ASP.NET Web Pages (with Razor syntax) Life Cycle -

I could only find this but at some point it talks about the IsPostback property so I think it might be for the ASP.NET Web Forms.
Is there any information relative to the ASP.NET Web Pages Life Cycle?
Update: When I use some JavaScript, how it is related with the Life Cycle of an IController instance?

Maybe you mean the life cycle of the controller. If so you should also find this useful
The Life And Times of an ASP.NET MVC Controller

JavaScript code is always executed when th page is served to the client. This is true regardless of the technology you use. All serverside code is already executed when the page is served to the client therefore JavaScript executes after it.

ASP.NET Web Page is a view engine (with razor syntax), just like other view engines, It only do render your data + template to html.
It is usually used with ASP.NET MVC. If you want to know how request and response work in ASP.NET MVC, you can read these articles ASP.NET MVC Architecture, Routing and Filtering


Launch an ASP MVC project from a normal .aspx page

I have an existing ASP.NET web site running on .NET 4.5. I need to integrate an ASP MVC 4 project (which is its own fully-functional web application) into it so that when the user navigates to a certain page, the ASP MVC application is launched within the page - almost as if it were in an iframe.
In the main solution I can set both as startup projects, but this is obviously not what I am looking for. Can someone point me in the direction of how to do this? I have never used WCF before, but is this something that it could be used for? Thanks for anything!
You can create a hybrid webforms - MVC application.
To do this you need to:
copy the MVC configuration from the web.config of a new MVC project to your WebForms application web.config
create the standard MVC 4 folders (at least Views, Controllers)
reference the required assemblies
copy the web.config inside Views from the MVC project to the WebForms project Views folder
change the routing configuration to ignore routes including .aspx/.ascx, so that they are handled by web forms, and not MVC (do this also for .ashx, .asmx, or whatever other web forms based artifacts)
This way you have a single ASP.NET application which supports MVC and WebForms, and use the same authentication, session, and so on.
Then you can make this kind of integrations:
- make pages that are fully MVC or fully webforms. If you're using master pages, you need to create a master page for web forms, and a layout for MVC (this can be very hard or quite easy, depending on its content and design)
- make a webforms page and integrate the MVC pages using AJAX and MVC partial views
Aprt frommy comments, this blog entry will help you a lot: Integrating ASP.NET MVC 3 into existing upgraded ASP.NET 4 Web Forms applications
By the way, this is not theoretical... I have a web application with lots of pages, areas, and views, which uses this technique, and it works flawlessly. I had to redo the design of the master page (layout and CSS) so that both kind of pages look alike. I was lucky enough to have a menu rendered in a webforms placeholder using a SQL XML query and an XSLT, so re-using it in the MVC layout was absolutely easy. You can do something similar to this in your master page and MVC layout (I mean rendering the HTML manually, and using it in both pages, so that it's done only once)
You can take some time to get it to work, but it's worth the effort.

Same Component in both, MVC and Classic ASP

I have a big website/application coded in Classic ASP, ASP.NET and ASP.NET MVC.
I have a menu on top with a lot of HTML CSS JS, and some conifiguration (visible or not ...)
and lot of dynamic links.
So the problem is when i have to update the menu i have to update 3 files, one Include in Classic ASP, one ASCX user control in and one Partial view in asp.NET MVC
I hate code duplication, so is it possible to use only one component ?
I heared about Com but i have no idea where to start.
Thanks for help
Edit : I am thinking know to use a .net Object, that can generate a string containing all the html that i need and then put it in the views MVC and in the pages
But how to use it in Classic ASP?
There's nothing stopping you using a webapi controller to expose this functionality; the webapi controller would return json or xml menu structure to the client browser this in turn would be rendered using by injection of the json over into the browser DOM and styled using CSS.
Classic ASP and MVC ASP.NET would use the same javascript and css.
I'm also working in a legacy application that is very much similar to your case, how bad the life is :(
I'll go for XML/XSLT in your case.
I'll create an XML file that contains all the menu details and use XSLT to generate HTML from XML. I can easily use the XML and XSLT in all the three technologies. So every time you need a change you have to change either the XML or XSLT file.
You can even create a simple .NET component that uses the XML/XSLT approach which could be easily used in ASP.NET Web Forms, ASP.NET MVC (in custom view engine?) and in classic asp as well (you have to register).
Guess, you can make an action method in MVC to render the dynamic menu and do AJAX load from the javascript in every part of the site?
You can make an HTTP GET request in classic ASP to the aforementioned ASP.NET MVC handler, and cache results if its not very dynamic. Anyway it should be pretty fast if its within the same server. I suppose, request will look like in this answer

