I am getting "An error occurred with [App Name]. Please try again later." when testing the PHP SDK. From what I've read it is most likely because my App > Settings > Basic > Site URL does not match the redirect_uri.
My Site URL is the domain root and my redirect_uri is the domain root with two get parameters. Does the redirect_uri have to match the Site URL exactly?
Also, is there a way to track error numbers so that I can easily tell what error is taking place? Facebook does not seem to show errors to the users and I am wondering where they report api errors so that they can be easily debugged.
The Site URL should be the prefix of the redirect_uri. For example, if you site URL is http://www.example.com redirect_uri can be http://www.example.com/path/to/page. You can get the error number from the response JSON, although the numbers are admittedly a bit inconsistent. We are working on improving and clarifying that, and I'll post an update when I have more info.
I have developed an application that allows MSA (Microsoft Account) authentication. I have registered my app here: https://apps.dev.microsoft.com.
When testing my app locally, I can access my app with no problem at my SSL URL of https://localhost:44300, and MSA works fine. When I registered my app, I used https://localhost:44300/signin-microsoft as the Redirect URI.
Problem: I can also access my app at, as one would expect. However, MSA here doesn't work. The error page says, We're unable to complete your request.
Microsoft account is experiencing technical problems. Please try again later. And the URL of the error page reveals that the error is with a mismatch in the Redirect URI: https://login.live.com/err.srf?lc=1033#error=invalid_request&error_description=The+provided+value+for+the+input+parameter+'redirect_uri'+is+not+valid.+The+expected+value+is+'https://login.live.com/oauth20_desktop.srf'+or+a+URL+which+matches+the+redirect+URI+registered+for+this+client+application.
In the Microsoft Apps page, when I try to update the Redirect URI from https://localhost:44300/signin-microsoft to, it doesn't allow me to save my change and it shows me this error: Your URL can't contain a query string or invalid special characters, and it provides a 'Learn More' link: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/active-directory-v2-limitations#restrictions-on-redirect-uris
After reading the info in this link, I see nowhere that a URI like mine ( would be an unacceptable URL, as I'm not breaking any of their rules: I have no invalid characters, no query strings, etc.
My research: Looking online, people are getting the Your URL can't contain a query string or invalid special characters because they are actually using a query string or invalid special characters, such as in this link: https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/4f638860-ea57-4f0e-85e0-b28e1e357fe2/office-365-app-authorization-redirect-uri-issue?forum=WindowsAzureAD. I couldn't find a case where someone has entered a valid URI and they weren't allowed to save it.
Why I need to work: I need to expose this website, which is running on my local box. In order to have the website running without having an instance of Visual Studio opened all the time, I'm using csrun to host my website in Azure local fabric (by the way, my app is an Azure Cloud Service, with a ASP.NET MVC 5 app as a web role). I followed this instruction for csrun: http://www.bardev.com/2013/03/12/how-to-deploy-application-to-windows-azure-compute-emulator-with-csrun/. Using csrun, it allowed me to host my website in (but, as with, MSA doesn't work). My end goal is to expose this website with a public URL using ngrok (https://www.sitepoint.com/use-ngrok-test-local-site/), so that anyone can access my site.
Therefore, my main question is: how can I have the Redirect URI be instead of https://localhost:44300/signin-microsoft?
Make sure you access this portal through https://identity.microsoft.com as this is the only way the steps below will work.
You can get around this error right now by adding the reply URL through the manifest. Login to the portal, select the app you want to configure, and scroll down and hit the Edit Application Manifest button. Then you can add your to the replyUrls field.
There's some funny behavior that will only allow this right now if you only register other localhost reply Urls. If this is the only reply URL you need then it shouldn't be a problem.
I m creating a code in which based on query string the URL is changing when no values are supplied in URL everything is working fine but as i supply values to URL it shows Error HTTP Error 403.0 - ModSecurity Action
Kindly suggest some solution
also the same is working fine in local problem occurs when i upload my webpage to server
I know this is an old thread, but posting the answer so that it can be helpful for others. ModSecurity is an open source, cross-platform web application firewall (WAF) module.
So whenever you see the 403 (ModSecurity Action), this means that the mod security firewall has blocked the request. The probable cause could be vulnerable data present in the posted data, or the it could be because of the URL posted as parameter or it could be JavaScript.
