How to change authenticate method on IIS 7? -

I've got an error which tells me unauthorized. How and where to change that webserver allows anonymous (public) access?
HTTP Error 401.2 - Unauthorized
401.2 - Logon failed due to server configuration.
Something has happened on my local machine when I made the latest update for IIS, but now I'm not sure what has happened.

Note the following methods here:

Select your website on the tree left hand side inside IIS Manager.
Double click on Authentication section from the menu (Authentication section is under the IIS caregory)
Enable Anonymous Auth. there as follows :
You can bind a user to this app by Editing the Anonymous Auth. Section. this will gives you box like this :
This should be set to IUSR by default.


IIS Forms Authentication throws a 401 Error

We are currently setting up forms authentication for our web app.
The plan is for users to be redirected to a login page on our main system when they want to access files.
IIS Settings
Setting the IIS "Authentication" to anonymous gives access to the files.
BUT when we change the authentication to "Forms" and disable everything else we are met with a constant 401 error when trying to access the file.
401 Error
There is no redirect. It just throws this error.
The Web config has been changes to allow "?" (anonymous) and allow="*".
This does not change the 401 error.
When anonymous access is enabled (alongside forms auth) there is no redirect. The users have direct access to the files. (As if forms authentication is not even enabled?
Web Config
Please note that I also had to add machine keys to my web.config and also had to add the domain name in the authentication tags (also in the web config). After also adding a cookie.domain in my C# side the authorisation is finally working between domains.
--This has to be done when working with 2 subdomains. Eg: and

Windows Auth directory in IIS - web.config Permission problem

We've created a windows authenticated sub directory on our web server, however, intermittently when we go there (once logged in as an authenticated user - member of a authenticated group) we get the following error:
Module IIS Web Core
Notification BeginRequest
Handler Not yet determined
Error Code 0x80070005
Config Error Cannot read configuration file due to insufficient permissions
Config File \\?\C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\admin\web.config
Requested URL
Physical Path C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\testsite\admin
Logon Method Not yet determined
Logon User Not yet determined
The odd thing is once we see this error, hit F5 or refresh and the error goes away, only to reappear a short time later. Very frustrating!!
I have done extensive searches online, but can find nothing. We may also create other sub dirs allowing the same "group" to have access, so this needs to work across all these subs without having to relog in.
We are using IIS7. I've found guides that state for IIS7 ( ) but when I do this it seems to then make the directory accessible to all which is clearly not required.
Following my own advice and knowing nothing about the problem, I give you an answer to be accepted or improved upon:
Set IIS_IUSRS to have read access on your windows authenticated directory.—user901820
Configure access in IIS Manager | Your Site | Authentication. Make sure you have disabled "Anonymous Auth" for that folder—this should close it for everyone. If you now enable another Auth method for that folder ... then user should only access it if he provides proper login details.—LazyOne
See Configuring Security at

"Access is Denied" accessing a subpage in (hosting with IIS)

I'm getting the current error when trying to go to any page other than the index:
Server Error in '/' Application.
Access is denied.
Description: An error occurred while accessing the resources required to serve this request. The server may not be configured for access to the requested URL.
Error message 401.2.: Unauthorized: Logon failed due to server configuration. Verify that you have permission to view this directory or page based on the credentials you supplied and the authentication methods enabled on the Web server. Contact the Web server's administrator for additional assistance.
Version Information: Microsoft .NET Framework Version:4.0.30319; ASP.NET Version:4.0.30319.1
There is no login system for my site. Only one small database.
Does anybody have any ideas?
Thanks if you can!
If you can hit the root page but not the others I'd be concerned about NTFS permissions. Check out the tip for the anon user as p.campbell is suggesting. I THINK you'll find that you're ok for anonymous at the IIS level, but you probably only granted appropriate file permissions to your "index" page and need to propagate those permissions to the rest of the files/directories in question.
Edit: Here's a link that goes through some basics for NTFS permissions. It boils down to your worker identity needing read access at least. By default, that identity is either ASPNET or NETWORK SERVICE, depending on OS. YOu can configure your application pool to be something else if you want though:
Does your host and its control panel support the enabling/disabling of Anonymous access?
It sounds as if 'Anonymous' is disabled.

