Alignments w/ CSS, and IE CSS Conditionals - css

I'm building a pretty heavy J.Query website and, as always, it looks great in the modern browsers - but I am coming across all types of alignment issues in IE 6 & 7. More severely in IE 6. I'm working on building a conditional IE Style sheet for those browsers and am wondering - is there a way to align all divs with CSS? Can I permanently position everything to be, and stay center throughout all browsers and window sizes?
Ultimately; any suggestions on fixing margin issues that occur in older IE's? Stuff that looks great in modern browsers and pushed off to the right and top in IE 6 & 7. ..If the conditional is the inevitable route, what's a good way to start defining the parameters within?

are we talking horizontally or vertically?
Horizontally, the "margin:0px auto" should always center the div horizontally along the screen, so long as the width is set. This works for all browsers IE6+ i believe.
There's a pretty good forum here :

It sounds to me like your problem is that you have poorly written CSS. Certainly, IE6 has plenty of issues, but if you're seeing problems in other modern browsers, then your problems are with your CSS, not standards conformance.
If I were you, i'd just ignore IE6. It's down to less than 5% of the market (some surveys say as little as 2%). Just let it die.
As RCNeil says, using margin centering works with everything. If it's not working, then you have something else causing your problem and we can't possibly guess without seeing your page.
NOTE: in older versions of IE, if your document is being rendered in quirks mode, then you will have problems with auto margin. Make sure your document renders in standards mode.


Body Content div Alignment Problems In IE6

I am having alignment problems with a website I'm designing on IE6. It works great in all browsers (Firefox, Opera, Chrome, Safari, etc.) including IE7, IE8 and IE9. Basically, I troubleshooted and found that there is 25 extra pixels that are being added to either the main body of the page or the right body column of the page (these are divs #body_box or #right_box in the JS Fiddle below). They should be displayed inline but instead the #right_box overlaps and is displayed underneath #body_box and floating to the right.
The way I know this is that I expanded the div #Complete_Layout to 1025px (as opposed to the 1000px that it's set at now) and that's when it worked in IE6. I tried 1026px and 1024px and it didn't line up. I checked the dimensions of the background images which are accurate and I even attempted to change the width of the two divs (body_box and right_box) to percentages (75% and 25%) but it gave the same result. I'm out of ideas on what else to try.
It should be noted that I am doing this in PHP and the body_box and right_box sections are part of include files (don't know if that changes anything). I've added a comment on the HTML of the JSFiddle on where index.right.php begins. Thanks for the help.
This looks like the infamous "IE 6 box model bug," a well-known difference between IE 6 and other browsers from the time. Essentially, IE 6 counts the padding and the border as part of the width and height of an element, but any other browser from that time follows the same model as newer browsers.
Seriously, though, why are you designing a website for IE 6? It's ten years old and insecure, and it has less than 1% market share in the US. Microsoft has put up a website devoted to getting people off of IE 6. You wouldn't write code for Office 2000, or Mac OS 9, or PHP 3, so why are you developing code for a browser that was popular around the same time as those products?

Positioning of divs off in Firefox/Camino?

So, I have written out a site in HTML and CSS, and all looked fine and dandy in Safari, Chrome, OmniWeb... even Opera. Then I tested in Firefox and Camino (which I believe uses the same rendering engine as Firefox) and was unpleasantly surprised: some of the positioning of my divs was off - noticeably off - by at least 5 pixels. While that might not seem like a whole lot, I use divs to put borders around things that I would otherwise have difficulty with putting borders around (jquery image gallery, for example), so 5 pixels matters quite a bit.
My question is this - what other quirks does Firefox's rendering engine put in, and how can I get around them? Are there special properties I need to add to my CSS in order to make it behave the same for Firefox/Camino?
Thanks in advance for the help!
You should look into using a css reset, this will give you a blank slate and will for the most part normalize how browsers render the box model.
I recommend