In above case, the ModSecurity might have deemed the input as SQL Injection attack and hence may have blocked it. If you look into the logs of the firewall it may give you the detailed explanation.
In my case, I was passing URL as query parameter in the request hence it was returning 403.
From my understanding from InErrorResource parameter we can specify the error page URL but the case is we are having multiple error pages. for example number of trails exceeded we are displaying login attempts exceeded and for no default URL and no targetresource we are displaying end application not available like.
Customizing the in-built error pages in Ping federate is one way. any other solutions?
Edited :
First i explain what i am looking for, after 3 unsuccessful attempts user have to redirected to our application error page not the one from PingFederate and when user hitting invalid target resource or without target resource we found error message like "Single Sign-on - No Target" in this case also we need to redirect the user to our application error page saying hey you hit the invalid URL". Please note we are having two different error pages for above scenario's.
1. Editing the respective error pages in Ping Federate is one way to solve but we need to use our application error pages.
2. another approach is appending InErrorResource parameter in the URL, in this approach how can we specify our application to display login attempts exceeded page or invalid target URL page?
Thanks in Advance...
You can use your application's pages by specifying the InErrorResource URL, but no information is provided to the URL for it to show error-specific information.
About the only thing that I can suggest to you is to modify the error pages by capturing information in a variable of some sort and redirect to your application pages. Or just use the pages with modifications to look like your application.
It's interesting to note that what you're asking for was standard back in 4.X days, prior to when we added the error templates. We have a feature request listed currently (PPQ-792) for bringing this functionality back into the product. If you open a support case, you can be added to the list of requesting customers.
I am using 'omniauth-linkedin-oauth2'.
When I am login with linkedin then I am getting this error
Invalid redirect_uri. This value must match a URL registered with the API Key.
This is my settings:
Went back to LinkedIn developer site (https://www.linkedin.com/secure/developer ) to check my setting again. Everything matches API Key, Secret Key and OAuth 2.0 Redirect URLs.
Searched web looking for some clues. Couldn’t find a one. Crazy issue:
Then I saw that in the URL Owin was appending some extra string to the redirect_uri “signin-linkedin”. When I decoded the URL I saw this http://localhost:54307/signin-linkedin . I took this URL and placed it in the OAuth 2.0 Redirect URLs field in the LinkedIn developer site.
This link is helpful for me
You can just look in url that you are getting that error message on.
eg. if you are using python's social auth the url would look like this:
so you would use this part of the above url for the redirect url
please check your redirect_url. for my case I see like this.
for this I add the url for OAuth 2.0 Authorized Redirect URLs:
where http://localhost:1729 =base url and
signin-linkedin = the string which add after base url
One more solution is to just verify the client_id you've been using the whole time..because with every update in the list of redirect_uri, the client_id gets updated.
Worth mentioning when one uses libraries to handle oauth: some libraries fail to care about the protocol that is used (or at least require further parametrization). Eg, I gave Linkedin https://example/callback as oauth2 url, but the library sent the request with http://example/callback as parameter.
I had this when trying to authorise from a zurb Reveal modal popup. In my case, the issue was the URL for the page that was being displayed in the popup was not in my OAuth2 Redirect URLs list on the LinkedIn developer site.
That was easy to miss because the page URL from the page in the modal is not the URL that was currently showing in the browser's address bar. Once I added the URL for the page being shown in the pop up it worked.
After spending hours i finally get to the solution. You got an error no issues just check the url and find redirect_uri. Copy and Paste it's value it in your linkedin dev account oauth2 redirect field.
Make sure to add both with and without trailing '/' as redirect url.
By the search results, I have concluded that it is so simple thing that no one has ever encountered such error. But here I am trying for the last hour. The problem is whatever I put in the "REDIRECT URIS" box in the Google Developer Console, It says "Invalid redirect URI.".. I have tried full URL, URL with and without www, just the domain name, name with relative path and every other possible thing. But response never changes. Any help will be highly appreciated.
If you give URI like this while creating Google API, then you can do one thing... go to http://aruljohn.com/ip2hostname.html site enter the above IP address and u will get the hostname for it and then you could enter that in your redact URI space when creating an API.