Using Windows Integrated Auth & Anonymous after jakarta redirect on IIS7

I have an application we bought that I need to integrate, and it uses jakarta connection to get to the application from IIS.
So, the basic operation is:
user goes to the url
Gets redirected to the application
SSO is enabled, so redirected back
to IIS for fetching of domain
Back to application
If username is blank show login
page, else let user in.
This is a simplification of all the steps, but the basic idea is here.
My difficulty is that I need both Windows Integrated Auth and anonymous on, as some users won't have credentials, and need to be prompted for a username/password.
I have looked at: IIS Windows Authentication before Anonymous already, but the user doesn't get to click on a link to decide. The application goes back to IIS looking for login.aspx and from there I want to either get their domain credentials or pass back to the application empty strings to signify that there are no credentials.
It seems this isn't going to be possible though as if anonymous is on it doesn't make the 401 request so the credentials aren't passed.
If I can't get this to work with just using an ASP.NET page, could it be done using an ISAPI filter, or a module?
I found a possible solution, but I need to figure out how to get it to work, as my login page is on the JBoss server.
Keep the Authentication in the IIS as the Anonymous.
When loading the home page check the ACTIVE DIRECTORY for the current logged in USERNAME if exist
provide the extra functionality to current user or else with fewer options.
Refer --> Active Directory Cheking

Cannot authorize with different server name

I have a web service running in IIS 6.0 on Windows 2003. It's authentication mode is Integrated Windows security (anonymous disabled), and authorization is done with Authorization Manager and an XML authorization store. My test user is a domain user (admin, actually) with membership in an authorized role.
I am testing this (for now) on the web server (localhost), and using (for now) Internet Explorer to access the web service (.asmx).
I can successfully open the web service (wsdl) page through localhost, like this:
Using this url, integrated windows authentication succeeds (silently), and I am sucessfully authorized by AzMan to access the service. The same goes for the server name:
Now I need to use the external host name ( to access the service (this in order to get ssl to work with a certificate issued to that sitename). To do this, I add the host name to my HOSTS file, like this:
...then type this into IE:
What happens then is that authorization fails. I get the IE/Windows login box and enter my correct credentials three times. Then I get a 401.1:
HTTP Error 401.1 - Unauthorized: Access is denied due to invalid credentials.
Internet Information Services (IIS)
How is authorization through AzMan influenced by the host name?
Edit: I have reason to believe AzMan has nothing to do with it - it seems to be the authentication that fails.
I have reproduced the problem on another server. The essence seems to be that accessing localhost via an entry in the local host file somehow messes up the integrated windows authentication between the browser and IIS.
I have worked around the problem, now my curiosity is all that's left...
Enable audit login failure auditing & check the security event log on the host.
1) On the webserver, go to Control Panel, Administrative Tools, Local Security Policy.
2) Go to local policies, audit policy. Add failure for 'audit logon events'.
3) Close the MMC. Open a command prompt and type gpupdate.
4) browse to You will get the error again.
5) Launch event viewer (control panel, admin tools, event viewer). Navigate to the security event log and look for the login failure(s).They shoudl tell you something descriptive, like 'the user has not been granted the specified logon type'. Unfortunately the login type itself is not descriptive; logon type 2 is interactive (locally), 3 is 'access this computer over the network', 5 is 'logon as a service' (NT service, not WCF service). The rights required can be granted in the local security policy.
Also, check to see if you have a proxy enabled in IE. If your traffic is being routed to the proxy, it is possible that the proxy does not support NTLM. Add the host as a proxy exception while you test using IE.
My first guess is that it's not the host name.
The first thing to do is narrow down the problem as there are a couple things that could be going wrong.
First set the IIS site to anonymous access, and make sure you can pull up the web service. That will verify that you're accessing the right IIS web site and it's truly narrowed down to an authorization problem.
Also, check the Application Pool credentials, and the security settings on the file folder containing the web service as these could be contributors.