A div is not showing up in IE6

I've built a webpage, everything looks great in IE7 and upwards but in IE6 it's looks bad.
I have a whole div which has a background image that's not even showing up.
Why could this be? Are there common things that tend to not work that could be in my CSS? I don't normally support IE6 so don't usually have to figure these things out, but my client has specified that they want to work in IE6.
Here's the site, yep - quite a nice site in modern browsers! - feel free to look through the code (there's a IE6 specific stylesheet at view-source: where I've solved some of the existing issues.
I don't have an IE6 install with me here, but here are a few hints:
It's most likely a positioning ('hasLayout') issue. Try setting zoom: 1 on the missing DIV or its parent(s). The same goes for position: relative or a combination of both.
Also, check some of the content-hiding bugs on PIE:
You can use the Internet Explorer developer toolbar to try some of this out: Keep in mind though that some bugs will only appear or get fixed on a full page reload, and not while fiddling with the CSS in the developer toolbar.
I also use XRAY ( ) a lot to see how my elements behave.
For more info on 'having layout', see
It's tricky to debug since I don't have a working copy of ie6 on my machine, only ietester but there are known issues with ie6 where it doesn't calculate sizes properly in order to display background images properly.
The answer generally is to trigger hasLayout on the element and the easiest way to do this is using position:relative. I'd give that a go before anything else.
I would also recommend having a look at the html5boilerplate stylesheet to see if there is anything there that you can make use of. The reset/reassign css in there is simply brilliant and irons out a lot of css issues.
Best of luck!
1 - Make sure your site validates: W3C Validator Currently yours doesn't ( 146 Errors, 16 warning ).
2 - There's an annoying bug in IE to do with margin/padding, if you have any to the left or right of an element, you may need to do display: inline or inline-block;
I've found little things like this can help.
Looking at the W3C results, it looks like you may have too many closing div tags

layout problem floating issues safari and firefox

can someone look at this site for me I have a serious problem with the sub pages content div going over to the right bar this issue the site renders fine in all other browsers except safari firefox and iphone
if u look at the above page in ie it will display fine and chrome any ideas anyone
It looks as though the problem you are having relates to your parent DIV 'collapsing' on your floated child elements.
The following article explains how to resolve this issue (in the Collapsing section) a long with other approaches for laying out floating elements:
Validate your html and css for those lists of significant errors. Then get this working in a modern browser before seeing how IE screws things up. The other browsers are showing what you wrote. IE makes things up as it goes along. Never, ever trust IE to do anything right.
Also, you have space before the doctype. Some versions of IE go into quirks mode in that situation.

DIVs, DOJO, vertical scrolling, and IE6

I know there's several questions on this already, but I cannot find a solution anywhere.
Basically, I have CSS styling the body to fullscreen with no scrolling. Within this are 2 divs, for sidebar (left) and content (will be a map control if I can get past this problem).
Within the left sidebar I have 2 divs (at the moment), one has a simple entry form for an address to search for (which can be set to a static height, 9ems or 100px), the second is intended to hold the results in a vertically scrolling list in the remaining space
I almost got there - IE 8, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, and Opera appeared all to be working fine - then, as our Corporate web team insist on IE6 compatibility (or at least the page should be usable), I tested it in IE6 - no scrollbars, and the list is extending beyond its parent div. Playing about a bit more with CSS, I get the scrollbar, but the div seems to be inheriting 100% height from the document.
So far I've been struggling for about 4 days with this, so any help or insight is appreciated.
Thank you
For situations where I absolutely really HAVE to support IE6, I use conditional comments to add extra HTML and CSS, and possibly hide other stuff. Making layouts for IE6, IMO, basically comes down to "whatever it takes" - ditch proper document structures, endulge in table-based layout, use spacer images, etc. etc. Especially sizes expressed as percentages are horribly broken in IE6 - whoever implemented them apparently didn't have the faintest idea what they were supposed to mean.
