drupal confirm_password field set description under both textboxes in drupal - drupal

i have an confirm password field in the drupal and i need to set description for both the text boxes and i tried this.
$form['pass[pass1]']['#description'] = 'textbox1';
$form['pass[pass2]']['#description'] = 'textbox2';
is that possible . can any one please explain how to do it .
i tried this too.
$form['pass']['pass1']['#description'] = 'textbox1';
$form['pass']['pass2']['#description'] = 'textbox2';
for both code nothing changes in the gui

The password field gets split into two in the expand_password_confirm function (called pass1 and pass2 like you've got above so I guess you probably already know that). You can probably change the descriptions in a form pre render function, so in your form put:
$form['#pre_render'] = array('MYMODULE_my_form_pre_render');
And then create the following function:
function MYMODULE_my_form_pre_render(&$form) {
$form['pass']['pass1']['#description'] = 'textbox1';
$form['pass']['pass2']['#description'] = 'textbox2';
Hope that helps


2sxc Prefill datetime value in Manage Content Data

I created a Entity in Content-Types and Data and this entity have a field that is a datetime
When I click in the Plus button (+) I want to hide the field from user (this I got) and that default value be the current date (to be filled behind the scene)
Is there a way to achieve this ?
I read about prefill but I dont got how to do that with the default "Manage Content / Data"
I´m using 2sxc 10.24.0
Welcome to StackOverflow, #Alexandre ;)
The special buttons can only be done in the view. The internal manage-data doesn't provide options to customize. You can set default texts, but there is currently no mechanism to provide tokens, JS or something to get dynamic values as an initial value from the normal Admin-dialogs.
I got if I create a view and then use
#Edit.Toolbar(toolbar: new object[] { new { command = new { action = "new", contentType = "Articles", prefill = new { CreationDate = DateTime.Now } }}}
I believe that to do that in Manage Content / Data will be need to modify the "view" from the 2sxc

How to get the type of a field via Javascript : Google App Maker

How do I get the field type of a field in Google App Maker?
I have tried to find it via:
but there isn't a property type for a field.
So the question is how can I find the type of a field via Javascript?
Many thanks
Interesting question. Here is how I do it; Suppose I want to know what are all the field types of a model. I use this:
var allFields = app.models.MODEL_NAME.fields._values;
for( var f=0; f<allFields.length; f++) {
var field = allFields[f];
var fieldType = field.__gwt_instance.b.B.j;
So, in summary, all you have to do is get the field:
var field = app.models.MODEL_NAME.fields.DESIRED_FIELD
Then you just get the type like this:
var fieldType = field.__gwt_instance.b.B.j;
As I say, this works for me. I hope this works for you too!
There is also a less cryptic attribute that will give you the field type (although it only works in server scripts):

find last editor aka author of Item in Sitecore

Ok I've used this in the past to get last editor and it works great when running on sites that use workflow but it doesnt return any users for sites that do not use workflow..
var contentWorkflow = contentItem.Database.WorkflowProvider.GetWorkflow(contentItem);
var contentHistory = contentWorkflow.GetHistory(contentItem);
if (contentHistory.Length > 0)
//submitting user (string)
string lastUser = contentHistory[contentHistory.Length - 1].User;
Can you reply with a way to get last editor of an item regardless of whether they use workflow or not?
Try to use
You can check more members of the ItemStatistics class here.

vb.net alternative to select case when dealing with object values

Hey all, I was able to do this via a SELECT CASE statement, however I'm always trying to improve my code writing and was wondering if there was a better approach. Here's the scenario:
Each document has x custom fields on it.
There's y number of documents
However there's only 21 distinct custom fields, but they can obviously have n different combinations of them depending on the form.
So here's what I did, I created an object called CustomFields like so:
Private Class CustomFields
Public agentaddress As String
Public agentattorney As String
Public agentcity As String
Public agentname As String
Public agentnumber As String
Public agentstate As String
Public agentzip As String
... more fields here ....
End Class`
Then I went ahead and assigned the values I get from the user to each of those fields like so:
Set All of Our Custom Fields Accordingly
Dim pcc As New CustomFields()
pcc.agentaddress = agent.address1
pcc.agentattorney = cplinfo.attorneyname
pcc.agentcity = agent.city
pcc.agentname = agent.agencyName
pcc.agentnumber = agent.agentNumber
pcc.agentstate = agent.state
pcc.agentzip = agent.zip ....other values set to fields etc.
Now the idea is based upon what combo of fields come back based upon the document, we need to assign the value which matches up with that custom field's value. So if the form only needed agentaddress and agentcity:
'Now Let's Loop Through the Custom Fields for This Document
For Each cf As vCustomField In cc
Dim customs As New tblCustomValue()
Select Case cf.fieldname
Case "agentaddress"
customs.customfieldid = cf.customfieldid
customs.icsid = cpl.icsID
customs.value = pcc.additionalinfo
Case "agentcity"
customs.customfieldid = cf.customfieldid
customs.icsid = cpl.icsID
customs.value = pcc.additionalinfo
End Select
This works, however we may end up having 100's of fields in the future so there a way to somehow "EVAL" (yes I know that doesn't exist in vb.net) the cf.fieldname and find it's corresponding value in the CustomFields object?
Just trying to write more efficient code and looking for some brainstorming here. Hopefully my code and description makes sense. If it doesn't let me know and I'll go hit my head up against the wall and try writing it again.
If I am reading your question correctly, you are trying to avoid setting the value of fields, when the field isn't used. If so, I would recommend you just go ahead and set the field to nothing in that case.

How can I modify the Book Copy module in Drupal 6 to forward the user to a different starting tab once a copy is made?

Example call to copy a book using the Book Copy module in Drupal 6 (assuming a node exists with book id of 142):
When the above site is called and node 142 is copied it then notifies the user that the book was copied, but starts the user out on the Outline tab for the book copy. I think it would be more intuitive to start the user out on the Edit tab for the book copy so the user can immediately start to edit the information for the book. The outline is less important than setting up the actual initial details for the book which are in the Edit tab.
Does anyone know how I could modify the module to forward the user to the Edit tab? I looked through the code and it's just not clicking. I'm having problems interpreting exactly how this Book Module is working under the hood. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
I have no experience with the book_copy module, but looking at the last lines of the book_copy_copy_book() function:
$book = node_load(array('nid' => $newbid));
$book->bookcopydata = array();
$book->bookcopydata['message'] = t('Successfully cloned "%message", now viewing copy.', array('%message' => $message));
if (_book_outline_access($book)) {
$book->bookcopydata['url'] = 'node/'. $newbid .'/outline';
else {
$book->bookcopydata['url'] = 'node/'. $newbid;
// The function signature is: hook_book_copy_goto_alter(&$data);
drupal_alter("book_copy_goto", $book);
drupal_goto($book->bookcopydata['url']); // requires user has 'administer book outline' or can access personal books
the user would automatically end on the new book page if he did not have the 'administer book outlines' right. If you want the user to always end on the new book edit page, you could just replace the whole if
if (_book_outline_access($book)) { ... }
clause with the assignment from its else part with an adjusted url:
$book->bookcopydata['url'] = 'node/'. $newbid . '/edit';
However, changing a modules code directly is not recommended (update clashes), especially if the module provides a hook to achieve the change you need 'from outside'. So the 'right' way in your situation would be to implement the offered hook_book_copy_goto_alter(&$data) in a custom module in order to adjust the redirection URL to your liking:
function yourModule_book_copy_goto_alter(&$new_book) {
$new_book->bookcopydata['url'] = 'node/'. $new_book->nid . '/edit';
