specific css style for Safari, but once I did started shifting in Chrome. What can I do to fix this issue??
There's some problem with the way you're using your .clearfix class that I'm not sure of. If you add a clear:both; to your .page_line class it will fix your problem.
You could parse the user agent and pass a different CSS file based on the result. However, it seems like a weird issue that shouldn't happen with proper CSS; can you post the specific bit that doesn't work?
By the way, you should read up on animation queue in jQuery! Hover many times on your menu and it'll keep flashing for a while.
The repositioning of .page_about is pretty odd. Why don't you just use .custom_title for the entire header? That wouldn't require such odd re-positioning.

Certain elements display smaller in Safari on Mac?

After fiddling around with an issue I am having I have come to this conclusion:
my list Elements are displaying smaller in Safari on my Macbook than they are on Safari on my PC. IE, and Firefox are displaying properly also.
What might be causing this difference? It is hindering my ability to complete this design.
Please let me know if there are any css tags that might be causing this.
Here is my previous question that includes my css etc. CSS spacing issues with Safari?
Any help is appreciated.
You might want to consider including css reset stylesheet. You can find a good one here:
This basically "removes and neutralizes the inconsistent default styling of HTML elements, creating a level playing field across A-grade browsers".
Hopefully that will solve your problem!
My guess is that it may well not be a css tag that's causing the issue, but just a difference in defaults on the two different browser versions. Each version is probably tailored to the OS to some extent, and may look different, which is expected.
Overriding this default behavior should raise a warning flag, because you're changing the overall look and feel, and it may not match well with the OS layout in general. It doesn't mean don't do it, but it does mean that you might want to proceed with caution.
