Can't edit or delete CSS file. (ASP.NET MVC) - css

I'm new to the whole ASP.NET MVC business, and I'm having the weirdest problem. I've been working on a project (MVC3, Razor engine) for the past few days, and yesterday I backed up my project by duplicating its folder. I opened the duplicated project and started working, but I noticed something weird. none of the changes I was making in a CSS file appeared anywhere. I tried changing all sorts of things in it, deleting its content and even deleting the whole file! nothing works. no change. After deleting the whole CSS file from my project, I tried making some changes in the .cshtml file and it does change when I debug the project.
What can be the cause of this?

Your browser probably cached the CSS file. Ctrl+F5 should do the trick in most browsers, to reload the css too and make changes visible.

Sounds as a caching issue to me.

Are the files read only in the copy?


Why has my bootstrap.css file stopped updating?

I have bootstrap in an ASP.NET MVC application. I changed one single value in the bootstrap.css file and now it's not updating. When I actually view the source file in debug mode, it also appears as though I have updated nothing. I have had an issue before where it didn't update upon deployment, and in that case I had to delete the minified file, so I also tried deleting every bootstrap file (aside from the scripts) except bootstrap.css, but still it is as if I never updated it even in debug mode. I used to be able to change the file and the screen would live update in debug mode. It's like somehow I totally locked it but I don't know how.
Starting with the basics, have you definitely hit CTRL + F5 (as opposed to just F5) when viewing the page to ensure that you're not viewing a cached version of the page? I've had a similar issue where, even though changes to a stylesheet are usually picked up when a page is reloaded, sometimes you need to force the cache to refresh to view the page correctly.

401 unauthorized error access CSS files MVC

First things first, yes I am fully aware this has been addressed here before, however none of the solutions seem to resolve my issue. My problem is simply that I have created a new web project and everything works fine with the default code template that VS2013 has provided, the problem I am currently runing into is adding my own CSS files. This is the process I went through to add them:
added CSS folder under the already existing Content directory
Linked to CSS files in the header CSHTML (I can be sure it is linked properly as it is not a 404 error
but when i run the project i get: Status Code:401 Unauthorized (pulled form the network explorer in chrome dev tools), nothing more. I have tried everything from modifying my config file to setting WindowsAuthentication to true and even moving NTLM to the top, to going into IIS and giving everyone access to every possible function to the CSS directory, been at this for an hour and I'm simply lost, any ideas?
Edit: if it helps at all this is the erro i get when i navigate to one of the CSS files:
I found the issue and I feel incredibly stupid about it, as it turns out all of my css files had encryption set on, i simply had to turn it off: right-click
*.css file > Properties (General tab) > Advanced button > Encrypt contents to secure data checkbox.
Works like a dream. If anyone ever purchases a template form ThemeForest, be wary of that.

When I try to use grunt serve to view a locally stored web app, the CSS doesn't work. What are the common causes for this?

I think I have installed everything needed and installed it correctly, but I am obviously missing something; or had a misstep somwhere along the line. I am on a Linux and I know for a fact the site works when viewed elsewhere. Here is a screenshot of what I see when I view the site locally: What are the common causes for this?
There might be some problems with paths. Open the Chrome development toolbar and check if there's a problem with loading the css files.
You should see them under the "Network" tab after reloading the page.

Magento doesn't load my CSS

I have change a bit of code in my CSS from Magento for my header logo but Magento doesn't load my new CSS update and still shows the old one.
I have already refresh the cache in Magento
Flush Magento Cache
Flush Cache storage
Flush Javascript/CSS Cache
At System - Cache Management
I have a folder var/cache and in here folders like mage--0, mage--1
i have tried to back-up them so i can restore it when i delete them and something won't wrong but i cant back-up it.
Hello first of all you can always safely delete the contents of var/cache you do not need to back it up. I konw it might sound silly but did you clear browser cache? Also make shure you changed the correct css file, use Firebug to see if your changes are not overwritten by other rules. A link to the project and more information will be helpful.
It may be that the browser is caching your files, not the server. To check, try either merging your files or unmerging your files and refresh the page. If you see the changes, then it is indeed your browser that is caching the files.
In that case, we've developed a handy little extension that automatically refreshes the merged JS + CSS static files.
you may be using different theme. check in system config design section what package and theme you are using and then check for that folder in skin and change. delete the var cache and changes will show. you do not need to back up var cache
Its also important to check System -> Design, where design overrides are located. Recently we've had a problem with this, someone (we are not sure who, hacker?) added override without dates, and whole shop become broken (we have pretty sophisticated package with lots of modifications). It took us about 30 minutes to figure out what was going on.

IIS ASP.NET css/js files not updating until forced page refresh

When we do releases in IIS 7, we deploy new code to the releases directory on the server and then repoint the website in IIS to the new code directory. For example:
Change website directory from C:\company\releases\code-5-17-12 to C:\company\releases\code-5-26-12.
This strategy lets us revert back to a previous release in a worst-case scenario. However, the issue I'm having is that when a user who has been on the site goes to a page, sometimes they might need to explicitly refresh a page in order to get the new updated code.
Is this a caching problem? Is there a way to expire this somehow so users of the site will not be loading up old code from the previous release?
This is a specific problem with javascript files and css files.
The problem with that solution is that your users will always be downloading new css's and js's because <%=DateTime.Now.Ticks%> will be different in every refresh.
A better solution would be to concatenate the version of the application or even the last modified date of the file itself.
I got this to work:
I added a ?v=<%=DateTime.Now.Ticks%> to the end of each css and js filename and this solved it.