How to convert the existing ASP.NET server control into MVC

I have an ASP.NET custom server control that inherits from the Panel control. It adds its own JavaScript and styles to the page using ScriptManager. Now some users ask me if I can update it so they can use it in MVC. What can be done here? Any references, links, etc would be greatly appreciated.
What can be done here?
Sorry to disappoint you but a total rewrite and re-engineering is required. ASP.NET MVC is an entire different pattern than classic WebForms which relied on server side controls and (may God forbid) ScriptManagers. Depending on what this control is doing and the functionality it exposes there might be different ways to migrate it to MVC. One way would be to use custom Html helpers along with custom jQuery plugins.

Asp.Net Server-side implementation options for Ajax site

I'm very new to the whole Ajax/Asp.Net stuff so...
I know that there are at least a few different ways of implementing the server-side of an Ajax enabled Asp.Net site.
One way is to add static methods to your aspx page's code-behind and mark them with the WebMethod attribute.
Another way is to use a separate ASMX web service file (which I don't know anything about :) ).
What are the most commonly used options for implementing the server-side? What advantages and drawbacks does each one have? And how does each one fare from a security and session perspective? (Making sure the server knows which session the Ajax request is from and ensuring only logged-in users are responded to?)
Typically I like to use jQuery to make the requests to .ashx page that is responsible for reading the data and passing back the JSON to the page to deal with. It sounds like the other options you suggested are pretty complicated by comparison.
The two most commonly used options are
Microsoft ASP.Net AJAX
JQuery partnered with webservices or request handlers (like Jon's answer)
Microsoft's ASP.Net AJAX is a framework that revolves around two server controls - the ScriptManager and the UpdatePanel. It's a bit more heavyweight than other options, but it's certainly a simple way of ajaxifying your site. You simply use an UpdatePanel to surround the portion of the page that you wish to be asynchronous, and all your controls that do postbacks (buttons, links, etc.) automatically become asynchronous requests that will only update that portion of the page. No coding or anything.
If you do plan on using the webservice route, ASMX is not the way to go - it's basically a "legacy" technology at this point and you should consider using WCF services instead.

Sending asynchronous request on clicking a sharepoint web part button control

I am new to this whole sharepoint and aspx programming. I have developed a sharepoint web part that has a button control. The onclick event is mapped to a method in my web part code. When I click the button the whole page reloads and the web part is rendered again. Is there a way to prevent this reloading of the page? Is there a way to call the function method in the background? Something similar to AJAX.
You can use Ajax, it just requires some sharepoint configuration. Here are a few posts to get you started:
Ajax or SilverLight are your only two options for Async operations without a page refresh.
Once you know the tricks needed to get SharePoint and ASP.NET AJAX to work together it's not that difficult.
Here are the steps required:
Ensure the ASP.NET AJAX Extensions are installed on all the front-end web servers (this is not required if you are using .NET 3.5 as the Extensions are included in the Framework)
Update the Web.config file for the SharePoint Application to support ASP.NET AJAX
Ensure any page that is going to use AJAX has a ScriptManager
Use an UpdatePanel or a client-side service call to get updated data and re-render the Web Part
This blog post has some resources from a talk I did on the subject at TechEd Barcelona 2008. These resources should give you the information you need to get started.
